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Stafford traducir portugués

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Do you, Stuyvesant Peabody Keyes, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Stuyvesant Peabody Keyes, aceitas Victoria Stafford... como tua fiel esposa... e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... até que a morte vos separe?
Do you, Victoria Stafford, take Stuyvesant Peabody Keyes to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise to love, honor, and cherish him until death shall separate you?
E tu, Victoria Stafford, aceitas Stuyvesant Peabody Keyes... como teu fiel marido, e prometes solenemente amá-lo, honrá-lo e acarinhá-lo... até que a morte vos separe?
Do you, Gardner Huntington Standish, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Gardner Huntington Standish, aceitas Victoria Stafford... como tua fiel esposa... e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... até que a morte vos separe?
And do you, Victoria Stafford, take Gardner Huntington Standish to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish him until death shall separate you?
E tu, Victoria Stafford, aceitas Gardner Huntington Standish... como teu fiel marido, e prometes solenemente amá-lo, honrá-lo e acarinhá-lo... até que a morte vos separe?
Do you, Atherton Huntley lll, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Atherton Huntley lll, aceitas Victoria Stafford como tua fiel esposa... e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... até que a morte vos separe?
And, do you, Victoria Stafford, take Atherton Huntley lll to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honour, and cherish him until death shall separate you?
E... tu, Victoria Stafford, aceitas Atherton Huntley lll... como teu fiel marido, e prometes solenemente amá-lo, honrá-lo e acarinhá-lo... até que a morte vos separe?
I'm sorry, Miss Stafford, I have to leave.
Desculpe, Menina Stafford, tenho de ir.
Do you, Oliver H.P. Harrington, despite the fact that Victoria Stafford has shamelessly walked out on three previous marriages, take this woman for your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will hnour, and cherish, and love, and love, and love her forever and ever?
Oliver H.P. Harrington, apesar do facto da Victoria Stafford... ter saído vergonhosamente dos três casamentos anteriores, aceitas esta mulher como tua fiel esposa... e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... e amá-la para todo o sempre?
Do you Victoria Stafford, now that you have wired Oliver H.P.Harrington saying positively that you would marry him, take this man for your lawful wedded husband?
E tu, Victoria Stafford, agora que mandaste um telegrama a Oliver H.P. Harrington... a dizer que casarias com ele, aceitas este homem como teu fiel marido?
- "Stafford, Fifth Avenue."
- "Stafford, Quinta Avenida."
Howdy, Mrs Stafford.
Como está, Sra. Stafford?
Left them in the drawing room when you and Mr Stafford rushed off the train.
No armário, quando saiu do comboio à pressa com o Sr. Stafford.
Oh, good morning, Mr Stafford.
Bom dia, Sr. Stafford.
- How do you do, Miss Stafford?
- Como está, Menina Stafford?
How do you do, Miss Stafford?
Como está, Menina Stafford?
Not at all, Miss Stafford, any time. Any time at all.
Não foi nada, Menina Stafford, em qualquer altura.
It's right here on the sales slip, Miss Stafford.
Nos talões de reembolso, Menina Stafford.
- That's all right, Miss Stafford.
- De nada, Menina Stafford.
- I'm Victoria Stafford.
- Sou a Victoria Stafford.
You're little Vicki Stafford, eh?
És a pequena Vicki Stafford, não és?
Bye, Miss Stafford.
Adeus, Menina Stafford.
Then I'd like to speak to Mr Stafford.
Então gostaria de falar com o Sr. Stafford.
- Mr and Mrs Stafford are both out, sir.
- O Sr. e a Sra. Stafford saíram.
Skip it. ls Mr Stafford in?
Esquece. O Sr. Stafford está?
Mr Stafford.
Sr. Stafford.
"Mr Stafford, you are the father of an eight-pound baby girl"?
"Sr. Stafford, é pai de uma menina de 3,5kg"?
Your mother was right, Miss Stafford.
A tua mãe tinha razão, Menina Stafford.
We've got to get the Stafford money behind us or we're out in the cold.
Precisamos do dinheiro do Stafford, ou vamos à bancarrota.
And this Saturday at noon, Indian or no Indians, you're going to marry Miss Victoria Stafford.
E este sábado à hora de almoço, com ou sem índios, vais casar com a Menina Victoria Stafford.
Do you, Oliver H.P. Harrington, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Oliver H.P. Harrington, aceitas Victoria Stafford como tua fiel esposa, e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... até que a morte vos separe?
He's got a ranch now, out Stafford way.
Ele agora tem um rancho, na estrada para Staford.
- Stafford.
- Stafford!
Stafford Sergeant Where are you?
Stafford! Sargento! Onde estão?
Furthermore, Dawn Palethorpe, the lady showjumper had a clam called Sir Stafford, after the late chancellor.
Além do mais, Dawn Palethorpe, a cavaleira, tinha uma amêijoa chamada Sir Stafford, como o falecido chanceler.
In one it visits to Russia, where it are received for ambassador, Sir Stafford Cripps, it had found Stalin charming, a great man.
Numa visita à Rússia, em que fora recebido pelo embaixador, Sir Stafford Cripps, tinha achado Stalin encantador, um grande homem.
That's a take on Jo Stafford.
Já temos a Jo Stafford.
You're talking about our 11.45 Marylebone to Inverness. Stopping at Stafford, Crewe, Liverpool...
Está a falar do das 11.45 de Marylebone para Inverness, parando em Stafford, Crewe, Liverpool...
You know, Anne, Frank Stafford told me that the graduate that receives the highest mark in English Lit. this year wins the Avery scholarship
Anne, o Frank Stockley disse-me que o aluno que conseguir a nota mais alta em Literatura Inglesa este ano, ganha a bolsa de Avery.
Dr. Stafford's on in the morning.
O Dr. Stafford vai estar de serviço de manhã.
Dr. Leonard Stafford, please.
Dr. Leonard Stafford, por favor.
Well, I'll never forget it because that was the day that I lost my virginity to Miss Stafford...
Aliás nunca me esquecerei porque foi o dia em que perdi a minha virgindade com Miss Stafford,
- Anxious-excited, definitely. - Oh. - He said he'll meet us tomorrow at noon... at the Stafford Hotel in San Francisco.
- Ele disse que nos encontrava amanhã ao meio dia... no hotel Stafford, em São Francisco.
What in the world are you doing here?
O que estás aqui a fazer? Querido, um cão no Stafford?
Honey, a dog at the Stafford? - Hal begged me to bring him.
- A Hal implorou-me para eu o trazer.
Get Stafford up.
Prepara o Stafford.
Executive Director Gerstner, and these are Senior Officers Haley, Stafford, and Collum.
Director Executivo Gerstner, e estes são os agentes Haley, Stafford, e Collum.
Sedgwick has another 40, 000 spread out along the Stafford Heights on the north bank of the Rappahannock in front of General Early at Fredericksburg.
O Sedgwick tem outros 40.000 espalhados ao longo dos Montes Stafford no banco norte de Rappahannock em frente ao General Early em Fredericksburg.
Well, as a matter of fact, Miss Stafford,
Bem, na verdade, Menina Stafford, tenho uma terrível dor de dentes.
-... the voluptuous homeroom teacher. - Miss Stafford?
- a voluptuosa professora.
Yes, yes.
- Miss Stafford?

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