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Walt traducir portugués

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See, I know he's my brother-in-law, Walt.
I don't think Walt's gonna be patting you on the back for that.
433.911 ) } Não creio 433.911 ) } que o Walt lhe vá dar palmadinhas por isso.
My guys are busting their asses trying to hide Walt's money from the feds and you're tossing yours out a window?
433.911 ) } Os meus homens estão a esfalfar-se 433.911 ) } a tentar esconder o dinheiro do Walt dos federais 433.911 ) } e tu andas a deitar o teu pela janela?
Why don't you kill yourself, Walt?
I had Huell lift your cigarette, but Walt made me.
mas o Walt obrigou-me.
He poured gasoline all over our house, Walt.
Despejou gasolina pela casa toda, Walt.
Walt, you need to deal with this.
Walt, precisas de resolver isto.
Walt's a bastard.
O Walt é um sacana.
But you know that thing with Walt, there's...
Mas a história com o Walt...
I bring that kid in, put him in the system, Walt's gonna find out five minutes later.
Se levar o miúdo para a DEA e o introduzir no sistema, o Walt fica a saber cinco minutos depois.
Is this bad for Walt?
isto é mau para o Walt?
Hey, Walt's ruthless.
O Walter é implacável.
It's Walt.
Fala o Walt.
Hey. It's Walt.
- Olá, fala o Walt.
I'm sure the AUSA will have plenty to say about how to play him against Walt.
A AUSA terá muito a dizer sobre como usá-lo contra o Walt.
Knowing what we know about how Walt deals with rats behind bars?
Sabendo o que sabemos como o Walt lida com bufos atrás das grades?
We have a wire on Walt's phone.
Temos uma escuta no telefone do Walt.
Anyway, in the call, Walt said that he was going to, quote :
Seja como for, na chamada, o Walt disse que ia, e passo a citar :
Walt said he was gonna do this Kuby guy the same way he does you.
O Walt disse que ia acabar com o Kuby como vai acabar consigo.
To be fair, your circus clown of a boss did try to spare you for all of, what, about, uh, 15 seconds, before he decided to help Walt track you down.
Para ser sincero, o palhaço do seu patrão tentou poupá-lo por uns 15 segundos, antes de decidir ajudar o Walt a localizá-lo.
You see, Goodman's got a trace on your phone, and as soon as you call him, Walt will find out where you're hiding.
O Goodman tem um localizador no seu telemóvel e, assim que lhe ligar, o Walt vai descobrir onde está escondido.
Uh, I took the liberty of removing the battery so Walt can't track you by GPS.
Tomei a liberdade de remover a bateria, para o Walt não poder localizá-lo por GPS.
Just thinking about what Babineaux said about the van being dirty and the shovel that Walt had with him.
Estou a pensar no que o Babineaux disse sobre a carrinha estar suja e a pá que o Walt tinha com ele.
But Walt doesn't know that.
Mas o Walt não sabe disso.
Well, I'll give you a hint, Walt.
Eu dou-lhe uma pista, Walt.
Come on out, Walt!
Aparece, Walt!
Hey, what say you save us the busywork, Walt, and point out the spot where you buried your money?
Que tal poupares-nos o trabalho, Walt, e indicares-nos o local onde enterraste o dinheiro?
You got Walt?
- Apanhaste o Walt?
Hey, Walt, it's me.
sou eu.
He arrested Walt three hours ago.
há três horas.
"Dead to rights" I believe is the expression. Hank and Steve Gomez are working with a former associate of Walt's, Jesse Pinkman, whom I know you know, and Pinkman has supplied them with everything they need.
creio que foi essa a expressão. e o Pinkman deu-lhes tudo o que eles precisavam.
Hank is booking Walt as we speak.
O Hank está a registar a detenção do Walt neste preciso momento.
And then I think about how you were so upset with Walt and how you wanted the kids out of the house, and all of this makes me believe that there has got to be hope for you, that whatever he did to you can be undone. All I know, all I have been forcing myself to remember, is that you are my sister.
penso em como ficaste zangada com o Walt pode ser desfeito. é que és minha irmã.
Walt, no!
Walt, please, no!
Walt, no! Walt, please!
por favor!
Walt, please, no! Walt, please! Please, stop!
não! pára!
" Oh, no. Walt. Walt, you have to stop.
tens de parar.
You mark my words, Skyler. Toe the line or you will wind up just like Hank. Walt.
Skyler. ou acabas como o Hank. conta-me o que aconteceu.
Please, Walt.
Unless I give you Walt.
A não ser que lhe entregue o Walt.
My God, you must have one great view of the Sangre De Cristos. Walt, what are you doing here?
devem ter uma estupenda vista dos montes Sangre de Cristos. o que... o que fazes aqui?
If you are here to... to hurt us... Walt, whatever... it is you're planning... Actually, I'm here to give you something.
- Se estás aqui para... seja qual for o teu plano... estou aqui para vos dar uma coisa.
Walt, I'm not sure that we follow.
não sei se te estamos a perceber.
Okay, Walt, sure.
Walt, just say the word and I'll take you on a ride-along.
é só dizeres e levo-te numa patrulha.
Truce, all right? Skyler, I have news about Walt, and you need to hear it immediately, so if you're there, pick up.
está bem? atende.
- What? Why? - Walt, I don't think we...
não creio... vão dar-lhe este dinheiro na forma de um fundo irrevogável. mas com a esperança de que o use para pagar a educação universitária.

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