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There he was traducir portugués

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And-and there he was.
E lá estava ele.
He thought that there was some connection between my Morpheus process and those creatures that attacked us.
Ele achou que havia alguma ligação entre o meu processo Morpheus e aquelas criaturas que nos atacaram.
My father, he drank his life away. My brother accomplished nothing but evil. There was a time I thought I'd be different.
O meu pai bebeu até morrer, o meu irmão só conseguia ser mau, mas houve uma altura em que pensei que fosse diferente.
He was there when we first found you, with the flame-haired Scot.
Ele estava lá quando te encontrámos com a escocesa ruiva.
And then there was this guy, and he was like
E esse tipo, ele dizia :
I think that he wanted us to know that there was a big world outside of Sleepy Hollow for us to explore and that we could leave if we wanted.
Acho que ele queria que soubéssemos que existia um mundo enorme fora de Sleepy Hollow para explorar e ir embora se quiséssemos.
When he was, let's see, like, 18, she was literally in there in your womb.
Quando ele tinha uns 18, ela estava ali, no teu útero.
And they was like, "There he is!"
E eles disseram : "Ei-lo!"
He came out there, man, he was ready!
Ele foi para lá, estava preparado!
He admitted that it was you Who deliberately put Harvey's salary out there For all the world to see.
Ele confessou que tu é que fizeste com que o salário do Harvey fosse conhecido por todos.
He was there, Saul, in Switzerland, the day General Youssef's plane went down.
Ele estava lá, Saul. Na Suíça. No dia em que o avião do general Youssef caiu.
But one thing the League knows for sure- - he was there for all of it.
Mas de uma coisa a Liga tem a certeza, ele esteve presente nisso tudo.
He made sure there was nothing to tell.
Ele assegurou-se de que não haveria nada para contar.
There are seven different state and federal law enforcement agencies hunting this guy, and you think he was on his way to practice his drumming?
Há sete agências estaduais e federais atrás deste homem e acham que foi tocar bateria?
Vitali Klitschko came to Maidan when he saw that a huge crowd was gathering there.
Vitali Klitschko veio à Maidan ao ver que se estava a reunir uma grande multidão.
From the, uh, memoir of Maria Rasputin, Rasputin's daughter, she wrote that when he was born, there were other omens and portents things like a dog with six legs being born, babies with deformities, that kind of thing.
Nas memórias de Maria Rasputin, a filha de Rasputin, ela escreveu que, quando ele nasceu, ocorreram outros portentos, coisas como o nascimento de um cão com seis pernas, bebés com deformações, esse tipo de coisas.
His mother gave him a telescope when he was young, and he looked at the moon and said, " I want to go there.
A mãe ofereceu-lhe um telescópio, quando ele era jovem, ele olhou para a Lua e disse : "Quero ir lá."
Some people have said that he was simply saying there can't be another world war now that we've got atomic weapons.
Algumas pessoas disseram que ele estava apenas a dizer que não haveria outra guerra mundial agora que temos armas atómicas.
Well, preliminary tox says that there were significant traces of mercury and arsenic on our headless victim. He was poisoned?
O exame toxicológico preliminar diz que havia traços significativos de mercúrio e arsénio na vítima.
But if he was able to wait until he was ready, there'd be no stopping him.
Mas se ele foi capaz de esperar até que ele estivesse pronto, não haverá maneira de pará-lo.
So what was he buying in there?
Então o que comprou lá?
I was there when he died.
Estava lá quando ele morreu.
He was there?
- Ele estava lá?
He declared there was only one god...
Ele afirmou que só havia um deus...
He was there too...
Ele também estava lá.
He asked if there was good news, not the worst news ever.
Ele pediu notícias boas e não as piores de todas.
There's no evidence that he was ever there.
Não há provas de ele ter lá estado.
He knew Louisa was there.
Ele sabia que a Louisa estava lá.
Yes, but while he was there, Dave told me he stumbled across your little secret account.
Sim, mas enquanto lá esteve, o Dave disse-me que se cruzou com a sua conta secreta.
I was standing right next to you and there is no way that he was within earshot.
Eu estava ao teu lado e é impossível que ele estivesse ao alcance da audição.
That, coupled with the fact there was water in his lungs, would indicate he was shot underwater.
Isso, mais o facto de ainda haver água nos pulmões dele, indicam que o tiro foi disparado debaixo d'água.
Some say he fled the country to dodge the IRS, others think it was a psychotic break, and there are some who have posited that it could have been an abduction.
Alguns dizem que ele fugiu do país para se esquivar do IRS, Outros pensam que sofreu um surto psicótico, E há ainda quem aposte que podesse ter sido raptado.
He was actually the sole heir to a real estate fortune worth millions- - except that when he died, there was no one left to manage any of it.
Ele era, na verdade, o único herdeiro de uma fortuna imobiliária de milhões - - excepto que quando ele morreu, Não havia ninguém para gerir nada disso.
He was there the day of the massacre.
Ele estava presente no dia do massacre.
Ensign Nathan said that he felt there was a variable within me that makes me not as, uh, logical as I think I am.
O Oficial Nathan disse que sentiu que havia uma variável em mim, que me tornava não tão lógico quanto pensei que fosse.
One day we came home and he was not there...
Um dia voltámos para casa e ele tinha ido embora.
Like, he was always there for his brothers.
Estava sempre presente para os irmãos.
If my dad was gone, and I learned there was something out there he had made, I don't think I could ignore it.
Se o meu pai tivesse morrido e eu soubesse que havia uma obra dele por aí, acho que não conseguiria ignorá-lo.
How do you know that he was there with her?
Como sabes que ele esteve lá com ela?
He was there that night on the beach with Alison, wasn't he?
Nessa noite, ele estava com a Alison na praia, certo?
The longer he was there, the worse the bike became.
Quanto mais tempo lá estava, pior a mota ficava.
Mark could see like this, it was when he did this that there was a problem.
O Marc conseguia ver assim. Era quando fazia assim que havia problema.
There was no way through there, but through he went.
Não havia como passar por ali, mas ele passou.
In his opinion, he can't understand why there was a penalty at all.
Na opinião dele, ele não compreende por que motivo houve um castigo.
Whoa, Marquez, he was forced to pick the bike up there.
Márquez foi obrigado a levantar a mota.
He was very lucky there, very lucky.
Ele teve muita sorte, muita sorte.
MAN : There was a kind of euphoria in him, which he communicated to everybody who saw him race.
Ele estava algo eufórico e transmitia-o a todos os que o viram correr.
So even injured, he was there. Not giving up.
Mesmo lesionado, ali estava ele sem desistir.
When I was really young and afraid to go to those neighborhoods, he would make me go there.
Quando era muito jovem e com medo de ir para este bairro, far-me-ia ir para lá.
And, uh, he didn't ask me. He just went- - he was there for a long time.
E não me pediu, ele apenas foi...
Remember there was this guy who did a poem about "cungalingus" on your show, and he dedicated it to me.
Lembram-se que havia aquele tipo, que fez um poema acerca de cunnilingus no vosso programa e que o dedicaram a mim?

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