There you were traducir ruso
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She left you, and there you were, [stammering] wrapped in a blanket in a basket.
Оставила тебя, прямо передо мной... обернутого в одеяльце в корзинке.
And when they cut away to the commercial, there you were again, leaping through the airport for Hertz, breaking another barrier with charisma, humor, intelligence.
Несся через аэропорт в Hertz, и разбивал ещё один барьер своей харизмой, юмором и интеллектом.
You were there last night, you saw with your own eyes.
Вы были там прошлой ночью, вы видели своими глазами.
When you were little, were you ever worried that there might be something hiding under your bed at night? Well..
Когда вы были маленькими, Когда-либо дал опасаться, что у него было что-то под кроватью в ночное время? Да?
There were so many women, I have no idea whose bastard you are.
Было много женщин. Я понятия не имею, чей ты бастард.
Yeshua's death you were there beside His mother.
На казни Иешуа ты была рядом с его матерью.
I just realized that there were 155 people on that plane, and you were one of them
Я просто понял, что там было 155 человек на этом самолете, и вы были одним из них
There were all the same paremeters that you faced.
Были все те же параметры при, что вы столкнулись.
You were right there, with all those distractions.
Вы были правы там, со всеми этими отвлекающих факторов.
What matters is you were there.
Значение имеет то, что ты был там.
You were a bit attractive back there.
Ты выглядел привлекательно там.
What were you playing in there?
Во что вы играли?
I asked Bridget if there was something wrong with you, and she said you were fine.
Я спросила Бриджит, что с тобой происходит. Говорит, ничего.
There were other ways you could have landed a case!
Есть и другие способы получить дело!
You were there at the end.
В итоге ты был там.
You were here when Jeannie Hearne got on the stage and you were there at the wheel of Bruce's car when Jeannie came to, afraid and wondering how the hell she got there from the ghost train.
Ты был здесь, когда Джинни Хёрн поднялась на сцену, и ты был за рулём машины Брюса, когда Джинни пришла в сознание, на пуганная и не понимающая, как Чёрт возьми она сюда попала с "Поезда Призрака".
Were you happy there?
Ты была счастлива там?
How is it possible that a psychopath like you... You're not afraid to get into fights with... how many were there? I think they...
Как же так вышло, что психопат вроде тебя... не побоялся ввязаться в драку...
What were you, like, sticking up for me back there or something?
Ты пыталась там за меня заступиться, что ли?
What do you think they were doing there?
Как думаешь, что они там делали?
You said yourself there were three people in the apartment. - We found all of them.
Ты сам сказал, в квартире было трое.
You were about to suggest there may be some supernatural agency involved in this matter and I was about to laugh in your face.
- Вы бы выдвинули версию : это дело рук таинственного агентства, а я бы рассмеялся вам в лицо.
You were there, Mycroft.
- И вы тоже, и Майкрофт.
If you weren't there, then where were you?
Где ты был, если не у неё?
You were up there for, like, 10 seconds.
Ты стоял там около 10 секунд.
We were on the road in Spain, and I noticed that the people there pronounce the letter S with, like, a T-H "th" sound, so instead of saying Spain, they say Thpain, you know,
Мы были на гастролях в Испании, и я заметил, что испанцы произносят "с", как будто это "ф". Они говорят не "Испания", а "Ифпания", как будто у целой страны дефект речи.
Tactically, if there were more, as a show of force you would've brought them out.
Если бы вас было больше, вы бы привели всех, чтобы показать свою силу.
Well, you were only there because of me.
Вы оказались там из-за меня.
What were you doing up there?
- Что ты там делала?
I wanted to give it to you in the pictures, but there were too many people looking.
Я хотел предложить ещё во время сеанса, но было слишком много свидетелей.
But you went there alone because you knew you were wrong.
Но ты пошел туда один, зная, что поступаешь неправильно!
We know you were there.
Мы знаем, что ты был там.
What were you doing there?
- Что ты там делал?
How many of you were up there?
Сколько вас там было?
What were you doing out there?
Что ты делал в лесу?
What were you doing up there?
Зачем ты туда ходил?
What were you doing right out there?
Что ты там делала?
You were there but you don't know.
Вы были там, но вы не знаете.
She was there the same night you were.
Она была там тогда же, когда и вы.
How many people were there with you?
Сколько ещё человек было с вами?
She struggled because you were there.
Ей было не просто, потому что там была ты.
Why in the hell were you in there alone?
Почему, черт побери, ты был там один?
Given what they threw at you, there were a lot of temptations to play their game.
При всём, что в тебя швыряли, у тебя был большой соблазн сыграть по их правилам.
You were always there for me.
Ты всегда был рядом.
The way you were stinking already and you had bugs all over you and bone was coming through right there.
Ты уже порядочно вонял, тебя облепили мухи, а прямо вот отсюда торчала кость.
There were days I didn't think about you.
Были дни, я не думала о тебе.
What a coincidence that you were there when the accident happened!
Какое совпадение, что ты был поблизости, когда произошел несчастный случай!
He told why you were there.
Он мне рассказал, зачем ты туда ходил.
You were there when he perished.
Ты был там, когда он погиб.
I could tell you were pretty busy back there.
Я мог бы рассказать тебе чем бы были немного заняты там.
So how many were there of you?
Так, сколько вас там было? Не уверена.
there you go 7508
there you are 4720
there you have it 213
there you go again 130
there you guys are 26
there you 22
there you two are 19
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
there you are 4720
there you have it 213
there you go again 130
there you guys are 26
there you 22
there you two are 19
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were gone 87
you were sleeping 43
you weren't there 258
you weren't kidding 58
you were incredible 39
you weren't wrong 17
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were gone 87
you were sleeping 43
you weren't there 258
you weren't kidding 58
you were incredible 39
you weren't wrong 17