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Supposed to traducir portugués

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He just spent the past couple months in prison, and it was supposed to be years.
Passou dois meses na prisão e deviam ter sido anos.
How am I supposed to do that?
How the hell am I supposed to keep Carly Donahue's business all by myself?
Como tratarei da Carly Donahue sozinho?
How the hell are a Junior Partner and a third-year law student supposed to fill Jessica's size 13s?
Como podem, tu e ela, substituir a monstruosa Jessica?
And it's supposed to learn from itself, but it isn't.
Devia aprender sozinho, mas não o faz.
But, dude, I don't think you're supposed to be here without a parent around.
Acho que não devias estar aqui sem um progenitor.
I wasn't supposed to say, alright?
Raios! Eu não devia dizer, está bem?
But what was I supposed to do?
Mas o que querias que eu fizesse?
You were supposed to not tell him!
Não lhe devias ter dito!
What in the shite is that supposed to mean?
O que significa isso?
Elijah, this is me not worrying that you were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.
Elijah, isto sou eu a não me preocupar que devias estar aqui há 20 minutos.
Am I just supposed to pretend forever I don't know they're killing people?
Devo fingir para sempre que não sei que andam a matar gente?
This block is supposed to be safe.
É suposto este bloco ser seguro.
No... you're supposed to be helping us!
Não... É suposto você ajudar-nos!
Hey, we're, um... we're supposed to be celebrating.
Era... Era suposto estarmos a celebrar.
And if you committed a sin, you were supposed to be punished.
E se você cometer um pecado, deve ser punido.
Yeah, and they're supposed to keep their doors locked 24 / 7.
Sim, e é suposto manterem as portas fechadas 24 / 7.
Tonya, where are we supposed to be headed?
Tonya, para onde devemos estar a dirigir-nos?
You know you're supposed to be in your room already.
Sabes que já devias estar no teu quarto.
You're not even supposed to be in here.
Nem devias estar aqui.
- Am I supposed to call my mom with that...
- Como devo ligar à minha mãe com isto...
Even luckier if Roan's seal will work the way it's supposed to.
Se tivermos ainda mais sorte, o selo do Roan funciona.
What am I supposed to tell the people now?
E agora o que é que digo a esta gente?
How's anyone supposed to hear that?
Quem iria ouvir?
How, precisely, am I supposed to attend one of the most important celebrations of the year if I'm confined to my room?
Como eu iria assistir a um dos maiores eventos do ano se eu ficar no meu quarto?
To speak truthfully, Jacques I'm supposed to meet a young lady out here.
Na verdade, Jacques, Eu vim encontrar uma jovem mulher
Either your heart is not where it's supposed to be, or else you don't have one
Ou o vosso coração não está onde deveria estar ou não tendes um.
Oh, you're not supposed to like it.
Não é para gostardes.
I love that we're supposed to call it a "crisis."
Que tenhamos de lhe chamar de "crise".
What am I supposed to do about it?
Que hei de fazer?
As in the bug you're supposed to be fixing.
O que devias estar a resolver!
I know that's supposed to sound sweet, but it really bums me out.
Sei que isso é suposto ser querido, mas deixa-me mesmo deprimido.
Ah, I was supposed to have jury duty, but you know what?
Eu devia participar num júri, mas sabem que mais?
Maybe Nathanson saw something he wasn't supposed to see.
Talvez o Nathanson tenha visto algo que não devia.
And we're supposed to what...
E é suposto fazermos o quê? Matá-la?
We're supposed to have an agent on that roof.
Era suposto termos um agente naquele telhado.
I thought this scenario was supposed to keep her calm.
Pensei que este cenário era suposto mantê-la calma.
She was supposed to be in a relaxing simulation.
Ela devia estar numa simulação de relaxamento.
This is exactly what you were supposed to do.
Era isto, exactamente, aquilo que deveria fazer.
- How am I supposed to trust you?
- Como é que posso confiar em si?
I thought Daisy was supposed to stop him from doing that.
Pensava que era suposto a Daisy impedi-lo de fazer isso?
This is not how it was supposed to go.
Não era suposto ser assim.
You were supposed to be buried in the U.K.
- Sim. - Devias estar sepultada em Inglaterra.
You're supposed to be dead.
Era suposto estares morta.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
- Não era suposto ser assim.
What's that supposed to mean?
O que é que isso significa?
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
As coisas não eram para ser assim.
We decide what things are supposed to be.
Tens de acordar. Vem aí o Grande Mago. - O quê?
- Supposed to say what?
Dizer o quê?
I'm supposed to do what for nine months?
Faço o quê durante nove meses?
- Playing fields are not supposed to be bouncy.
Millie, acorda!

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