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You talked to her traducir portugués

423 traducción paralela
You talked to her although I forbade it
Você falou com ela, mesmo estando proibida.
No, but I thought maybe if you talked to her, you could get...
Se o senhor falar com ela, talvez...
- No. - Have you talked to her?
Ou falaste com ela?
You talked to her.
Eu o vi! Falou com ela.
- When was the last time you talked to her?
Quando foi a última vez que falou com ela?
You talked to her?
Falou com ela?
Have you talked to her, Inspector? I'm sure you have.
Trouxe-me arenques fumados em vez de cozidos e esqueceu-se do leite.
She saw and you talked to her place.
Ela viu, mas não foi à polícia.
- You talked to her?
- Falaste com ela?
I think if you talked to her, maybe she'd change her mind.
Mas eu não sei. Talvez se falares com ela, ela mude de ideias.
Harold, what... what was Samantha like when you talked to her?
Harold, como lhe pareceu a Samantha quando falou com ela?
I didn't want to kill her... but since you talked to her, she knew too much.
Eu não queria matá-la... mas já que você falou com ela, ela sabia demais.
The way you talked to her was great.
A forma como falou com ela foi espectacular.
Have you talked to her about it?
Está além de qualquer medida.
You talked to her before she left?
Falaste com ela antes de ela sair?
What did Laurie say when you talked to her?
O que é que a Laurie disse quando falou contigo?
- Have you talked to her yet?
- Já falaste com ela?
You talked to her?
Falaste com ela?
I can't believe you talked to her. She smells different now.
Talvez lhe tivesses encomendado um peixe especial.
I mean, have you talked to her?
Vamos ligar aos pais dela?
When's the last time you talked to her?
Quando falou com ela?
- You talked to her?
- Falou com ela?
So you talked to her?
Então, falaste com ela?
Oh, Hilda, I'm so glad you talked to her.
Muito boa pergunta.
And you're not Mrs. Carleton Random, because I talked to her... on the phone not 10 minutes ago.
E você não é Mrs. Random pois acabei de falar-lhe ao telefone.
Well, you see, Carol talked to her father and her father said that maybe my father would sponsor a program on his radio station so Oogie and I can be on the air.
Bem, veja você, Carol falou a seu pai E seu pai lhe disse que talvez o meu patrocinar um programa de Em seu rádio para oogie e agimos.
I thought perhaps if you talked to Mother... told her how well he's doing at the lab, what a wonderful future you see ahead for him... well, she might forget that his father manufactures overalls.
Diga à minha mãe que ele tem feito um bom trabalho no laboratório e tem um futuro promissor, e ela talvez esqueça que o pai dele fabrica macacões.
I thought Tommy's mother could come and live with you and Marty. - I talked to Tommy's brother and I said "You gotta take her for a couple of years!" And he says "Oh, no!" - Well...
Talvez a mãe de Tommy pudesse vir morar consigo e Marty.
Do you think maybe if I went out and talked to her?
Que acha de eu ir falar diretamente com ela?
- Just for a moment. I wouldn't disturb her. - I think I've talked to you all I want to.
Acho que não quero falar mais consigo.
You talked to what's-her-name lately, in Omaha?
Tens falado com aquela fulana de Omaha?
If you had just talked to her, she wouldn't have killed herself.
Se tivesses ao menos falado com ela, não se teria suicidado.
'Cause he talked to her about little things, you know.
Ele conversava com ela.
Talking that woman out of going to the railroad... you might have talked her into getting herself killed.
Ao convenceres aquela mulher a não ir à ferrovia... podes tê-la convencido a deixar-se matar.
- You haven't talked to her yet.
- Ainda não conversaste com ela.
4 years, and you never talked to her.
Quatro anos e nunca falaste com ela.
Have you seen Jane, or talked to her?
Viste a Jane ou falaste com ela?
Have you... you know, talked to her about the way things are?
Tu... tu sabes, falaste com ela sobre como as coisas são?
All right, you've talked to her.
Pronto, já falaste com ela.
You've talked to her behind my back?
Há quanto tempo falas com ela nas minhas costas?
I've talked to a few people who say you and her were friendly?
Houve quem nos dissesse que o senhor era... íntimo dela.
You're darn right I talked to her.
Podes crer que falei com ela.
I take it you haven't talked to her about it.
Presumo que ainda não falou com ela sobre isso.
A doadora que te falei a respeito a família dela está ameaçando processar.
Four years, and you never talked to her.
Quatro anos e nunca falaste com ela.
You could have talked to her, or something.
Olhe, sinto muito se causei a sua mãe qualquer aflição.
No, little'un. I talked to her and she's too busy to call you.
Falei com ela e ela disse que não ia ter tempo para te falar.
I mean, do you think he talked to her like that?
Achas que falava assim com ela? Não me lembro.
He's talked to you about her?
Falou-lhe nela?
- You fucking talked to her about me.
- Falaste com ela sobre mim.
- You've talked to her?

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