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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You have a problem with that

You have a problem with that traducir portugués

470 traducción paralela
- You have a problem with that?
- lmporta-se com isso?
You have a problem with that?
Tens algum problema com isso?
You have a problem with that?
Tens algum problema?
You have a problem with that, young man?
Algum problema com isso, jovem?
Just in case you have a problem with that sissy, give me a call.
Se tiveres algum problema com esse maricas, chama-me.
Do you have a problem with that, Mrs. Talbot?
Tem um ptoblema com isso, Mrs. Talbot?
Do you have a problem with that, Weise?
Tens algum problema com isso, Weise?
You have a problem with that?
- Qual é o problema?
You have a problem with that, pack?
Tens um problema com isso, Pack?
- Do you have a problem with that?
- Você tem algum problema com isso?
If you have a problem with that, i suggest you take it up with washington.
Se tens um problema com isso, sugiro que o leves a Washington.
If you have a problem with that, we'll make other arrangements.
Se tem algum problema com isso, resolvem-se as coisas de outra maneira.
You have a problem with that, jack?
Tem algum problema com isso, Jack?
- You have a problem with that?
- Tem algum problema com isso?
- You have a problem with that? - No, no.
Tem alguma objecção?
- Do you have a problem with that?
- Algum problema?
- And you have a problem with that?
- Tens algum problema com isso?
You have a problem with that, Lieutenant?
Tem algum problema com isso?
Do you have a problem with that, Ensign?
Algum problema, alferes?
- You have a problem with that? No, you're a fuckin'humanitarian! Come here.
Pois, és cá um bom samaritano...
Do you have a problem with that?
Tens algum problema com isso?
If you have a problem with that, we could step outside. We could figure it out.
Mas se para ti for problema, porque não vamos até lá fora?
If you have a problem with that my name is Libby.
Se tiver algum problema com isto, o meu nome é Libby.
So, John, do you have a problem with that or not?
Então, John, isso é problema ou não?
- Oh, you have a problem with that?
Achas difícil?
You have a problem with that, Corporal?
Tem algum problema com isso?
- Do you have a problem with that order?
Tens algum problema com esta ordem?
Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Wells?
Tem algum problema com isso, senhor Wells?
Unless you have a problem with that?
A menos que tenhas algum problema.
I have kind of a problem that I thought maybe you could help me with.
Tenho um problema e pensei que talvez me possa ajudar.
And I think that when Christina and I and your mother have time to work on him, you'll have no problem with your father.
E acho que quando eu, a Christina e a sua mãe... dermos a volta em seu pai, não terá qualquer problema com ele.
You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Isso não será problema, será?
But... I don't have a problem with that, Pender, do you?
- Não vejo problema nisso, você vê?
Would you have a problem going with Anthony to take care of that?
Importavas-te de ir com o Anthony de férias e resolver esse assunto?
Are you going to have a problem with that?
Vais ter algum problema com isso?
And Francis just likes it to flow. And whenever you do that, you end up with a problem of having a film at times that is way too long and a film that doesn't have a really strong narrative line in it that you can keep the audience hooked in.
O Francis gosta de deixar que as coisas fluam. é demasiado longo que permita prender a atenção da audiência.
You found out, number one, that we're going to have a tremendous problem without Marty with these scenes.
Percebemos que iríamos ter um tremendo problema sem o Martin nessas cenas.
The problem with boxing, you have two guys having a fight that have no prior argument.
Para mim, o problema no boxe é haver um confronto... entre duas pessoas que nem sequer discutiram antes.
Now, do you really have a problem with that?
Ora, tem problemas com isso?
You tell me you have a problem with the fact that you came home and caught your wife in bed with another woman.
Estás-me a dizer que tens um problema com o facto de teres chegado a casa e teres encontrado a tua mulher na cama com outra mulher.
That's all? I mean, you don't have a problem with us working together?
Não vê qualquer problema em trabalharmos juntos?
They have a liking problem with you in that they don't.
Têm um problema de gosto, em relação em ti... ou seja, não gostam.
I believe you, Mr. Paris, but we have to consider the possibility that you might be having a problem with your memory.
Eu acredito no, Sr. Paris, mas temos que considerar a possibilidade que está a ter um problema com a sua memoria.
Have you got a problem with that? Yeah...
Tem problemas com isso?
You know I don't have a problem with that.
Tu sabes que eu não não tenho qualquer problema com isso.
You have a problem with the fact that I'm the one wearing the tights.
Tens um problema com o facto de ser eu a usar os calções.
You tell Maje Culluh that I won't do anything to damage Voyager, and if he has a problem with that, tell him to have Seska contact me.
Então diga ao Maje Culluh de que não farei nada para danificar a Voyager, e se ele tiver algum problema com isso, diga a ele para que Seska entre em contacto comigo.
Do you mean to tell me that, while you have zero problem... with me sleeping with half the women in New York City, you have some sort of half-assed, mealy-mouthed objection... to pubescent antics that took place almost ten years ago?
Estás dizer-me que enquanto não tens o mínimo problema... comigo, por eu ter dormido com metade das mulheres de Nova Iorque. tens alguma espécie de eventual objecção que te faz hesitar relativamente a travessuras de puberdade que ocorreram há 10 anos.
You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Não é um problema para ti, não?
She knows that I don't have a problem, so she's not about to hang around here with you guys and take shots at me.
Ela sabe que não tenho nenhum problema, e não quer ficar convosco a atacar-me. Porque o faria?
Now, have you got a problem with that?
Tens algum problema?

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