Quick as you can traducir ruso
175 traducción paralela
- It's only for a short time. Be as quick as you can.
Постарайтесь побыстрее.
Get to Tara as quick as you can and stay there.
Поезжай в Тару, как можно скорее, и оставайся там.
Get Doc Gordon as quick as you can.
Сейчас же звони доктору Гордону.
- Back to the hotel, as quick as you can.
- Возвращайтесь в отель, как можно скорее.
- Room No.6, as quick as you can.
- Комната номер 6, как можно быстрее.
As quick as you can.
Как можно быстрее.
Ed, get back here as quick as you can.
Ед, возвращайтесь сюда так быстро, как только сможете.
Get down to that stockholders'meeting... - as quick as you can. - What'll I do?
Лора, иди на собрание... как можно быстрее.
See if you can find Wyatt quick as you can.
Найдите Уайта и приведите помощь.
We'll meet you at the airport, Mr. Adams. Get there as quick as you can.
Встретимся в аэропорту, мистер Адамс, я срочно выезжаю.
- As quick as you can.
- Медлить нельзя.
And quick as you can say "Bob's your uncle," the most unusual things begin to happen.
Вы глазом моргнуть не успеете, как начнут происходить невероятные вещи.
Good luck, Ian. Be as quick as you can.
¬ озвращайтесь скорее.
Get him to sleep as quick as you can, will you?
Усыпи его как можно быстрее.
- Be as quick as you can.
- Как можно быстрее.
Come on now, quick as you can.
Пошли, быстро, как можешь.
- Yes, as quick as you can.
- Да, и как можно скорее.
- And it should be better to make it as quick as you can!
- И чем скорее, тем лучше!
Get over here as quick as you can.
Давай сюда, и как можно быстрее.
Shut up as quick as you can.
Замолчи и давай скорее убирай всё
Okay, I'm gonna throw a few numbers out at you. You put'em together in your head as quick as you can. Okay.
Ты понимаешь, что значит быть кассиром в "Шницеле"?
Get the lads back home, quick as you can.
Уводи парней как можно быстрее.
Get rid of him as quick as you can and come back home to me.
Избавься от него как можно скорее и возвращайся домой, ко мне.
- I want you to leave as quick as you can.
- Я хочу, чтобы ты как можно быстрее уехала.
You need to get out of sight and in the basement as quick as you can.
Рекомендую вам укрыться в подвале и как можно скорее.
All right. Take us out of the world quick as you can.
Увези нас от всей этой суматохи как можно быстрее
All right Take us out of the row quick as you can
Отлично. Увези нас от всей этой суматохи как можно быстрее
Quick as you can say Easy-Bake Oven, there's a gigantic bun in hers.
И, так быстро, как ты говоришь "Духовка легкой готовки" - там появляется гигантская булочка.
Get Trainer and Hall as far away from her as quick as you can.
Нам нужно побыстрее убрать от нее Трэйнэра и Холла.
OK, just get back here as quick as you can. Bye.
Но ты сказал, что профессор Розенталь собирается использовать свое влияние в МУЗ, чтобы разобраться?
Quick as you can.
И побыстрее!
Now come on, quick as you can!
Давайте, поторопитесь.
Let's go, quick as you can!
Скорее, бегите!
Quick as you can.
Побыстрее, пожалуйста.
Sit down everybody, as quick as you can.
Итак, прошу всех сесть! Как можно быстрее!
Hey, come in, ladies, as quick as you can.
Эй, входите, леди, быстро, как только можете.
I'll meet you at the house as quick as I can sneak away from here.
Встретимся дома сразу, как только мне удастся смыться отсюда.
Just as quick as you can, really.
Чем быстрее, тем лучше.
A chap called melmotte's got some of it, and a chap called grendall's got the rest. You get it back from'em as quick as you can.
Я сделал предложение Хетте, она мне отказала.
Quick as you can.
But I can take you down again, as quick as the first time.
как в первый раз.
And you can go to jail just as quick... if I start asking the right questions.
И также быстро ты отправился бы в тюрьму... начни я задавать правильные вопросы.
You can't move as quick as I can. - Jessie.
Ты не можешь двигаться так быстро как я.
If the militia come, you must come up here as quick as you can,
- Прошу тебя, не надо.
Quick as your little pixie legs can carry you.
Живо, одна твоя эльфийская нога здесь, другая там.
I'll try and be as quick as I can and then you can have Daniel back, I promise.
Я постараюсь быть как можно более краткой, и вы получите Дэниела назад.
I've known a few men who've sat on that chair, and as the day gets near, all you can really do is pray it goes quick.
За годы я знал нескольких людей, которые сидели на том стуле. Когда этот день приближается, тебе остается только молиться, чтобы все прошло быстро.
Go on, quick as you can.
Давай быстрее.
Even if you find one that has money, and means to drill he'll maybe know nothing about drilling and he'll have to hire out the job on contract and then you're depending on a contractor to rush the job through, so he can get another contract just as quick as he can.
Будут и такие, кто захочет вложить деньги в нефтедобычу, сам ничего в этом не смысля. И он вынужден будет нанять подрядчиков, и Вы будете тогда зависеть от подрядчика, который провернёт одну сделку, чтобы получить другую - и чем быстрее, тем лучше.
Send this out as quick as you can.
Сэм, отправь это срочно.
Quick, grab as many as you can before someone sees us.
"Рождённый пятого Июля"
quick as you like 16
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you can tell 29
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you can tell 29
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't go wrong 20
you can't understand 78
you can't help me 85
you can't have it 85
you can't stop me 130
you can't make me 84
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't go wrong 20
you can't understand 78
you can't help me 85
you can't have it 85
you can't stop me 130
you can't make me 84