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They said no traducir portugués

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I thought they said no visitors.
Pensei que não aceitassem visitas.
They said no police.
- Não. Eles disseram nada de polícia.
No no, they said not to move him.
- Tu não podes ver Robbie. - Disseram para não o mover.
Then you asked somebody on the phone, "Do you want anything?" I'm assuming they said no, because you only ordered the one drink.
Depois, falou com alguém ao telefone, calculo que terá dito que não e pediu apenas uma bebida.
But they said no.
- Mas eles disseram "Não".
How did... i'm afraid they said no.
Como... Lamento, mas disseram que não.
Denny, the massachusetts supreme court, They said no.
Denny, o Supremo Tribunal de Massachusetts recusou.
This is even better than they said it was in the brochure!
Isto ainda é melhor do que eles disseram que era no folheto!
Oh. Liz Lemon! I can't believe they put what you said in the paper.
Liz Lemon, não acredito que puseram no jornal o que tu disseste!
No, they just said that I should call you.
Não, só disseram que te devia telefonar.
They said there was some heat at the original place.
Disseram que havia Polícia no local original. Se te podia ir buscar...
Yeah, that's what they said, and then they said there was some heat, you know, like, at the place.
Sim, foi o que disseram e depois disseram que havia Polícia, sabes, no local.
SOBS... and they said I've got stenography of the heart.
e... e disseram que eu tinha stenografia no coração.
I said : "In the madhouse, those who don't claim to be Napoleon, claim they'll put the national railway back on track."
Eu disse "No manicómio, aqueles que não dizem ser o Napoleão, dizem que vão pôr o Comboio Nacional de volta nos trilhos."
This witness said they saw him talking to you at the bar and then follow you into the ladies'room.
Esta testemunha viu-o a falar consigo no bar e a segui-la até aos lavabos.
They said he should be in his room by now.
Disseram que ele já devia estar no quarto por esta altura.
They said they're meeting a hundred Ravenwood men at the crossroads.
Disseram que se iam encontrar com cem homens da Ravenwood, no cruzamento.
You have every right to be upset They said my name on tv
Falaram no meu nome na televisão.
And they said it in front of a lot of crewmen.
Disseram-no em frente de muitas pessoas.
There were people, no me, that you / they said that if it continued like this...
Houve pessoas, não eu, que disseram que se continuasses assim...
"We ain't gonna vote for no Negro," they said.
"Não vamos votar em nenhum negro!" disseram eles.
- You said they were all animals. - No, no, no, no, no.
- Disse que eram todos animais.
They said she had these things in her brain... like tiny little scars, and they tried to take them out.
Disseram que tinha umas coisas no cérebro que pareciam pequenas cicatrizes, e tentaram tirá-las.
No. Don said we only bring up Volkswagen if they don't like what we've presented. Okay.
- Não, o Don disse que só o faríamos se eles não gostassem da apresentação.
But no, they said I needed a shower.
Mas não. Disseram que precisava de um duche.
In the original news, they said, "Unidentified man in his 30s was found in hospital scrubs."
No original notícias, eles disseram, "Unidentified homem em seu 30s foi encontrado no hospital scrubs."
And last cycle, they said That i was planning to invade frigia.
E no último ciclo disseram que eu planejava invadir a Frigia.
They said there was a fire in the server room on the 15th floor.
Disseram que havia um fogo na sala dos servidores no 15º andar.
I believe what they said, don't you?
Eu acredito no que eles disseram ;
The news said they found her in the river.
As notícias disseram que encontraram-na no rio.
No. Every time the team went into a huddle, he turned to me and said. "They're talking about you."
Cada vez que a equipa se reunia para conferenciar, ele virava-se para mim e dizia, "Eles estão a falar de ti".
It's no big deal, but when they showed my name on the screen earlier on, it said "Sergeant."
Não é nada de importante, mas quando apareceu o meu nome no ecrã, dizia "Sargento".
I think they said they saw a pregnant woman getting into the vic's car from the passenger side.
Parece que eles viram uma grávida a entrar no carro da vítima.
Look, I spoke to the people at Smiling Faces Around the Globe, and they said you quit four months ago, because they caught you stealing donations.
e disseram que se foi embora há quatro meses. - Apanharam-no a roubar as doações.
Yeah, that's what I said, but this Lacey Pearlman claims that there was nothing strange about Carver's behavior when they met outside.
Sim, foi o que disse, mas a Lacey Pearlman afirma que não havia nada estranho no comportamento do Carver quando se encontraram lá fora.
Hmm? Yeah, they had this crisis at their hotel in San Juan, so they called me, and they asked me if I, uh, if I wouldn't mind meeting today, even though it's a weekend, and I said, "You know, I don't mind,"
Sim, tinham um problema no hotel em San Juan e ligaram-me a perguntar se não me importava que fosse hoje, mesmo sendo fim-de-semana, e eu disse :
They said you need to rest. That was not gonna happen on your office couch.
Disseram que tinhas de descansar e não era no sofá do escritório.
Never "i was," "they said," "they knew." Just here, now, in this moment.
Não usar "fui, disseram, sabiam", mas pensar no aqui e no agora.
No. All They Said Was That My Dad Was Sick And They Made A Deal With You So He Got Better.
Não, tudo que dizem é que o meu pai estava doente e que fizeram um acordo contigo para que ele melhorasse.
There's something I haven't really said out there to the other kids, but... no one knows where the girls purchased the drugs that they got for sure.
Há algo que eu não disse lá fora para as outras crianças, mas... ninguém sabe onde elas compraram as drogas.
DHS wined and dined you in the beginning and promised you the world and then they ultimately settled on a broom closet next to some schmuck from the FAA, and you said no.
No início, a Homeland Security deu-te tudo e prometeu-te o mundo, e depois mandaram-te para um gabinete minúsculo, com um idiota qualquer da FAA, e tu recusaste.
Yeah, well, Mrs. McFadden said they had "no idea" little Johnny was doing that back there.
Sim, bem, a Sr.ª McFadden diz que não faziam ideia do que o pequeno Johnny fazia lá.
No, they said it was her.
Disseram que era ela.
So... they took him to the hospital And said that he couldn't be saved
Levaram-no para o hospital, e disseram que não podia ser salvo.
No, no, you said that they were working on it?
Não, não, disse que estavam a trabalhar nisso.
No, they said it was their traditional way of extending a helping hand to those less fortunate.
Não. Falaram que era a maneira deles de ajudar os menos afortunados.
Estamos no 7º dia, e quase a meio de acabar esta corrida.
they said they'd give us an update, but no one's i just got off the phone with emily's doctor.
Disseram que nos dariam uma actualização, mas ninguém... Acabei de falar com o médico da Emily.
uh, yeah, they were talking at the bar, but, uh, she said goodbye, left without him, everything seemed fine to me.
Sim, eles estiveram a conversar no bar, mas, ela despediu-se, saiu sem ele. Pareceu-me tudo bem.
- No. When I was a kid, I would get these headaches and I went to the doctor, and they said that I needed glasses.
Quando eu era miúda, tinha dores de cabeça e fui ao médico ;
He said they have no daughter.
Ele disse que eles não têm filha.

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