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You were right about him traducir portugués

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You were right about him.
Tinhas razão a respeito dele.
Você estava certa sobre ele.
You were right about him?
Tinhas razão acerca dele.
Well, Bart, you were right about him.
Bem, Bart, tinhas razão quanto a ele.
Yeah, you were right about him, Prue.
Sim, tinhas razão acerca dele, Prue.
- You were right about him, Mulder.
- Tinhas razão, Mulder.
You were right about him.
Jimmy, tinha razão sobre ele.
You were right about him.
Tinha razão a respeito dele.
You were right about him.
Você tinha razão sobre ele.
You were right about him.
Tinha razão, quanto a ele.
[Applause] You were right about him, weren't you?
Tinhas razão sobre ele, não tinhas?
You were right about him, Verne.
Tinhas razão acerca dele, Verne.
You were right about him.
Tinha razão acerca dele.
- And you were right about him - not a talker. - Mm.
E você estava certa sobre ele, é bem caladão.
You were right about him, you know?
Tinhas razão sobre ele, sabes?
You were right about him.
Estavas certo em relação a ele.
You were right about him, too.
Tens razão, ele lava muito bem a cabeça.
Yeah. You were right about him, Sammy.
Estavas certo sobre ele, Sammy.
You were right about him.
Tinhas razão sobre ele.
Dad, that was all my idea, and Grandpa told me that I was wrong and you were right about him the whole time.
Pai, foi idéia minha E o avô disse que eu estava errado e tu estavas certo sobre ele o tempo todo.
- Maybe you were right about him.
Talvez tenhais razão acerca dele.
You were right about him.
Tinhas razão acerca dele...
Looks like you were right about him.
Parece que tinhas razão em relação a ele.
No, you were right about him, so it's actually good.
Tinhas razão em relação a ele. Por isso, até é bom.
You were right about him.
Você estava certo sobre ele.
You know, you were right about him.
Sabes, tinhas razão acerca dele.
You were right about him.
Estava certo sobre ele.
Sister, you were right about him.
Minha irmã, tinhas razão quanto a ele.
You were right about him being connected to the Yakuza.
Estavas certa sobre ele estar ligado à Yakuza.
You were right about him.
- Estavas certa.
Well, you were right about him being a ding-dong.
Bem, tinhas razão ao dizer que ele era um palerma.
No, you were right about him.
Não, tinhas razão sobre ele.
You were right about him.
Tinhas razão acerca dele.
You're right about him, he gives, it's royal, he gives one a life years of happiness, casually, as if it were nothing.
Como se de nada se tratasse. Assim, como assim. Mas ele o sabe.
You were right about her visiting him shortly before his murder.
Tinhas razão sobre a visita dela antes do homicídio dele.
You were right about her visiting him shortly before his murder.
Estavas certo sobre a pequena visita da mulher antes do homicidio.
You were so right about him.
Tinhas razão sobre ele.
Well, you were probably right about him.
Devias estar certo sobre ele.
So you were right about the drugs, but next time, with Moriarty, if you do find him...
Tinha razão em relação ás drogas, mas não há sinais do Moriarty.
Coach Fry had him running the stadium yelling about him losing the playbook and how he's gonna be running the stadium steps every day. You were right, Trish.
O treinador pô-lo a correr pelo estádio, e gritava como um maluco sobre como tinha perdido o livro e agora ia correr todos os dias.
You were right about him.
Tu tinhas razão sobre dele.
You were right about calling him.
Fizeste bem em telefonar-lhe.
I told them. When I heard you were in trouble, I went to Whiting, told him I thought you were right about Scott.
Eu disse-lhes, soube que estavas com problemas e falei com Whiting, disse-lhe que tinhas razão sobre o Scott.
All those things you said about how you'd had enough of men like him, how with me you were finally making the right decision.
Todas aquelas coisas que você disse, sobre como devia haver homens como ele, como comigo você estava fazendo finalmente a decisão certa.
What if I were to tell you right now that I found out something about your daddy - - something that you could use to put him away for the rest of his life?
E se eu dissesse que descobri uma coisa coisa sobre o seu pai algo que pode usar para que ele fique preso o resto da vida,... o que diria?
Well, I guess you were right about William. But it doesn't matter how he feels about me. I don't love him.
Acho que tinhas razão sobre o William, mas não importa o que ele sente por mim, eu não o amo.
You were right about him.
Tinhas razão.
Well, you were right about Liam- - that pendant I gave him, it was stolen.
Bem, tinha razão sobre o Liam. O pendente que lhe tinha dado, foi roubado.
You were right about him.
Tinha razão.
You were right about watching him fly.
Tinhas razão acerca de vê-lo voar.
All right, I didn't slap him, but I did give him a very hard time about it because... well, because that's what you did to show that you were a girl with sass, not just some pushover.
Está bem, não lhe dei uma estalada, mas dei-lhe um bom raspanete porque... porque, era isso que se fazia para mostrar que eu era uma rapariga séria, e não uma oferecida qualquer.

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