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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / Want to try it

Want to try it traducir portugués

640 traducción paralela
You want to try it on?
Quer prová-lo?
- Do you want to try it?
- Quer experimentar?
What do you want to try it on this time?
Vai experimentá-lo em quê, desta vez?
If you want to try it, I'm ready.
Se quiserem tentar, eu estou pronto. - Muito bem.
You want to try it, Little Joe?
- Queres experimentar, Little Joe?
Do you want to try it again?
Quer tentar novamente?
If they want to try it again...
Se quiserem tentar de novo...
Want to try it?
Queres provar?
They said you might want to try it on in case it wasn't a good fit.
Disseram que talvez quisesse experimentar, para ver se fica bem.
- Don't you even want to try it?
- Não quer nem prová-la?
- I don't want to try that on. - Why not? I don't want to try it on.
- Não, não quero.
Do you want to try it on in there?
- Quer experimentá-lo no gabinete?
What do you think? Want to try it?
- Do you want to try it out on the lake?
Queres tentar quando formos para o lago? Está bem.
You want to try it?
Quer experimentar?
You want to try it?
Quer subir e tentar?
You want to try it again?
Queres repetir, é?
I want to try it
Eu quero experimentar.
I only want to try it
Só quero experimentar.
- You want to try it again?
- Queres tentar outra vez?
You want to try it with her?
- Queres tentar?
You want to try it again?
Queres tentar outra vez?
Do you want to try it on?
Queres experimentá-lo?
Say, do you want to give it a try with me?
Então, o que acha de irmos ver?
- You want me to try it again?
- Queres que tente outra vez?
The same old act, isn't it? Try to push me out, thinking I'll want to stay.
- Já compreendo a comédia a tentar que eu me vá embora para que seja o bastante estúpida e deseje ficar.
I want you to believe every word of it and try to understand.
Se ele vem até você, você tem que acreditar no que está escrito lá, e você tem que entender.
And if they try it, then I always want to be rude.
Quando tentam fazê-lo, costumo ser muito indelicado.
I'm going to try and get it working. Luke and Brewer will come with me as cover. - I want you too, Beck.
Vês aquele edifício ali?
- Darling, we're your parents, and we do... We try to be as modern as possible, so whatever it is, - What else do we want?
- Que mais podia ser?
Don't waste your time. You'll never take it alive. I want to try, Mark.
- Nunca iremos apanhá-lo vivo.
Want to give it a try?
Quer tentar?
You want to try doing it legal for once?
Quer experimentar agir dentro da lei desta vez?
I wouldn't say that, I mean I just want to sort of try it out and see what happens.
Não diria isso. Quero dizer, só queria testar e ver o que acontece.
- You want to give it a try?
- Quer tentar?
I take it you want to try again.
Imagino que queiras tentar outra vez.
Do you want to try and tell me why you did it?
Queres dizer-me porque é que o fizeste?
So, if you want to make it back to your campsites, we'll try and get the food to you, or if you're staying here, we'll try and get the food to you.
Se voltarem para os vossos acampamentos... tentaremos levar-lhes a comida. Se ficarem aqui, também tentaremos.
I just didn't want to take a chance she'd try it again.
Não quis arriscar que ela tentasse de novo.
- Now, all I want you to do is give it a try.
- Só quero que tentes.
We after use loudspeakers to surround them, e we try persuadiz to surrender them it, but they did not want to make it.
Usamos auto-falantes após cercá-los, e tentamos persuadi-los a render-se, mas não queriam fazê-lo.
I'd be the last guy in the world to try and change your mind... about something you don't want to do, but I'd like to explain a couple things... about what we're trying to do in this campaign... before you discount it altogether.
Seria o último que tentaria Fazê-lo trocar de opinião... sobre algo que não quer fazer, mas queria lhe explicar um par de coisas... sobre o que pretendemos fazer nesta campanha... antes que o descarte de todo.
It's just that I don't want anyone to try and slip me saltpeter.
Só não quero é que tentem impingir-me adubo.
I want to start to try and be a whole person before it's too late.
Quero ser normal desde já, antes que seja tarde demais.
Well, I just thought that... that maybe you might want to do something to try and make it up to her.
Por isso, pensei que... que talvez quisesse fazer algo para tentar compensá-la.
I want you to be on it or don't try and see me later.
Quero que o apanhes. Não me tentes enganar.
Now don't try to say anything unless you wanna tell me what it is you want with me :
Agora tentem dizer-me : o que querem de mim?
I've been kind of down on my luck lately, and I want to try to revive it.
Eu tenho tido algum azar, ultimamente, e quero ver se mudo isso.
Ralph, go upstairs and try it on you- - I don't want to!
- Raph, vai lá acima e veste-o.
- l want you to try it with him!
- Quero que dances com ele.
Want me to try to hold it?
Quer que eu tente aguentá-lo?

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