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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ T ] / That was nice

That was nice traducir portugués

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That was nice.
Foi porreiro.
That was nice.
Isso foi giro!
That was nice.
Isto foi legal.
You're doing some racks like that. That was nice.
Essas tomadas assim são demais.
That was nice.
Isso foi bom.
That was nice of you.
Foste muito amável.
- That was nice.
- Isso foi bom.
- Well, that was nice.
- Sim. - Obrigada.
That was nice.
Isso foi bonito.
Well, that was nice of you to give him a choice.
Bem, foi simpático da sua parte dár-lhe uma escolha.
That was nice of you to do that.
Foi muito bom teres vindo.
- That was very nice drive in, Mr., uh- is it Bedwetter?
- Foi um bom passeio, senhor...
Not for her not later than. So we it was about once that she is nice.
- Então concordas que ela é muito bonita!
He was a nice guy, But he didn't tell me that he was HIV positive.
Ele era fixe, mas não me disse que era HIV positivo.
She was a nice girl, that girl that came by here.
Era uma rapariga simpática, aquela que veio cá.
That was delicious and I've had a nice time.
Estava delicioso e eu passei muito bem agora.
Or was it that Catholic girl's nice ass?
Ou foi o belo rabo daquela católica?
Remember that nice lady who said she was the gallery owner and that you could exhibit there?
Lembras-te da mulher simpática que era dona da galeria e disse... - Que podias expôr lá?
I began to surf... I always saw that on TV and I thought it was nice... so I began to go alone... because I'd relax, I'd forget about everything in the sea, you know?
Eu comecei a surfar... eu sempre via pela televisão e achava legal... e, cara, comecei a ir sozinho... porque me relaxava, eu ficava dentro do mar e esquecia de tudo, sabe?
That woman started to spread... a very good vibe... a really nice vibe, we were all excited... him too, and she was saying, she was praying... and she ended up by saying...
Aí a mulher foi passando uma... a senhora foi passando uma energia muito boa... muito boa mesmo, aí começou a arrepiar... e ele também, ela falando, ela orando e... no final, ela terminou :
Okay. That was nice.
Está bem.
That was nice!
Foi porreiro.
You know that nice lady in the little store in town, Angelina? Uh-huh. She told me that she didn't approve of the way I was dressing Jacquelyn.
Conheces aquela senhora simpática da loja da cidade, a Angelina? Ela disse que não gostava da maneira como eu estava a vestir a Jacquelyn.
That was really nice.
Uma simpatia.
That was nice, dude.
Pode ser só um amigo. Boa onda, bacano.
That was nice.
Boa onda, ficaste queimado.
So that restraining order she filed against you was because you're a nice guy.
Então ela pediu aquela providência cautelar contra si porque era muito simpático com ela.
You've got to admit, that was a nice flip though.
Mas têm de admitir que foi uma bela cambalhota.
It was nice of him to give you his ball like that.
Foi simpático da parte dele ter-lhe dado a bola.
- The ball, yeah... that's was very nice.
- Sim, foi muito simpático.
Look, that's where I was living as Margaret, a nice little flat, over there.
Olha, era ali que eu estava a viver como Margaret, um belo apartamento.
That was very nice of you.
Foi simpático da tua parte.
That was a nice touch.
Belo pormenor.
It was so nice of Joe to work things out with that judge.
O Joe foi tão simpático por acertar tudo com o juiz.
It was just supposed to be that one time, but the room was really nice... and I was really comfortable, and there were Toblerones... and I just had the best time.
Era para ser apenas uma vez, mas o quarto é tão bonito... e estava mesmo confortável e havia chocolates... e diverti-me imenso.
That was my- that was my boss. - I was very nice to him.
- Eu só disse coisas boas.
That's it, she was - she was really nice to you?
Foi só isso? Ela foi muito simpática contigo?
That was nice!
- Mas que gentis.
That was really nice.
Foi maravilhoso.
That was nice of you.
Isso foi simpático da sua parte.
That? I mean, I was nice to her. So that's what that's about.
- Eu só fui simpático com ela.
I was nice to her. Okay, so that's the problem.
Certo, então é esse o problema.
That was a nice invitation.
Foi um convite simpático.
Hey, that was a nice tip today.
Foi uma boa informação, a de hoje.
That was a nice, quiet week.
Essa foi uma boa semana sossegada.
Oh... hey, that was some nice Ping-Pong action earlier.
Você é uma pessoa sem personalidade, sabia?
That was nice, Davies.
Essa foi boa, Davies.
That was very nice of you to introduce yourself.
Foste muito simpático.
That was very nice, Mindy.
Foi muito bonito, Mindy.
This is been really nice, after my first dive yesterday in that thick soup, to come here and actually see something living in the river... That was good.
Tem sido muito bom, após o meu primeiro mergulho, ontem, naquela sopa espessa, chegar aqui e ver algo vivo no rio, foi bom.
Seriously, that was some pretty darn nice racing'out there.
A sério, foi mesmo uma corrida muito boa.

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