To kill traducir portugués
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I'd like to kill you.
Gostava de te matar.
The only way I want to kill you is the only way I imagine you'd like to kill me.
Só te quero matar da única forma que imagino gostarias de me matar a mim.
They hired Swagger to kill us.
Eles contrataram o Swagger para nos matar.
He gets to kill everyone. In exchange, you leave him alone.
Ele mata toda a gente e, em troca, tu deixa-lo em paz?
After Swagger has killed Lon Scott, Meachum, and Payne, I'd like you to kill him.
Quando o Swagger tiver morto o Lon Scott, o Meachum e o Payne, quero que o mates.
I'll confess to trying to kill the president, but my wife and daughter are left alone.
Eu confesso que tentei matar o Presidente. Mas deixam a minha mulher e a minha filha em paz.
He wasn't afraid to kill for it.
Ele não tem medo de matar para isso.
Her boyfriend is threatening to kill them all.
O namorado quer matá-los a todos.
Now they both want to kill me, Menjivar and Rios, so thanks.
Agora Menjivar e Rios querem matar-me, obrigado.
Menny's totally going to kill you.
Menny vai-te matar totalmente.
He's coming here to kill us both.
E ele vem aí para nos matar.
After a run-in with someone who tried to kill me, Xylda said I should hide here.
Depois de uma fuga de alguém que tentou matar-me, a Xylda disse que eu devia esconder-me aqui.
Came to Afghanistan to kill Americans.
Chegou ao Afeganistão para matar americanos.
I'm going to kill Haley.
Eu ou matar a Haley.
Well, you did just try to kill me.
Bem... tu, simplesmente, me tentaste matar.
I'm not here to kill you.
Não estou aqui para o matar.
And Koslov's men are not afraid to kill cops.
E os homens do Koslov não têm medo de matar polícias.
Day before yesterday, she threatened to kill me.
Antes de ontem, ela ameaçou matar-me.
She's trying to kill me.
Ela está a tentar matar-me.
I didn't want to kill the bro vibe we got going on, so I said,
Como não quis estragar a cena de manos que nós temos, disse :
- Someone tried to kill her last night.
Alguém tentou matá-la, na noite passada.
It doesn't prove Cyrus used him to kill Frankie that night.
Isto não prova que o Cyrus usou-o para matar o Frankie naquela noite.
Ready to kill their own mother for the right amount of money.
Dispostos a matar a própria mãe pelo valor certo.
Yeah, those were the people who tried to kill me.
Foram eles que me tentaram matar.
How many people are trying to kill you?
Quantas pessoas querem matá-lo?
I thought you said just one guy tried to kill your boss.
Pensei que tinha dito que um tipo tentou matar o seu patrão.
Try not to kill each other.
Tentem não se matar.
I wasn't trying to kill her.
Eu não queria matá-la.
Look. If these guys really wanted to kill your boss or whoever, wouldn't they already be up on the fifth floor?
Se estes tipos realmente quisessem matar o seu patrão, ou fosse quem fosse, já não estariam no quinto andar?
But if I think that you're trying to fuck me... I will have to kill you... and Wendy... and Jonah... and Charlotte.
Mas se eu achar que me estás a tentar foder terei de te matar, à Wendy ao Jonah e à Charlotte.
And did you see the Dothraki, all of whom have sworn to kill for me?
E haveis visto os Dothraki, os quais juraram todos matar por mim?
The only reason I can see is you don't want to kill thousands of innocent people.
O único motivo que consigo ver é que vós não quereis matar milhares de pessoas inocentes.
So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names.
Tantos homens me tentaram matar que eu nem me lembro dos nomes de todos.
How do I convince people who don't know me that an enemy they don't believe in is coming to kill them all?
Como é que convenço as pessoas que não me conhecem de que um inimigo em que não acreditam vem para os matar a todos?
Of people I'm going to kill.
De pessoas que vou matar.
Because it was meant to kill me.
Porque estava destinado a matar-me.
Till I get what I'm owed, a dragon doesn't get to kill you, you don't get to kill you, only I get to kill you.
Até eu ter o que me devem, um dragão não te vai matar, tu não te vais matar, só eu te posso matar.
You will have to kill me, too.
Tereis de me matar, também.
The family that tried to kill me?
A família que me tentou matar?
Gendry ( to Hound ) : She wanted to kill me.
Ela queria matar-me.
They're going to kill me and my family.
Vão matar-me e à minha família.
They came to kill you but killed everyone you loved instead.
Vieram matá-lo, mas mataram toda a gente que amava em vez disso.
The question is do you have it in you to kill her?
A questão é serás capaz de a matar?
You have to kill me.
Tens de me matar.
Maybe the only one who knows how to stop it and you tried to kill him?
Talvez seja a única que o sabe travar. Quer matá-lo?
You have three minutes to hand him over, or we're coming down to kill you.
Têm três minutos para o entregarem, ou descemos para vos matarmos.
He told you to kill somebody for him?
Disse-vos para matarem alguém por ele?
Tell me whom to kill.
Diga-me quem devo matar.
Are... are they going to kill us?
Eles, eles vão matar-nos?
I never asked him to kill Frankie Vargas.
Nunca lhe pedi para ele matar o Frankie Vargas.
I should have known that you would go to that extreme... that you would kill him to get me into the Oval.
Devia saber que irias até esse extremo... Que irias matá-lo para me levares para a Sala Oval.
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to kill me 55
to kill him 33
to kill her 17
to kill you 42
killer 452
kill 733
killed 266
killers 71
killing 120
kills 35
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killed it 20
kill yourself 54
kill me now 82
kill it 287
kill me 880
kill' em all 27
killian 175
killjoy 29
kill the lights 41
killed it 20
kill yourself 54
kill me now 82
kill it 287
kill me 880
kill' em all 27
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kill them all 151
kill him 1144
kill you 146
killing me 29
kill the beast 42
kill them 351
kill myself 28
killed her 59
kill or be killed 58
kill them all 151
kill him 1144
kill you 146
killing me 29
kill the beast 42
kill them 351
kill myself 28
killed her 59