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That was about traducir portugués

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What if that was about the victims?
Se for sobre as vítimas?
But I'm still gonna ask you what that was about.
Mas ainda te vou perguntar de que se tratava aquilo.
You care to tell us what that was about?
Importa-se de nos dizer o porquê daquilo tudo?
That was about five disasters ago.
Isso foi há uns cinco desastres atrás.
The thing that I was worried about...
O que me preocupava...
I had a lot of time to reflect while i was in prison, mostly about religion and bundt cake, but after much thought, i realized that- - oh, almost forgot.
- Claro. Tive muito tempo para reflectir enquanto estive na prisão, basicamente sobre religião e bolo Bundt. Mas, depois de pensar muito, percebi que...
I knew that being a child of divorce was hard, but what I did not have any idea about was all the yelling, the name-calling, the loudness.
Sabia que ser filha de divorciados era difícil, mas não sabia da gritaria, das agressões verbais.
What happened? I was just sitting here on the couch and I had another nightmare about that horrible monster.
Estava apenas aqui sentado no sofá e tive outro pesadelo com aquele monstro horrível.
He was just writing to say that he was excited about getting married and that he finally had enough Camel Cash to get a leather jacket and a pool floatie.
Ele só escreveu para dizer que estava muito empolgado por se ir casar e que tinha finalmente papéis de tabaco suficientes para um casaco de cabedal e uma bóia de piscina.
I lied about what was in that letter.
Eu menti sobre o que estava nessa carta.
I was about to say that, because I invented it!
Estava prestes a dizer isso, porque eu é que a inventei!
Okay, please know that I appreciate the irony of what I'm about to say, but what if it was all in your head?
Está bem. Por favor, tem atenção à ironia do que eu estou prestes a dizer, mas e se foi tudo imaginação tua?
Charlie, Dana is my friend that I was telling you about.
Charlie, Dana é a amiga que eu tinha te falado.
That's the dime piece I was telling you all about... from work the other day.
- É a delicia daquele dia que falei para vocês.
I finally relocated that book I was telling you about.
Finalmente localizei o livro que estava a falar-te.
Right, so there was no way that he could have been involved with the journey to the Catacombs, but here is the thing about Key.
É impossível ele estar envolvido na jornada às Catacumbas, mas há uma coisa sobre o Key.
That poor man had followers all around the world and was about to found his own Church.
Aquele pobre homem tem seguidores por todo o mundo e estava prestes a fundar a sua própria Igreja.
Mm-hmm, I was thinking about what you said, that part of being The Flash is that you have the ability to do amazing things that nobody else can do.
Estava a pensar no que disseste, a parte de seres o Flash é que tens a habilidade de fazeres coisas incríveis que mais ninguém consegue.
I guess, his honesty about feeling like he doesn't belong, because I was feeling that way, too.
A sua sinceridade sobre sentir que não pertence aqui. Porque me sentia assim também.
You posted some asinine shit about me being more concerned with my stats than I was winning. That was totally meant to be a private message
Publicaste umas tretas indecentes, que estava mais preocupado com as estatísticas do que em ganhar.
That was way better than talking about derivatives. Fucking Sizzle.
Foi muito melhor do que falar sobre derivativos.
I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend... but what I didn't tell her was that... I had never shared that story with anyone else.
Mas o que não lhe contei foi que nunca a tinha partilhado com mais ninguém.
They're saying something about a sexual assault that took place at a party, and Kevin's name was published.
Estão a dizer alguma coisa sobre uma agressão sexual que ocorreu numa festa. E o nome do Kevin foi citado.
So that's what the party was about... having sex?
Então, era sobre isso que era a festa... ter relações sexuais?
- What was that all about?
- O que é que foi aquilo?
Girls were expected to have sex with the players. Over the years, this party has become somewhat of an orgy, and if the school was aware that this was an unsafe environment and did nothing about it, that is a problem.
Ao longo dos anos, esta festa transformou-se numa espécie de orgia, e se a escola estava ciente que este ambiente não era seguro, e não fez nada a esse respeito, isso é um problema.
What the hell was that about?
Que raio foi aquilo?
I was thinking about doing all this shit that I have never done before I get any sicker.
E estava a pensar em fazer tudo o que não fiz antes de ficar mais doente.
What was that all about?
Que foi tudo aquilo?
Chance was ready, if that's what this is about.
O Chance estava preparado, se é que é isso.
Hmm? I mean, maybe once upon a time this was about whether or not he was innocent or some sort of, you know, psycho murderer, but that ship sailed a long time ago, along with your career at Nelson and Murdock.
Talvez, há muito tempo, isto tenha sido sobre ele ser inocente ou ser um assassino psicopata, mas isso já não está em causa, tal como a sua carreira na Nelson e Murdock.
I told you I was sorry about that.
Disse-te que sentia muito por isso.
And there's that angelic ego I was talking about.
E eis o ego angelical de que eu estava a falar.
Whoever shot him knew about Palmetto, but he says that no one should have known he was there.
Quem quer que atirou nele sabia sobre Palmetto, mas ele disse que ninguém devia saber que ele lá estava.
It never was about that. It's just...
Nunca foi sobre isso... apenas...
Point is that they were already suspicious about a DHS cover-up after Agent Russo was killed, but now that his boss was attacked, too...
A questão é que eles já desconfiavam de um encobrimento do DHS após a morte do Agente Russo, mas, agora, que o chefe dele também foi atacado...
What was that all about? "
Que cena foi aquela?
What was that line about?
Que queria ele dizer com :
But I do know that Jessica was murdered because she walked in on the unsub as he was about to attack her son, Ryan.
Mas sei que a Jessica foi assassinada porque ela entrou quando o suspeito estava prestes a atacar o filho dela, Ryan.
Plus, I read this romance novel, and it was about time travel, and I really dug the science of that.
Além disso, li um romance sobre viagens no tempo e gostei mesmo muito da ciência envolvida nisso.
North Star was sitting at about 30 degrees when we boarded that ship.
A Estrela Polar estava a cerca de 30º quando entramos neste barco.
That's what doing Lobos was about.
- Por isso é que se matou o Lobos.
- Did you hear that? - Me and Ghost killed Lobos to start over, but it was never about that.
Eu e o Ghost matámos o Lobos para começarmos do zero.
Talking about sexual identity to anyone in our school that was like staring at the sun.
Falar sobre a identidade sexual a alguém na nossa escola era como olhar fixamente para o Sol.
The best thing about watching you play today was realizing that all that rubbish in the last school was just rubbish.
A melhor coisa de te ver jogar hoje foi perceber de que todas as tretas na última escola eram só tretas.
I wouldn't be happy about that if I was on his team.
Não ficaria satisfeito se estivesse na equipa dele.
So, what's this about again? One of our constituents worries that her husband, a first mate on your ship, was... sickened by some cargo.
Uma das nossas eleitoras está preocupada que o seu marido, 1º imediato do navio, tenha adoecido com alguma carga.
A minute ago you was busting my balls about me not trusting you, but now I'm getting the sense that you're the one who don't trust me.
Ainda há pouco me criticavas por não confiar em ti. Mas agora estou com a sensação de que tu é que não confias em mim.
She was very clear about that.
Foi muito clara sobre isso.
That's exactly the steel goddamn stomach I was talking about.
É exatamente esse o estômago de aço de que eu estava a falar.
She was asking me questions about Joshua, about what we saw that night.
Fez-me perguntas sobre o Joshua, sobre o que vimos naquela noite.

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