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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You've had enough

You've had enough traducir portugués

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Don't you think I've had enough excitement for one evening, without the additional thrill of a strange man making love to me?
Não tive já emoção suficiente por uma noite... sem precisar da excitação adicional de um estranho a fazer amor comigo?
Well, you've had enough of it... and I don't blame you.
Já tiveste o suficiente disto e eu não te culpo.
You've had enough excitement for one night.
Já chega de excitação para uma noite.
Let me know when you've had enough.
Diz-me quando te fartares.
I've had enough. - Stop talking, so I can tell you...
Pare lá e ouça.
You've had quite enough of this.
Já bebeste bastante.
You've had enough kissing for one afternoon.
Não acha que foi beijada o suficiente para uma tarde?
Now, you know I've had enough to drink, Jeff, and so have you.
Eu já bebi o suficiente, e tu também Jeff.
Cheetah, you've had enough grapes.
Cheeta, já comeste bastantes uvas.
I've had enough of you, your theatre and your schemes.
Estou farto de si, do teatro e de intrigas!
You know, somehow I've suddenly had enough of this country.
De repente, fartei-me deste país.
You've had enough.
Já chega.
I should think you'd be on your way now. We've had enough.
Eu devia pensar que devias fazer o teu caminho agora, Mary Meredith.
You've had enough botany for one night.
Já tiveste botânica que chegue numa noite.
I've had enough of you. Deaf, but deaf.
Já tive o bastante de si.
I've had just about enough of you, Gershwin.
Já estou farto de si, Gershwin.
If I'd had brains enough, I could've saved you.
Se eu usar a cabeça, eu poderia ter salvo você.
- l'll get you another ladder. You've had enough trouble. Mary.
FIM legenda ripada por ddonato Movimento Cinema Livre
You've had enough Sarge.
Já bebeu demais, sargento.
I've had enough! Will you stop making a scene?
Vamos parar de dar escândalo!
- I've had enough of you
Estou farta!
Now, Monsieur Lautrec, you've had enough.
Agora, Monsieur Lautrec, já teve bastante.
- You've had enough?
- tiveste o bastante?
You've had enough water to drink, you hammer-headed goat.
Você já bebeu muita água, seu cavalo idiota.
You've had enough.
Já beberam demasiado.
I'll tell you when I've had enough.
Eu digo-lhe quando for para parar.
I've had enough trouble without any more out of you!
Já tive problemas suficientes sem si!
I don't aim to keep you here much longer arguing. You've had enough of that.
Não penso discutir e perder tempo, pois já fizeram muito.
I've had just about enough of you.
Já tive bastante de ti.
I've had enough of you, you ignorant hillbilly.
Estou farto. sua simplória ignorante!
I've had enough of you telling me what's right and wrong!
Estou farto que me digas o que está bem e o que está mal!
Don't you think you've had enough, pal?
Não acha que já bebeu demais?
Thank you, Comrade, but I've had enough.
Obrigado, Camarada, mas já comi o suficiente.
- You've had enough?
- Já está farto?
If you want to vote not guilty, do it because you are convinced he is not guilty, not because you've had enough.
Se você quer votar inocente, que o faça porque está convencido, não por estar farto.
So I said to myself : "It's over " you've had enough of Venezuela. "
Disse para mim mesmo : "Gualtiero, meu rapaz, chega de Venezuela."
Look, don't you think you've had just about enough for tonight? Yeah.
Não acha que já bebeu o suficiente?
I've had enough, thank you.
Não quero, obrigada.
I've had about enough out of you, sergeant.
Eu já tive o suficiente de você, sargento.
Well, I guess we've had enough, don't you think?
Bem, acho que conseguimos o suficiente, não achas?
Yeah, well, I've had enough of you.
Sim, pois bem, eu estou farto de te aturar.
You've had enough.
Já bebeste que chegue.
- I think you've had enough, Alan.
- Já bebeste o suficiente, Alan.
I've had enough. You can take my place. That's it, daddy-o.
Fique no meu lugar, depois desta rodada.
I've had quite enough of both, thank you.
Estou bastante satisfeito, obrigado.
You've had enough.
Já não aguenta mais?
I've had just about enough out of you.
Já te ouvimos falar tempo demais.
We've had just about enough of you.
Já tivemos o suficiente de sí.
But you've had enough.
Mas já bebeste que chegue.
I've had enough. Unless you can find a solution God knows what will happen.
Estou farto, a menos que arranje uma solução, Deus sabe o que vai acontecer.
- I think you've had enough.
- Acho que já comeu demais.

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