With your father traducir portugués
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We thought you'd be more comfortable with your father here, but it seems he wasn't able to make it.
Pensámos que estarias mais à vontade, com o teu pai presente, mas parece que ele não pôde comparecer. Mr.
How's your relationship with your father? "
Como é a tua relação com o teu pai? "
Didn't you tell Rebecca about the situation with your father?
Contaste-lhes sobre o teu pai?
With your father or your mother?
Com o teu pai ou com a tua mãe?
You patch things up with your father?
- Fez as pazes com o seu pai?
Take her with your father and I hope you both die!
Leva-a com o pai e espero que ambos morram!
I will join you with your father now.
Vais juntar-te ao teu pai, agora.
Same way you did with your father.
Da mesma maneira como fizeste com o teu pai.
However, if you ever come into contact with your father on a case next time, you bring somebody with you.
No entanto, se vieres a contactar o teu pai num caso, na próxima vez, leva alguém contigo.
A fight with your father'?
Chateaste-te com os teus pais?
How was dinner with your father?
Como correu o jantar com o teu pai?
Stop toying with your father.
- Não brinques com o teu pai.
Go with your father's bodyguard.
Vai com o guarda-costas do teu pai.
Start with your father's murder and finish when you get to the part about the dead junkie.
Comece com o homicídio do seu pai e acabe com o drogado morto.
Do think that in some way had something to do with your father abandoning you and your family? ( LAUGHS )
- Acha que de alguma maneira teve alguma coisa a ver com o seu pai o ter abandonado e à sua família?
We know that you had an argument with your father on the phone right before he was killed.
Sabemos que discutiu com o seu pai pelo telefone antes de o matarem.
With your father in hot pursuit!
Com seu pai em perseguição!
Before we knew it, you were playing right along with your father.
Quando demos por ela, estavas a tocar lado a lado com o teu pai.
Come home with your father.
Volta para casa com o teu pai.
And then speak with your father.
E depois falar com o teu pai.
But you went off with your father, and he was never one...
Mas foste-te embora com o teu pai, e ele nunca foi uma pessoa...
Your father spoke to you with his last breath.
O teu pai falou contigo na sua última respiração.
! You know, I don't think you kids appreciate how hard your father and I work to provide you with everything we do.
Sabem que mais... não acho que vocês tenham consciência do trabalho que eu e o vosso pai temos para vos proporcionar tudo o que têm.
Um, Collier said that someone called her. He told her that your father wants to meet with us.
A Collier disse que alguém lhe ligou e disse-lhe que o teu pai queria encontrar-se connosco.
May I speak with your mother or father, please?
Posso falar com a tua mãe ou pai, por favor?
I want you to dig deep down in your heart, father, And be honest with yourself.
Quero que olhe no fundo do seu coração, padre, e seja honesto consigo mesmo.
Your father has no one but you. Of course he doesn't want you to enlist. - Who can argue with him?
O teu pai só te tem a ti, claro que não quer que te alistes, quem pode discutir com ele?
Yes, she resents your absence as a father, and she is sleeping with one of the roadies.
Sim, ela ressente-se da sua ausência como pai, e está a dormir com um dos seus parceiros.
He has met in secret with those cardinals that hate your father.
Ele se reuniu em segredo com os cardeais que o odeiam seu pai.
With Johannes Burchard, he is making a case for your father's deposition.
Com Burchard Johannes, ele está fazendo uma ação para a deposição de seu pai.
And nobody knew who your biological father was, so you would have ended up with Child Services and ultimately foster care.
E ninguém sabia quem era o teu pai biológico, e tu acabavas no Serviço Social e por fim num orfanato.
Arya Stark, come with us. Your father wants to see you.
Arya Stark, vinde connosco, o vosso pai quer ver-vos.
They call themselves oversight. And they made a deal to replace your father with a man more friendly to U.S. interests.
Intitulam-se Supervisão, e fizeram um acordo para substituir o teu pai por um homem mais aberto aos interesses americanos.
And your father said you couldn't take anyone with you to King's Landing.
E o teu pai disse que não podias levar ninguém para Porto Real?
What can you tell me about the altercation your father had a couple days ago with Sal Groves?
O que pode dizer-me sobre a luta que o seu pai teve há alguns dias com o Sal Groves?
Did your father ever tell you anything about his work with Manny Vega?
Alguma vez, ele falou algo sobre seu trabalho com Manny Vega?
He says, it's your job, as a father, to deal with the problem.
Ele diz que é da tua responsabilidade, como pai, lidar com esse problema.
Okay, talk to your father soon, please, because I need your help on Saturday with the Novack wedding.
Fala com o teu pai depressa porque preciso da tua ajuda sábado com o casamento Novack.
You embezzled money from your family, you cheated on me with an old girlfriend, - Mm-hmm. - you might be the father of Judith and Herb's baby, you didn't tell your late brother that the woman he was chasing was married to a mannequin because she gave you $ 50,000 to keep it a secret.
Fizeste um desfalque à tua família, traíste-me com uma antiga namorada, podes ser pai do filho da Judith e do Herb, não disseste ao teu falecido irmão que a mulher, que ele andava atrás, era casada com um manequim
And your father agrees with me.
- O teu pai concorda.
She's working with Archer Langley, the man who had your father assassinated.
Ela trabalha para o Archer Langley, o homem que mandou matar o teu pai. Porque fizeste isso?
Just because Louis is the father of your baby does not mean you should be with him. You should be with me.
Lá porque o Louis é o pai do teu filho, isso não quer dizer que tenhas de ficar com ele.
Remember, when you were his age, your father wasn't always pleased with you, either.
Lembre-se, quando era da idade dele, o seu pai também não estava sempre agradado consigo.
Because I'm the father of one of your detectives, I should provide you with all the information you need so you don't have to work for it?
Por ser sou pai de um dos vossos detectives, devo dar-vos toda a informação que precisam para não terem que se esforçar?
Your father and I were in the business of providing for our families, and I'd like to do exactly the same with you.
O Teu pai e eu estávamos no negócio de sustentar as nossas famílias. E gostaria de fazer exactamente o mesmo contigo.
You and your father are coming trick-or-treating with us.
Tu e o teu pai vão bater à porta das casas connosco.
Your father's just messing with you.
O teu pai está a brincar contigo.
Your father and Cold were with me the whole time.
O teu pai e o Frio estavam comigo o tempo todo.
Your father's been up in the air with hostages for over two hours.
O seu pai está no ar com reféns, há mais de duas horas.
Like your father dealt with Chalky White.
- Como o teu pai fez ao Chalky White.
You live with your girlfriend's father?
Você vive com o pai da sua namorada?
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with your dad 25
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your father called 16
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with your dad 25
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your father called 16
your father would be proud 16
your father is dead 32
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
your father is dead 32
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27