Talk about traducir portugués
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But let's talk about the Targaryen girl.
Mas falemos da rapariga Targaryen.
- Don't talk about Father.
- Não me fales do pai.
Let's talk about Los Iluminados.
Vamos falar dos Los Iluminados.
I thought you wanted to talk about her.
Pensei que queria falar sobre ela.
They only talk about emperors.
Elas apenas falam sobre imperadores.
This is a party, so could we not talk about comas?
Isto é uma festa. Podemos não falar de comas?
We'll have all the time in the world to talk about porn preference and samba to salsa music.
Teremos todo o tempo do mundo para falar de pornografia e dançar ao som do samba.
And after the party, we're gonna talk about you and Carmen.
E, depois da festa, falamos de ti e da Carmen.
So, how about we read some of them and we talk about them together?
Então, que tal lermos algumas delas e conversarmos sobre elas juntas?
That's why we need to talk about what happened to you in Santa Monica,'cause I don't want you to carry it around like I did.
É por isso que precisamos de falar sobre o que se passou contigo em Santa Mónica, porque não quero que carregues isso como eu fiz.
We can't talk about anything in here anymore.
Não podemos mais falar seja do que for aqui.
First, let's talk about how we're framing Cyrus.
Primeiro, vamos falar sobre como é que vamos incriminar o Cyrus.
I don't talk about my past because I can't.
Não falo do meu passado porque não posso.
I don't even know how to talk about it.
Nem sei como falar sobre isso.
I don't want to hear any more talk about a thing, Gunny.
Não quero ouvir mais conversas sobre uma coisa, Sargento.
What did you talk about?
Falaram sobre o quê?
I thought we were gonna talk about the path from analyst to portfolio manager.
Não íamos falar de passar de analista a gestor?
Let's talk about your other son, Bram.
Vamos falar sobre o seu outro filho, o Bram.
That's what I wanted to talk about.
É sobre isso que eu queria falar.
Don't you think we should talk about this?
Não achas que devíamos conversar sobre isso?
Let's talk about you, Bob.
Vamos falar acerca de si, Bob.
Before my daddy died, if you want to talk about my daddy...
Antes do meu pai morrer, já que queres falar sobre o meu pai...
But I don't want to talk about it.
Mas eu não quero falar disso.
It'd be great if we didn't talk about Gary's balls anymore.
Seria fantástico se parássemos de falar dos tomates do Gary.
I could not listen to Mrs. Flothman talk about the Punic Wars.
Não aguentava mais ouvir a Prof. Flothman a falar das Guerra Púnicas.
Talk about talking softly and carrying a big stick. They tried to take it from him, and it was like they got hit with a bolt of lightning.
E por falar em conversa mansa e varinha, eles tentaram tirá-la, e parecia que foram atingidos por um raio.
No, I don't want to talk about the campaign.
Não quero falar sobre a campanha.
Well, there are things we need to talk about.
- Precisamos de conversar.
Can we just talk about this later, please?
Podemos falar disso depois?
I know you have to go, and that is why it is so amazing that you've stayed here to talk about our daughter. Mm-hmm.
- Sei que precisas de ir, e por isso é tão incrível que tenhas ficado para conversar sobre a nossa filha.
Talk about coffee going right through ya.
Olha o que o café faz contigo.
We have to get one of those doctors to talk about what they were doing with those bodies.
Precisamos de saber o que faziam com os corpos.
Talk about back to nature.
E voltou à natureza.
No, but, I mean, there was a lot we didn't talk about.
Não, mas, há muito tempo que não nos falávamos.
We can sit Diana down, and we can talk about those symbols.
Assim a Diana explica estes símbolos.
Talk about peeing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Este escolheu fazer xixi no lugar e na hora errada.
I got something I wanna talk to you about.
Quero falar contigo.
When you talk shit about people, you should roll up your window.
Quando falas mal das pessoas, devias subir a janela.
How about, um- - how about you let Mom and Dad talk for a little bit, okay? - Okay.
Que tal... que tal deixares a mãe e o pai conversarem um pouco, está bem?
Think about that before we talk again.
Pense nisso antes de falarmos de novo.
I wish you would talk to me, tell me what this is all about with you two.
Gostava que falasses comigo, que me disseste o que há entre vocês os dois.
Don't talk in the first person about my show.
Não fales na primeira pessoa do meu programa.
What did you wanna talk to me about, professor?
Sobre o que queria falar comigo, professora?
- Lisa, I wanted to talk to you about the exemption.
Lisa, queria falar contigo acerca da isenção.
Did you talk to Jennifer McMahon about it?
Falou com a Jennifer McMahon sobre isso?
So what did you want to talk to me about?
Então, de que é que quer falar comigo?
Don't talk to me about problems.
Não me fale de problemas.
What'd you talk about?
- Do que é que falaram?
We need to talk. The police know about the bodies.
Precisamos de conversar, a polícia sabe dos corpos.
No, I don't wanna talk to him about it until I have a better handle on what we're dealing with.
Não, não quero falar... até termos a certeza com o que estamos a lidar.
Actually, the truth is we called you'cause we need to talk to you about something else.
Na verdade, nós chamamo-lo... porque precisamos de conversar sobre outra coisa.
talk about what 142
talk about something else 16
talk about it 66
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
talk about something else 16
talk about it 66
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about what 2516
about time 287
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about the other night 40
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about what 2516
about time 287
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about the other night 40