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They got her traducir portugués

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- They got her.
- Eles raptaram-na.
They got her in there.
Está aí dentro.
- Yes, they got her on two charges of manslaughter and one of kissing with a deadly weapon.
- Sim, apanharam duas acusações por homicídio e por beijar com arma mortífera.
Yes, they got her too.
Também a salvaram.
Use him to find out which room they got her in.
Usa-o para descobrir em que quarto a puseram.
I knew a girl once. They got her in there and shaved all her hair off.
Conheci uma rapariga que uma vez foi presa e a quem raparam o cabelo.
They got her in chains.
Eles têm-na acorrentada.
- I'm afraid they got her. - Who are "they"?
- Infelizmente, eles apanharam-na.
- They got her in this house near town.
- Têm-na numa casa perto da vila.
When I got it off Hatteras, six guys was caught in the fo'c'sle'cause the door buckled and they couldn't bust her loose.
Quando embarquei no Hateras, seis tipos ficaram presos no castelo de popa, porque a porta emperrou e não a conseguiram arrombar. - Lamento.
I hear they got a new five-inch gun on her.
- Sim. Dizem que tem um canhão novo de 13 cm.
She said it very loud, like a shriek, and then they shot and she fell, and I wanted to got to her, but we were all tied by the wrists in a long line of girls and women.
Ela falou muito alto, foi como um grito, e depois mataram-na. Ela caiu e eu quis ir ter com ela, mas estávamos atados pelos pulsos numa fila de raparigas e mulheres.
We went to see her riding stables. She's got some fine beasts. They're a bit fat, though.
Ela tem cavalos ótimos, meio gordos.
- They've got her!
Eles acertaram-lhe.
They've got her convinced i'm dangerous.
A convenceram que sou perigoso.
She's got many men in her life, and they take her to lots of different clubs.
Ela tem muitos homens na vida, os quais a levam a vários clubes.
If I hadn't heard her maid's voice outside the dressing room, they'd have got me.
Se eu não tivesse ouvido a criada à porta do camarim, ter-me-iam apanhado.
He'd put a rope around her neck as soon as they got out of sight.
Eles vão colocar-lhe uma corda ao pescoço assim que saírem da visão.
He'll try to persuade them they've got a clear track below, and we'll run into her.
Tentar persuadi-lo que têm... o caminho livre e que nós cruzaremos com ele.
They were questioning her when I got there.
- Uma das garçonetes. Eles estavam questionando ela quando eu cheguei lá.
They won't rush us as long as we've got her.
Eles não nos apressarão se a tivermos connosco.
He says they pumped out her stomach, and they only got a quart of bourbon.
Fizeram-lhe uma lavagem ao estômago e havia só um litro de bourbon.
They got a witness says he saw me kill her.
Dizem que há uma testemunha que diz ter-me visto matá-la.
They got me locked in here. They don't want her to know that I'm any part of the family.
Trancaram-me aqui em cima, para ela não saber que sou da família.
That woman got positively fat, while her brother, he growed up into a giant, which is a sight different from the way they come to us.
A mulher até gorda ficou, e o irmão, esse tornou-se num gigante, ambos diferentes de como nos chegaram às mãos.
But you've got to make up your mind about finding somewhere for Ms. Jane where they can look after her properly.
Mas tem de encontrar um lugar para a Sra. Jane... onde possam cuidar bem dela.
When she got there, they tied her up.
Quando ela chegou lá, eles amarraram-na.
Now that they've got his daughter, they'll torture her to force his hand.
Agora vão torturar a sua filha para obrigá-lo a falar.
- They've got her drinking.
- Puseram-na a beber.
They'd nail us before we got to the river. If they get her, you know what they'll do to her.
Eles apanham-nos antes de chegarmos ao rio, se a apanham sabes o que sucede.
They think, "I've got to kiss her to death and eat her all up!"
- Num abraço e...
In order to do that, I've got to fly her real low. They could knock me down with a rock.
Teria que voar muito baixo e podem derrubar-me com uma pedra.
They've got to let her go!
Eles têm de a libertar.
But they'll do all right, because they've got her nature.
Mas irão safar-se bem, porque têm o carácter dela.
All I gotta do is find out where they've got her and bring her home.
Só preciso descobrir onde ela está e trazê-la de volta.
Well, this is very, very weird because they told me that they got a call from a Mrs Williamson who said her husband was missing, maybe dead.
Isto é muito estranho. Disseram-me que receberam um telefonema de uma Sr.ª Williamson que disse que o marido tinha desaparecido e até podia estar morto.
They feared she'd droop the tulips in holland, and you got all her looks.
Faria murchar as tulipas da holanda, e tu és como ela.
- They've got her hidden somewhere.
- Foi ocultada em algum sítio. - Quem?
They smashed the window and got her out.
Partiram a janela e a tiraram para fora.
They were supposed to perform for her, but got drunk instead, and I joined them.
Deviam actuar diante dela, ao invés embebedaram-se, e eu com eles.
They fell in love, soon got married and my mother gave up the piano to devote herself completely to us, her daughters.
Apaixonaram-se, depois casaram-se e a minha mãe deixou de tocar piano para se dedicar de corpo e alma às suas filhas, a nós.
Apparently, the fbi has something on her folks, so they got picked up.
O FBI tem informações sobre a família, logo, também a internaram.
We've got to find out where they're taking her!
Temos de descobrir para onde a levam!
Damn, they've really got her locked up in a hell of a place.
Maldição, prenderam-na realmente num péssimo lugar.
No, of course not, but they've got Leila and they're gonna kill her unless I can make them think I've blown it up.
They got women working in front of her... under a Schmeisser.
Há mulheres a trabalhar à frente dela... vigiadas por um nazi.
It got rough and they attacked her.
- Pesou a barra lá na fábrica. Agrediram ela.
She got pregnant, and they sent her away.
Ela engravidou e mandaram-na embora.
What are you talkin'about? They still got her.
Ainda a têm.
The Dragonhawks will find her, Father. They've got to.
Os Dragões-Falcão irão encontrá-la, pai, eles têm de encontrá-la.
They've got to keep her alive till I get back with the antidote.
Eles têm que mantê-la viva até que eu volte com o antidoto.

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