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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You should ask her

You should ask her traducir portugués

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You should ask her now.
Devias perguntar-lhe agora.
I think you should ask her.
Acho que é melhor seres tu a fazer isso.
Hey, you should ask her to dance.
Por que nâo a convidas para dançar?
Hey, Jimmy something tells me that you should ask her out.
Jimmy... algo me diz que a devias de convidar para sair.
Maybe you should ask her sometime.
Talvez lhe devesse perguntar.
- You should ask her.
- lhe pergunte a ela.
You should ask her to leave.
Devias pedir-lhe para se ir embora.
You should ask her out.
Devias convidá-la para sair.
Maybe you should ask her very nicely, with a little fucking respect.
Talvez lhe possa pedir com jeito, com algum respeito.
So that you know what questions you should ask her.
Para que saibas que questões lhe has-de fazer.
- You should ask her.
- Devias perguntar-lhe a ela.
She's not going out with anyone. You should ask her out.
Sabes, ela disse-me que não está saindo com ninguém Tu deveria lhe convidar para sair.
You should ask her out.
Devias convidá-la para jantar fora.
Maybe you should ask her'cause nicole said that you have the biggest dick she's ever seen.
Talvez lhe devas perguntar. Ela disse que tens a maior gaita que ela alguma vez viu.
So maybe you should ask her.
Talvez lhe deva perguntar.
- You should ask her out.
Convide-a para sair.
You should ask her out, man.
Convida-a para sair, pá.
You should ask her, you know. Not me.
Devias perguntar-lhe a ela, não a mim.
I think you should ask her out.
- Esqueça o quadro! Acho que a devia convidar para sair.
Something you should ask her yourself.
- Qual é? - Algo que terá de lhe perguntar dirctamente.
If you ever need any help, you should ask her.
Se alguma vez precisares de ajuda deves pedir-lhe a ela.
- You should ask her out.
- Devias convidá-la para sair.
You should ask her.
Deverias pedir a ela.
Just... You know, I was just thinking that, if you liked her then maybe you should ask her out.
É que... sabes, estava aqui a pensar, que se gostas dela, então devias convidá-la para sair.
Maybe you should ask her opinion?
Talvez fosse de perguntar a opinião dela?
If you think that there's any chance that Victoria's your soul mate, you should ask her to stay.
Se achas que a Victoria é a tua alma gémea, pede-lhe para ficar.
Maybe you should ask her out.
Maybe you should ask her out.
I think you should ask her where she got that from.
Devias-lhe perguntar onde a comprou.
You should ask her.
Devias perguntar-lhe.
You should ask her.
Devias perguntar-lhe a ela.
You know, Archie, if you want to take your daughter to a concert, maybe you should ask her who she wants to see.
Archie, se queres levar a tua filha a um concerto, se calhar é melhor perguntares-lhe quem é que ela quer ver.
Well, you should ask her out.
- Bem, devias convidá-la para sair.
You should ask her. She makes the plans.
Perguntem à minha mulher, ela é que decide.
If you have questions, you should just ask her.
Se tens perguntas, devias perguntar-lhe.
Well, Doc, if you ask me, you're wasting your time sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself, when you should be out there trying to get her back.
Bem, Doc, se me perguntares, estás a perder tempo aqui sentado a sentir pena de ti próprio, quando devias estar lá fora a tentar recuperá-la. O que sugeres para eu fazer isso?
You think I should go and ask her for hers?
Achas que devo ir-lhes pedir a senha deles?
Maybe you should ask her.
Talvez devesse perguntar-lhe a ela.
Would you be insanely jealous if I should ask her to dance?
Ficaria muito ciumento se eu a convidasse para dançar?
I told her to keep the cotillion in case you should ask for it.
Disse-lhe para guardar o "cotillon" no caso de lho pedir.
- You should ask her.
All I ask you to understand is that... after the use that Bertha made of me... after all that her behaviour has since implied... it is impossible that you and I should meet.
Só peço que perceba que... Depois da forma como a Bertha me usou, e do que o comportamento dela me tem prejudicado, é impossível nós os dois encontrarmo-nos.
- You should never ask a girl her age. But you aren't old.
Feliz aniversário minha senhora.
You know, you should just ask her out and get it over with.
Devias convidá-la para sair e acabar com isto.
Maybe you should ask her.
Talvez devesse perguntar a ela.
Actually, the real reason that I'm here is because I thought I should tell you that I'm gonna call Pauline and ask her out.
Realmente a verdadeira razão porque estou aqui pensei que te devo dizer que vou convidar a Pauline para sair.
You should ask your wife about her boss, Walt.
Pergunta à tua mulher pelo chefe dela, Walt.
You think I should ask her out?
Achas que devo convidá-la para sair?
Do you know where her office is, or should I ask the receptionist?
Onde é o escritório dela, ou pergunto à recepcionista?
If she should appear to you, ask her about my mother.
Se vos aparecer a vocês, pergunta-lhe pela minha mãe.
Maybe you should ask Nana Olaf to contact her, see how she's doing.
Devias pedir à'vó Olaf para falar com ela, saber como ela está.
You should totally ask her out.
Devias mesmo convidá-la para sair.

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