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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / We'll see you in court

We'll see you in court traducir portugués

32 traducción paralela
Now, here's the address, we'll see you in court tomorrow morning at 10 : 00.
Aqui está a morada, vemo-nos no tribunal amanhã às 10 : 00.
Bascombe G. Osgood, and we'll see you in court, madam.
Bascombe G. Osgood. E nós a veremos no tribunal.
I'm warning you : if it's burnt, We'll see you in court!
Previno-o que se o capôt estiver queimado, vamos processá-lo!
We'll see you in court.
Então, vemo-nos em tribunal.
We'll see you in court!
Vemo-nos em tribunal.
- Then we'll see you in court.
- Então, vemo-nos em tribunal.
We'll see you in court, Sam.
- Vemo-nos no tribunal.
- We'll see you in civil court.
- Vemo-lo no tribunal civil.
We'll see you all in court.
Vemo-nos em tribunal.
- We'll see you in court.
- Vemo-nos em tribunal.
We'll see you in court.
Vemo-nos em tribunal.
We'll see you in court, stud muffin.
Vemo-nos em tribunal, lindinho.
Well, we'll see you in court. – Wait.
- Não vamos aceitar a oferta.
So, i guess we'll see you in court.
Então... acho que nos vamos ver no tribunal.
We'll see you in court.
- Vemo-nos no tribunal.
We'll see you in court.
- Vê-la-emos em tribunal.
In other words, deliver the book before the end of the quarter, or next time we see each other will be in court, and you'll be facing charges of misrepresentation and, uh, fraud.
Ou seja, escreva o livro até ao fim do trimestre, ou voltamo-nos a ver no tribunal. Acusado de fraude.
We'll see you in court.
Vejo você no tribunal.
You'll sign, or we'll see you in court.
Vai assiná-la, ou encontramo-nos em tribunal.
- We'll see you in court.
- Vemo-nos no Tribunal.
Good-bye, Doctor. We'll see you in court in five or six months.
Adeus doutor, vemo-nos no Tribunal dentro de cinco ou seis meses.
I guess we'll see you in court.
Nesse caso vemo-nos em tribunal.
- Twenty million dollars. Or we'll see you in court.
- Vinte milhões de dólares ou vemo-nos no tribunal.
We'll see you later tonight in court.
Vemo-nos mais logo no tribunal.
- I'll see you in court. - Oh, come on. We both know that's not gonna happen.
Ambos sabemos que isso não vai acontecer.
So you can either add a bunch of zeroes to this bullshit offer, or we'll see you in court.
Então, pode acrescentar um conjunto de zeros a esta oferta ridícula, ou vemo-nos em tribunal.
And what's Spanish for "we'll see you in court"?
Como se diz em espanhol "vemo-nos no tribunal"?
We'll see you in court.
Vemo-nos no tribunal.

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