To get married traducir portugués
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I want to get married tomorrow.
Quero casar-me amanhã.
Listen, you, uh, need to get married this afternoon... Fine.
Ouçam, vocês precisam de casar esta tarde...
Want to get married tomorrow? Then we get on a plane. We go to Hawaii.
Depois, metemo-nos num avião, vamos para o Havai.
When we do want to get married..
Quando iremos nos casar..
That is why I choose not to get married.
É por estas coisas que escolho não casar.
- Well, she wants to get married.
- Bem, quer casar-se.
I was the one who wanted to get married at the convention.
Fui eu que me quis casar durante a convenção.
I'm trying to tell you I want to get married.
Estou a tentar dizer-te que quero casar contigo.
He wanted to get married. But when he was invited to Houston for his astronaut training...
Ele queria casar-se, mas quando ele foi convidado para Houston para o treino de astronauta...
He was young man, about to get married, he had debts.
Ele era jovem... Prestes a casar, com dívidas.
But what I really don't understand is why the fuck would you want to get married in the first place?
Mas o que não percebo mesmo é... Por que caralho vocês se querem casar?
I can't afford to get married.
É difícil e não me posso casar.
I mean someone we can welcome into the family... And want you to get married maybe to.
Refiro-me a alguém que possamos acolher na família e com quem talvez queiras casar.
" Jesuza when are you going to get married?
"Jesusa, quando te casas?"
We were immature and really too young to get married.
Éramos imaturos e muito novos para nos casarmos.
We wanted to get married, but I'd got exams back in England and my parents would never have agreed, and I got scared,
Nós queríamos casar, mas eu tinha exames em Inglaterra e os meus pais nunca concordariam, fiquei assustada
You were not supposed to get married.
Não devias ter-te casado.
We were having some street food outside a government building in Bulgaria and I said, "Hey, you want to get married?"
Estávamos a comer comida de rua junto a um edifício do governo búlgaro e eu perguntei-lhe : "Queres casar?"
He wanted Deb and me to get married in Oyster Bay.
Ele quis que eu e a Deb nos casássemos em Oyster Bay. Feito.
You're gonna tell him not to get married.
Vais dizer-lhe para não se casar.
- Want to get married?
- Está querendo casar?
Lin, don't you think we're too young to get married?
Lin, não é são jovens demais para casar?
From now on, each of us is free to get married again I've made a serious mistake
A partir de agora, cada um de nós é livre para se casar novamente I'Eu cometi um grande erro
And I want you to make a list of all of the qualities that made you want to get married.
E quero que façam uma lista com todas as qualidades que fizeram com que se quisessem casar.
I want you both to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let's try and reconnect with some of those feelings you had when you first decided to get married.
Quero que fechem os olhos, respirem profundamente, e vamos tentar e voltar a ligar com alguns daqueles sentimentos que tinham quando se decidiram casar.
- Do you want to get married or not?
Quer casar-se ou não?
Oh, as I keep explaining to these officials, that we had to get married in a hurry because her visa's running out.
Eu continuo a explicar aos polícias, que tivemos que casar rápido por que a autorização dela estava a acabar.
- Yeah, but I meant tell them that you're so in love, you couldn't wait to get married, not, "Let's do it before she gets deported."
Era para dizeres que estavas tão apaixonado, que não pudeste esperar, e não, "Vamos casar antes que ela seja deportada."
- Well, I can't think of a better reason to get married on the fly.
Não posso pensar numa razão melhor para me casar num avião.
I didn't get married. We had a 4 : 00 appointment with the judge today to get married.
Íamos casar hoje às quatro horas no juiz!
'Bout to get married in less than three hours, and suddenly I saw it all.
Íamos nos casar em menos de 3 horas e de repente... eu vi tudo claramente!
She wanted to get married to anyone.
Ela queria casar-se com um qualquer.
Everybody in town thought she would be the last woman to get married.
Toda a gente na aldeia deseja casar com ela.
.. I've to get you married to master's daughter.
.. Eu tenho para te casado com a filha de mestre.
I was just thinking how difficult it can be to get federal assistance for an LAPD investigation and what an asset it is to be married to an FBI Agent.
Estava só a pensar como será difícil conseguir ajuda federal para uma investigação da Polícia de L.A. e que vantagem é ser casada com um agente do FBI.
But if you were married, and it was, like, a bad marriage, would you run off, join the army, go overseas, get shot at, to deal with it?
Mas se fosse casado, e fosse um péssimo casamento, escapava dele, entrava para o exército, ia para fora levar um tiro, ou lidava com isso?
If Trav goes to California, we'll break up, but if he stays here, we'll get married and have beautiful babies.
Se o Trav for para a Califórnia, nós acabamos, mas se ele ficar cá, havemos de casar e ter bebés lindos.
They just want to find the guy and get married, you know and live.
Só queriam encontrar um homem e casar. Viver.
Before you know it, you're gonna be going to college, have boyfriends, get married.
Antes de dares por isso, vais para a faculdade, ter namorados, casar.
You know, I'm the one who should be bragging to all the neighbors, telling them how lucky I am to be married to a woman who's still... sexy as all get out... who makes me laugh... and whose heart is so big,
Sabes, eu é que me devia gabar a todos os vizinhos, dizendo-lhes o quão sortudo sou em estar casado com uma mulher que continua tão sensual... Que me faz rir... E cujo o coração é tão grande, que mesmo depois de criar cinco crianças,
Even after you and pet get married, I still want us to be us.
Mesmo quando se casarem, quero que continuemos os mesmos.
Then to get back at him, my Mom cheated on my Dad with his boss, the Dean of Blue Mountain State, who she later married.
Para se vingar, ela traiu-o com o seu chefe, o reitor da BMS, com quem se casou mais tarde.
If we waited for that old fraud to kill him, we'd never get married. She's not a fraud, Peter.
Se esperássemos por aquela vigarista nunca nos casaríamos.
Okay, again, Mr. Perfect married guy, you don't get to open your mouth,
Vou repetir, Sr. Casado Perfeito, não metas a colherada, por que o que...
Why? Where do you want to go when you get married?
Onde queres ir no casamento?
This happens to people. They fall in love in their 20s, get married do the granite countertop, white-picket fence in their 30s and somewhere they realize, "This is not for me."
Isso acontece, apaixonam-se com 20 anos, casam-se, vivem felizes até os 30 anos.
If we don't get any traffic, I'll have you there in an hour, and you'll be married to one of them by midnight.
Se não houver trânsito, vamos chegar lá em uma hora e tu estarás casado com uma delas até à meia-noite.
We're gonna go to city hall, get married, see if we can make it work.
- Não, vamos casar e ver se funciona.
For someone who has never married before how did you get to be such an expert.
Para alguém que que nunca foi casado, como é que te tornaste um especialista.
I feel like the worst thing we did to our relationship was get married.
Eu sinto que a pior coisa que fizemos foi nos termos casado.
You also said that you thought that he would get hammered and hit on all of our married friends, be mean to my grandma and turn the whole thing into a key party.
Também disseste que ele se ia embebedar, que ia atirar-se a todas as nossas amigas casadas, que ia ser mau para a minha avó, e que ia transformar aquilo tudo numa festa maluca.
to get back at me 18
to get by 20
to get there 20
to get in 18
to get 23
to get out 26
get married 162
married 735
to get by 20
to get there 20
to get in 18
to get 23
to get out 26
get married 162
married 735