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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You should have seen his face

You should have seen his face traducir portugués

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You should have seen his face.
Devia ter visto o seu rosto!
You should have seen his face... when I told him you have Chavez with you.
Devias ter visto a cara dele... quando soube que tinhas a Chavez contigo.
- You should have seen his face.
- Devias ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen his face.
Teria que ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen his face. The whole flesh was a mass of... well, boils.
Toda a carne era uma massa de... bolhas.
Oh, well, you should have seen his face... when I showed him the pictures of what I have in mind.
Devia ter visto o rosto dele quando mostrei as fotos do que tinha em mente.
You should have seen his face.
Devia ter visto a cara dele.
And the roof didn't sit quite straight... but you should have seen his face light up.
O telhado não estava muito direito, mas devias ter visto a cara dele!
You should have seen his face.
Devia ter visto a cara dele quando o Weyoun me ofereceu o cargo.
You should have seen his face when he saw his sister again.
Devias ter visto a cara dele quando viu a irmã.
You should have seen his face when he apologized to me.
Deviam ter visto a cara dele quando me pediu desculpas.
You should have seen his face in Paris.
Devias ter visto a cara dele em Paris.
You should have seen his face when he was begging me not to.
Devias ter visto a cara dele ao implorar para não o fazer.
You should have seen his face when he was begging me not to. Well, he's my twin brother.
Devias ter visto a cara dele ao implorar para não o fazer.
You should have seen his face when the judge award me half his company.
Devias ver a cara dele, quando o juiz me deu metade da empresa dele.
That son of a bitch Leblanc, you should have seen his face when I told him.
Essa merda do Leblanc. Se visse a cara dele quando lhe disse...
You should have seen his face... when the tests came back.
Devia ter visto a cara dele quando vieram os resultados dos testes.
You should have seen his face.
Deverias ter visto a sua cara.
You should have seen his face when the doctor told him he tore his ACL.
Devias ter visto quando o médico disse que rompeu o ligamento.
You should have seen his face.
Devias ter visto a cara que fez.
You should have seen his face.
Devias ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen his face when the police found the phone that connected him to Trent's murder.
Devia ter visto a cara dele quando a polícia encontrou o telefone que o liga ao homicídio do Trent.
You should have seen his face when he realized I was lying to him.
Devias ter visto a cara dele, quando percebeu que eu lhe estava a mentir.
You should have seen his face, Mrs Hughes.
Devia ter visto a cara dele, Sra. Hughes.
Hunt hates me. You should have seen his face today when I screwed up.
Devias ter visto a sua cara quando eu vacilei hoje.
You should have seen his face when Lou saw him talking to me.
Devias ter visto a cara dele quando o Lou o viu a falar comigo.
Oh, you should have seen his face.
Tinhas que ver a cara dele.
Oh, you should have seen his face.
Devias ter visto a cara dele.
I must've hit every part of his face. You should have seen him.
Devo ter-lhe atingido cada centímetro da sua cara.
You should have seen how I made a sucker out of Old Stripes with that left up in his face.
Devias ter visto como arrumei com o Riscado com uma esquerda em cheio na cara.
Seja assim, porque um destes dias...
You should have seen the look on his face.
Ficou admirado.
You should have seen his face.
Deviam ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devia ter visto a arrogância e a presunção dele.
You should have seen his little face.
Devias ter visto a carinha dele.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Deviam ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devias ter visto o olhar da cara dele.
No, but, god, you should have seen the look on his face.
Não, mas, Deus, devias ter visto o olhar na cara dele.
It's just like... you should have seen the look on his face.
Parecia... Deviam ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen the look on his face when he tried to kill me.
- Se o visses quando me tentou matar...
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devias ter visto o olhar dele.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devias de ter visto a cara dela.
You should have seen the look on Charlie's face... When they took away his car, his golf clubs, his cigars...
Deviam ter visto a cara do Charlie quando lhe levaram os carros, os tacos de golfe, os charutos...
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devias ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen his little face at the gates.
Devias ter visto a carinha dela nos portões.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devia ter visto a cara dele.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devias ter visto a expressão dele.
You should have seen his smug face when he realized he couldn't duck me.
Devias ter visto a cara dele quando soube que não me podia evitar.
You should have seen his sad face when I smashed it on the sink.
Devias ter visto a sua pobre cara quando a esmaguei contra o lavatório.
You should have seen the look on his face.
Devias ter visto a cara dele...

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