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Washington post traducir portugués

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I can see it now, on the front page of the Washington Post right next to a picture of William Jennings Bryan :
Posso até ver, na capa do Washington Post... Ao lado de uma foto de William Jennings Bryan :
I'm Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Sou Bob Woodward, do Washington Post.
Hi, I'm Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Fala Bob Woodward do Washington Post.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Aqui é Bob Woodward do Washington Post.
- Did you say the Washington Post?
- Disse do Washington Post?
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Fala Bob Woodward do Washington Post.
- This is Bob Woodward... of the Washington Post.
- Fala Bob Woodward... do Washington Post.
Hi, this is Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post... and I was just wondering if you can remember... any books that a Howard Hunt checked out on Senator Kennedy?
Fala Carl Bernstein do Washington Post. Lembra-se... dos livros que Howard Hunt requisitou sobre o senador Kennedy?
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward, Washington Post.
Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post had a conversation... with a White House librarian... on some books a Mr. Howard Hunt took out on Senator Edward Kennedy.
O meu colega Bernstein falou com a biblioteca... da Casa Branca... duns livros que o Sr. Hunt levou sobre Edward Kennedy.
I'm the reporter from the Washington Post.
Sou o repórter do Washington Post.
I beg your pardon, ma'am, but this gentleman... made the appointment with me specifically. And I think the Washington Post deserves the same courtesy... as any of the people waiting out there, with all due respect.
Desculpe, mas este cavalheiro... marcou uma entrevista comigo... e o Washington Post merece a consideração... tal como qualquer pessoa aqui.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Fala Bob Woodward, do Washington Post.
I wasn't sure you were a Washington Post reporter.
Não tinha a certeza se era do Washington Post.
Where did the Washington Post suddenly get the monopoly on wisdom?
Onde foi o Washington Post arranjar este súbito monopólio da sabedoria?
We're from the Washington Post.
Somos do Washington Post.
We're from the Washington Post.
Do Washington Post.
We're from the Washington Post...
Somos do Washington Post...
Hi, we're from the Washington Post.
Somos do Washington Post.
Hi, I'm Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post and...
Sou o Carl Bernstein do Washington Post e...
Well, I think that came out in a story in the Washington Post.
Penso que veio num artigo do Washington Post.
Sir, this is Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post... and I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour.
Fala Bernstein do Washington Post. Desculpe maçá-lo a esta hora.
The Washington Post reported that while still in office as Attorney General...
O Washington Post referiu que quando Procurador-Geral,
I'm Carl Bernstein from the Washington Post.
Carl Bernstein, do Washington Post.
A short time later at the White House... News Secretary Ronald Ziegler delivered a strong attack... on the Washington Post.
Pouco depois... o secretário de lmprensa da Casa Branca... atacava o Washington Post.
You have a man... who is the editor of the Washington Post by the name of Ben Bradlee.
O chefe da redacção... do Washington Post é um homem chamado Ben Bradlee.
I respect the free press. I don't respect the type of journalism... the shabby journalism that is being practiced by the Washington Post.
Respeito a liberdade de imprensa, mas não tenho respeito pelo tipo de jornalismo... praticado pelo Washington Post.
The New York Times and the Washington Post... will write editorials.
O New York Times e o Washington Post, escreverão editoriais sobre nós.
Oh. National Register is not exactly The Washington Post.
- Não é exactamente o Washington Post.
Nixon got caught with his pants down before the guys from the Washington Post had it out.
Nixon foi apanhado com as calças na mão Antes dos tipos do Washington Post o terem apanhado.
You take this letter over to the Washington Post with my best regards.
Entregue esta carta ao Washington Post com os meus cumprimentos.
Every day you're doing new things, and you need the Washington Post to help.
Todos os dias faz coisas novas e precisa da ajuda do Washington Post.
Sidney Courtney, the financial editor of the Washington Post.
É Sidney Courtney, o editor financeiro do Washington Post.
I gave DaSilva a declaration... to be published in The Times and The Washington Post... and read over all networks.
Dei uma declaração ao DaSilva para ser publicada no The Times e no The Washington Post, e para ser lida em todas as estações.
He could smell the Pulitzer prize... and just see the Washington Post or the New York Times begging him to go back big-time.
Já sentia o cheiro do prémio Pulitzer e imaginava o Washington Post ou o New York Times a implorar-lhe para voltar em grande estilo.
- Mere trifles, dear boy. Kevin Condon, photo journo for Theta. - And Pete Curtis, Washington Post.
Kevin Condo, fotógrafo da "Theta", e Pete Curtis, "Washington Post".
I appreciate that your findings will be published in 70 syndicated papers... including the Washington Post, and I am not unmindful of the public attention y " all can put on my study.
Agradeço que o seu artigo seja publicado em 70 jornais, inclusive no Washington Post, e entendo como o meu estudo chamará a atenção do público.
The news services, the wire, The Washington Post, The Times. Everybody's got it. lt's a fabulous picture.
As agências de notícias, rádio, Washington Post, Times, todos a publicaram.
Snookums prefers rubber Wall Street Journal to the rubber Washington Post. Don't we all?
Ele prefere o "Wall Street Journal".
- I write for The Washington Post.
- Escrevo no The Washington Post.
- Washington Post.
- Washington Post.
Lucille, Washington Post.
Lucille, Washington Post.
"Washington Post".
- "Washíngton Post."
Harvard, "The Washington Post", yet you chose to come back to me.
Harvard, The Washington Post, mas, ainda assim, decidiu voltar para nós.
"Here's what I'd like to know ; who elected the Washington Post president?"
"Gostaria de saber quem escolheu o presidente do Washington Post".
Who elected the Washington Post king of the universe?
Quem escolheu a Washington Post o rei do universo?
We're not exactly the Washington Post, okay?
Não somos propriamente o Washington Post, certo?
If you don't find my bag soon, you're going to hear from The Washington Post! - 2326. Hey!
Ou me encontram o saco ou ouvem das boas do Washington Post!
No member of this government will go sneaking off to the Washington Post... telling them they were the sole voice of opposition.
Nenhum membro do Governo deve aproximar-se do Washington Post... para dizer que era a única voz que se opunha.
Later than the days of my youth, when I was on post in Washington.
Depois que tive um posto em Washington.
Then they stop by the post office... before they make their final run to Washington, man.
Depois param nos Correios antes de irem para Washington. Para Washington, onde queimam o dinheiro.

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