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Stoney traducir portugués

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The usherette looked at us with stoney contempt.
A porteira nos olhou com um ar de desdém.
Clem, you'll catch up with us later. Up at stony pass with the supplies.
Clen, reunir-se-à conosco no Stoney Pass com as provisões.
Stoney, Mace.
Stoney, Mace.
Meet me here in an hour, Stoney, and space out those drinks.
Encontra-me aqui em uma hora, e não exageres na bebida.
- Looks like Stoney had an accident.
- O Stoney! Parece que teve um acidente.
- Tomorrow it'll be Stoney Burough.
- Amanhã vai ler sobre o Stoney Burough.
- What about Stoney Burough?
- O que aconteceu com ele?
Somebody gave Stoney a new string tie.
Alguém deu ao Stoney uma nova gravata.
And now Stoney Burough.
E por último Burough Stoney.
He's putting up a reward for Stoney's murderer.
Estão oferecendo uma recompensa pelo assassino de Stoney.
Fred Carson was my friend, and I could even stand Stoney Burough.
Carson era meu amigo, e até o Stoney Burough.
Stoney was a mean drunk.
Stoney um bêbado chato.
I'd say Fred and Stoney got killed by an outsider who got even for this hanging.
Eu acho que Fred e Stoney, foram mortos por um estranho. Alguém que quer vingar o enforcamento.
But this outsider, this flower-picker, how did he find out Fred and Stoney were in the lynching party?
Que seja o estranho, que colocou as flores. Como é que soube que o Fred e Stoney estiveram no linchamento?
For the hand that slew Fred Carson and Stoney Burough, I sought the Lord's forgiveness.
Para aqueles que mataram Fred Carson e Stoney Burough, peço a Deus que os perdoe.
Stoney with wire, Fred smothered, Mace got the rope.
Stoney com um arame, Fred sufocado e Mace enforcado.
And the Shoshone and the Kootenai and the Stoney.
E Shoshone, Kootenai e Stoney.
I'll holler up to Elton and Stoney.
Vou ligar ao Elton e á Stoney.
Me and Stoney got to get on home. Relieve the sitter.
Eu e a Stoney temos de ir para casa por causa da baby-sitter.
Go slip around, right before my face and in front of Elton and Stoney that way.
Armas-te em conquistador á minha frente á frente do Elton e da Stoney.
Now, sweetheart, Elton and Stoney know that I love you.
O Elton e a Stoney sabem que eu te amo.
Bye, Stoney.
Adeus, Stoney.
Kitchen's on fire, Stoney.
A cozinha está a arder, Stoney.
Your mother just died, Stoney.
A tua mãe morreu, Stoney.
When Stoney first gave me the news, I could've shit!
Quando a Stoney me deu a notícia, fiquei para morrer.
Hey, tell Stoney for me, you hear?
Dizes á Stoney?
I don't know. Stoney said he'd seen a truckful of'em going through town.
Disseram que estava um camião cheio a ir para a cidade.
Stoney Walker's coming in and Rufus Middleton is going out, giving Middleton a breather.
Stoney Walker vai entrar e Rufus Middleton vai sair, dando a Middleton tempo para respirar.
Stoney Walker deployed wide right, Larry Singer left. The line is set.
Stoney Walker destacado para a direita, Larry Singer para a esquerda.
You can't do that, Stone.
Não podem fazer isso, Stoney.
Stoney, where did Apollo go?
- Stoney... para onde foi o Apollo?
Stow it, Stoney.
Guarde a bajulação, Stoney.
No job, no family, no friends with enough dinero to bail you out, with one exception, your old buddy, Stoney.
Sem emprego, sem família, sem amigos com dinheiro o suficiente para salvá-lo. Com uma exceção. Seu velho amigo, Stoney.
Close the door, Stoney.
Feche a porta, Stoney.
- No, Stoney.
- Não, Stoney. - Não?
Mr. Stoney, I hope this doesn't mean you've cheated me.
Sr. Stoney, espero que isso não signifique que me tenha enganado.
- Stoney, I never saw anything... - Petey, come back here!
- Stoney, nunca vi nada...
Stoney, do yourself a favor and set fire to this bucket of bolts and collect the insurance.
Stoney, faça um favor... e ateie fogo a este balde de parafusos e cobre o seguro.
Mr. Stoney, if he goes, I go to the police.
Sr. Stoney, se ele partir, eu vou à polícia.
You're right, Stoney, I'll do it. But we gotta leave now!
Tem razão, Stoney, vou fazê-lo, mas temos que sair agora.
Thanks loads, Stoney.
- Grato pela carga, Stoney.
I'll kill Stoney.
Vou matar o Stoney.
I convince you and Stoney to fly me in a plane that no sensible person should get into.
Convenci-o a si e ao Stoney a voar num avião... que nenhuma pessoa sensata deveria entrar.
Please help mel Please help me, Stoney.
- Céus... Ajuda-me, por favor!
Stoney Jackson best goddamned platoon sergeant two short-pricked, piss-ant baby soldier, little fuckers ever went to war with.
Stoney Jackson... O melhor Sargento de Pelotão que esteve na guerra.
Stoney Jackson looked at it and said, " Ladies...
O Stoney Jackson olhou para ele e disse, " Meninas...
- Who's Stoney Jackson?
- Quem é o Stoney Jackson?
When it was over there was me, Stoney Jackson and Tom Highway.
Quando terminou estava eu, o Stoney Jackson e o Tom Highway.
- Stoney!
Stoney... também?
Open the door, Stoney.
Abra a porta.

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