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Untie him traducir portugués

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No, just untie him when you get down the river a ways.
Não, é só desatá-lo quando chegar no final do rio.
All right, untie him.
Muito bem, desamarrem-no.
- Untie him, Jamie.
- Desamarra-o, Jamie.
Cass, untie him.
Cass, desamarra-o.
Untie him!
Untie him.
Now. untie him.
Agora desamarre-o.
- Untie him!
- Desamarre-o!
Untie him!
Untie him.
Quick, untie him.
Depressa, desata-o.
Cholo, untie him.
Cholo, desamarre-o.
Untie him!
Bailiff, untie him.
Untie him!
Well, I guess we'd better untie him.
Bem, penso que seria melhor desatá-lo.
Father, untie him.
Pai, desamarre-o.
Untie him.
- Untie him.
- Soltem-no.
Now go ahead, untie him.
Vamos, soltem-no!
Untie him.
Untie him, boys.
Desamarre-o, meninos.
Maybe we should untie him for lunch?
- Devemos desatá-lo para o almoço?
I forgot to untie him.
Esqueci-me de desamarrá-lo.
Untie him.
You know what, just untie him.
Olha liberta-o, tira-o daqui para fora.
I will not untie him, Prue.
Eu não o liberto, Prue.
- You can untie him now, Sheriff.
É, já roubou sim.
- Should we untie him?
- Desamarramo-lo?
We untie him... we clean him up, and we march him out of here with a gun in his back.
Desatamo-lo, limpamo-lo e levamo-lo, de pistola apontada.
Untie him.
Jim was supposed to rescue him, untie him, give him mouth-to-mouth. I don't know what he likes to do.
O Jim salvava-o com um boca-a-boca ou lá o que lhe apetecesse.
Untie him, and let him go.
Desatem-no, e deixem-no ir.
Untie him.
- Untie him again.
- Solte-o outra vez.
Why didn't you try to untie him from the railing?
- Porque não tentou desatar o nó?
Untie him!
- Untie him. - I don't know.
Untie him!
Untie him, shithead!
Desamarra-o, sua merdas!
Here, untie him.
Untie him.
Untie him.
Okay, untie him. Hurry!
Come on, you dope, untie his rope and watch him go insane
Desamarra-o, idiota... E vê-o até ele ficar maluco.
Untie him and leave him!
Desamarrem-no e deixem-no!
Fallout Boy will untie Radioactive Man... and pull him to safety... moments before he's hit with a 40-foot wall of sulfuric acid... that will horribly burn everything in its path.
O Rapaz Chuva Radioactiva vai soltar o Homem Radioactivo e salvá-lo momentos antes de ser atingido por uma onda de 12 metros de ácido sulfúrico que queimará tudo o que encontrar no caminho.
Untie him
Get him to untie them - whatever you have to do.
Faça-o desimpedir, não importa o que faça.
Plan B. We let him untie us.
Muito bem, plano B.
untie to him

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