So you said traducir portugués
4,224 traducción paralela
Yeah, so you said.
Sim, isso diz você.
So you said you have good news?
Então, disse ter boas notícias?
They said they would burn your building down with you in it, so, yeah.
Disseram-me que iam incendiar o seu prédio... - com o Sr. dentro dele. - É isto então, sim.
She said you were a war hero... and your daddy was a big shot DA back in the olden days, so I have to keep my trap shut and do as I'm told.
Disse que és um herói de guerra... e que o teu pai foi um Procurador importante, da velha guarda... então tenho de ficar calado e fazer o que me mandaram.
I remember he was so enthralled with that, and I said to him, "would you like to do something like that?"
Lembro-me que ele estava encantado com isso, e eu disse-lhe : "Gostavas de fazer uma coisa assim?"
* so I took off my hat and said imagine that... * You know, we had a mission to do- -
Tínhamos uma missão a cumprir.
So, brasher, you said You were new in the division.
Brasher, disseste que eras nova na divisão.
You're the guy here. I only said it so you might think of precautions.
Você é que é o homem, só falei nisso para poder tomar precauções.
So she hasn't said anything to you about her mission?
Então, ela não comentou nada sobre a sua missão? Não.
So you've said, several times.
- Disseste isso várias vezes.
So as I said, what do you intend?
Então, como disse, o que pretendes fazer?
You said you wanted to be a parent, so be a parent.
Disseste que querias ser um pai, portanto, sê um pai.
No, you don't because, yes, I cover our connection with hostility because, yes, I hate myself for the truth, so if you promise to walk away like you said and never come back,
- Isso não é verdade. Porque, sim, eu disfarço a nossa ligação com hostilidade. Porque, sim, odeio-me por saber a verdade.
She said you missed lunch, so I told her I'd check up on you.
Ela disse que você tinha faltado ao almoço, por isso disse-lhe que vinha cá averiguar.
You said you had to finish your project by tonight so you could babysit for us tomorrow.
Disseste que tinhas que terminar o projecto hoje para seres a nossa ama amanhã.
You said so yourself, I'm a little shitpot.
Sou um merdas.
It was funny you know, he just sold a startup so we all kind of presumed he was the richest person around... but he.. ah.. he said " Oh, no.
Foi engraçado. Ele tinha vendido uma startup, por isso, todos achámos que ele era a pessoa mais rica daqui, mas ele disse :
So you've said.
Isso é o que você diz.
You think I only said yes to being the vice President so I'd get to be in the same meetings as you?
Achas que só aceitei ser Vice-Presidente, para estar nas mesmas reuniões que tu?
I'm so glad you said something.
Ainda bem que falaste nisso.
So Grace said you're having dinner
Então a Grace disse que vais jantar
I said yes so quickly, I didn't let you make your speech.
Eu disse sim muito depressa, nem te deixei falar.
Would you be so kind as to tell me what the note said?
Podia dizer-me o que tinha o bilhete?
They live like a month or something and I was so upset... and I was so upset that I went home and I told my mother... and she said yeah, but you know... they had a nice life.
Fiquei muito aborrecida, tão aborrecida que fui para casa e disse à minha mãe, ela disse : " É verdade, mas sabes, elas têm uma vida bonita.
So, um, Georgia's dad, he said that he talked to you the other day.
O pai da Georgia disse que falou contigo no outro dia.
Well, you said so yourself.
A Mary mesma disse isso.
So I said, just, you know, "Just go without him."
Mas, ultimamente, eu não...
I said no, there's no way I'm taking it up the ass for them. So I made the deal first. I figured you can't rat on a rat.
Isto 16 anos antes de voltarmos a ver James "Whitey" Bulger.
You said you want venom so the bite is still lethal to vampires.
Disseste que querias veneno, para que a mordida ainda seja letal para os vampiros.
You said you wanted Jafar to change the laws of magic so you could do the impossible, go back and change the past... our past.
Disseste que querias que o Jafar mudasse as leis da magia, para fazeres o impossível, voltares e mudares o nosso passado.
I was so surprised when you said you wanted to see me, I...
Fiquei tão surpreendida quando disseste que me querias ver, eu...
Well, like I said, you know, I've only met him twice, so I really haven't had time to break it down, but would I have predicted this?
Bem, como já disse, só o vi duas vezes, então, não tive tempo para analisar, mas, seria possível prever isto?
- But you said it feels so good.
- Mas disses-te que te sentias, tão bem..
When you said homemade coupons, I didn't expect them to be so elaborate and beautiful.
Quando falaste em cupões feitos em casa, não esperava algo tão elaborado e bonito.
And then I remembered what you said about not playing God, and the consequences, so I didn't.
E então lembrei-me o que disses-te sobre não brincar de ser Deus, e as consequências, então eu não fiz.
You know, mine were so full of shit... Made sense when Beth said we were related.
Os meus eram tão maus, que fez sentido quando a Beth disse que éramos da mesma família.
You said, "Daddy, why is the sky so dusty."
Disseste : "Pai, porquê que está a cair pó do céu?".
So, Mom, I was thinking about what you said last night.
Mãe, estive a pensar no que me disseste ontem à noite. - Sobre?
You said you liked my jacket, so...
Disseste que gostaste do meu casaco...
- Oh, I'll tell her you said so.
- Vou contar-lhe.
Beatriz never said anything about you being so close.
A Beatriz nunca me disse que eram amigos tão chegados.
Beatriz never said anything about you two being so close.
A Beatriz nunca me disse que eram amigos tão chegados.
You, you said to talk to him, so...
Disse para falar com ele, por isso...
So everything you did and said was because of the drug?
Tudo o que disseste e como agiste foi por causa da droga?
Well, you said you can't do it without him, so one way or another, we're gonna have to get him on board, right?
Bem, você disse que precisa dele, então, de uma forma ou de outra, ele terá que voltar ao trabalho, certo?
When you pulled the knife out... your eyes said so.
Quando tiraste a faca, os teus olhos disseram-no.
You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Se tivesses dito "estás lindo", ter-te-ia respondido "tu também."
He said he wanted to talk to you about his car, so I gave him your number. - Han!
Ele disse que queria falar contigo sobre o carro dele, então dei-lhe o teu número.
Look, you said you couldn't stay over because you lived all the way over by the diner, so I moved it here to figure out what your next excuse would be.
Disseste que não podias ficar mais porque moravas perto do café, então mudei-me para cá para descobrir qual seria a tua próxima desculpa.
You tell him I said so.
- Diz-lhe que eu disse isso.
So, you've said.
Foi o que dissestes.
so you don't have to worry 27
so you know 208
so you are 73
so you know what 79
so you lied to me 29
so you're fine 16
so young 116
so you're leaving 30
so you know him 19
so you're here 33
so you know 208
so you are 73
so you know what 79
so you lied to me 29
so you're fine 16
so young 116
so you're leaving 30
so you know him 19
so you're here 33
so you can 39
so you're good 22
so you 433
so you see 221
so you say 133
so you're okay 21
so you're right 22
so you're saying 94
so you don't know 29
so you're telling me 20
so you're good 22
so you 433
so you see 221
so you say 133
so you're okay 21
so you're right 22
so you're saying 94
so you don't know 29
so you're telling me 20