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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You should have seen it

You should have seen it traducir portugués

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You should have seen it. It was lovely.
Você teria que tê-lo visto, foi precioso.
You should have seen it, my princess.
Devia ter visto, minha Princesa.
You should have seen it.
Devias ter visto.
You should have seen it.
Tinham que a ter visto.
She did, you should have seen it.
Pois foi, deviam tê-la visto.
You should have seen it from those seats.
Você deve ter visto daqueles lugares.
Inside the room, you should have seen it.
dentro do quarto... devia ter visto.
Mom, you should have seen it! This man came along on this beautiful gray horse.
Devia ter visto um homem que apareceu num cavalo cinzento.
You should have seen it.
Havia de o ter visto.
You should have seen it, though.
Estes novos microfones são fantásticos, são mesmo.
You should have seen it, Normie.
Devias ter visto, Normie!
You should have seen it at the red light.
Devias tê-lo visto num semáforo vermelho.
You should have seen it.
Deviam ter visto.
Peg, you should have seen it.
Havias de ter visto.
You should have seen it!
Devias tê-la visto!
You should have seen it, Graves.
Devias de o ter visto, Graves.
Quick, you should have seen it.
Quick, devias ter visto.
Well, yeah, but you should have seen it without all the crap in the sky.
Bem, pois. Mas devias ter visto sem nada a tapar o céu.
God, you should have seen it.
Devias ter visto.
- You should have seen it!
- Devias ter visto.
You should have seen it when everybody had an Uzi.
Devias ver quando todos tinham as metralhadoras.
Oh, my God, you should have seen it.
Deviam ter visto.
You should have seen it. Daniel Aurifaber, the true penitent.
Mas acredita nele, que passou a noite com outra mulher?
You should have seen it today.
Devias ter visto hoje.
You should have seen it originally.
Devias tê-la visto originalmente.
You should have seen it.
Haviam de ver.
You should have seen it before.
Devia ter visto isto antes.
You should have seen it.
Deveria ter visto.
You should have seen it before.
Devia ter visto antes.
You should have seen it when the parking enforcement officer came over to the van.
Deveria ter visto quando a segurança do estacionamento veio para a carrinha.
You should have seen it, Captain.
Deveria ter visto, Capitã.
- You should have seen it!
- Devias ter visto!
You should have seen it, Your Highness.
Não sei. Havia outro sujeito lá.
You should have seen it.
Deviam tê-lo visto.
"Yeah Dad, you should have seen it"
- Sim, pai, devias ter visto!
I just outran 2 cops, you should have seen it.
Peguei-me com dois polícias e deixei-os malucos.
There was all this merchandise that got packed up. You should have seen it. There was a record player and a yo-yo.
Havia montes de artigos que já foram empacotados um gira-discos, um ioiô...
- No, it wasn't! You should have seen the storm coming!
Tu devias ter visto a tempestade a chegar.
You should have seen those Polish princes putting it away.
Eles devem ver como eles bebem aqueles príncipes poloneses.
You should have seen it.
Devia ter visto.
You should have seen the doctor and had it set.
Tinha que procurar um médico.
You should have seen my leg when it was broken in four places.
Devia ter visto quando quebrou em
You should have seen it.
Devias ver. As pessoas não se cansavam de aplaudir.
I really love it. You should have seen the salesman.
Havias de ver o vendedor.
You should have seen it before.
Devias ter visto, antes.
E deveria ter visto a E.R.M.A. nos primeiros testes que fizemos, o que facilitou para o sonar encontrar o objectivo.
You really should have seen it, it was quite an excruciating death.
Deviam ter visto, foi uma morte agonizante.
You should have seen it last night.
Teve de enraivecer o Spock para o libertar de algo emotivo.
You should have seen the intern's face when I got up. It was a hoot! Fun's over, though.
Devias ter visto a cara do médico de serviço quando me levantei.
You know as well as I do that you should have been more careful... you should have seen that the barrier was unstable when you scanned it.
Sabe tão bem quanto eu que devia ter tido mais cuidado... Devia ter visto que a barreira era instável quando a analisou. Mas não o fiz.
You should have seen the looks on their faces when I explained to them that it was a five-year-old planetary survey report.
Deviam ter visto a cara deles quando lhes expliquei que era um relatório de um planeta com cinco anos.

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