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You wouldn't do it for money.
Ты не стал бы делать это за деньги.
You swore you wouldn't say anything.
Это же личная информация.
Why wouldn't I?
Как я могу его не любить?
Wouldn't you rather live in your son's admiration than his scorn for this selfish act?
Разве ты хочешь, чтобы твой сын презирал тебя за эгоизм, вместо того, чтобы восхищаться тобой?
And wouldn't you say that Willy C is getting shorter by the minute?
И вы бы не сказать, что Вилли C становится короче на минуту?
I... just wouldn't want anyone to infer a personal investment on his part that isn't useful to the campaign.
Я... просто не хотел бы кто-нибудь, чтобы вывести личные инвестиции с его стороны что не является полезным для кампании.
I wouldn't say that, exactly.
Я бы не сказал, что именно.
Wouldn't know what a real war was if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Не знал бы, что такое настоящая война, если она вскочила и укусила его в задницу.
I'm sure. Why wouldn't it be?
А с чего бы нет?
Oh, man, Tom, I wouldn't want your job.
Том, дружище, паршивая у тебя работа
No. They wouldn't approve the expenditure.
Нет, они не одобрят дополнительные расходы
I wouldn't be surprised if his recommendation is not even in your file yet.
Не удивлюсь, если в твоём деле ещё ничего не отмечено.
I wouldn't have left a fucking gun at Truth... You know that!
- Я бы не оставил пистолет в "Правде", ты сам знаешь!
And like I said to you before, he wouldn't kill an FBI Agent. He never mentioned a Greg Knox to me...
И я уже говорила, он бы не стал убивать агента ФБР!
So then you wouldn't know anything about St. Patrick planning the murder of Agent Greg Knox to protect Tommy Egan?
- Значит, вы ничего не знали о планах Сент-Патрика убить агента Нокса, чтобы защитить Томми Игана?
I wouldn't ask you to do that.
- А я и не прошу этого.
Moreno wouldn't talk unless we had something on him.
Морено не заговорит, пока у нас на него ничего нет.
I wouldn't even blame her.
- Я бы не стала ее винить.
James wouldn't lie to me.
Джеймс не стал бы мне лгать.
But when they found that phone and given Greg's record, they wouldn't hear it.
Но потом нашли тот телефон, плюс прошлое Грега - никто и слышать не хочет.
Dad wouldn't kill anybody.
Папа не мог никого убить.
You wouldn't believe how much Xanax I just took just now. Oh. Yeah, no, not at all.
— А. Да, да, конечно.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's just giving handles.
Не удивлюсь, если он лишь передёргивает затворы.
- to another one of these. - Oh, I wouldn't miss it.
Как такое пропустишь!
Last time I saw you, mother, you told me I wouldn't last a month without you.
Когда мы виделись в последний раз, ты говорила, что я и месяца без тебя не протяну.
You wouldn't mind that face looking up at you.
Ты же не будешь против, что это лицо будет смотреть на тебя.
I mean, either way, it wouldn't surprise me.
В любом случае, я бы не удивился.
A layman just wouldn't know that stuff.
Дилетант это знать не будет.
The killer wouldn't need to buy the bugs, he could harvest them.
Убийце не надо было покупать жуков, он мог их собрать.
He wouldn't.
Он бы не посмел.
I s'pose that's why I never came forward earlier, because I knew they wouldn't believe me.
Наверное, я поэтому не пришла раньше, потому что знала, что мне не поверят.
You said you wouldn't be going off-world!
Вы говорили, что не покинете планету!
If you could save the one who brought you into this world - wouldn't you? !
Если бы вы могли спасти ту, что подарила вам жизнь, как бы вы поступили?
Quite the turnout for a Jew, wouldn't you say?
Немалое собрание как для еврея, не так ли?
I wouldn't expect you - to understand.
Вряд ли ты поймёшь.
I tried to tell you. Yeah, you weren't ready, but you wouldn't hear it from me.
- Я же говорил, что ты не готова, но меня ты не послушала.
I all but told you ahead of time, but you wouldn't listen. Now you've heard it, but it's too late.
Я предупреждал тебя, но ты меня не слушала, а теперь уже слишком поздно.
But I wouldn't mind if it happened again.
Но я не стала бы возражать, если бы это произошло снова.
Too much? She wouldn't.
Она бы не стала.
I know I said I wouldn't ask you for anything.
Знаю, я говорл, что ни о чём тебя не попрошу.
If I were you, I wouldn't be so cavalier about the position that pays to support them.
На вашем месте я бы не стал так высокомерно относиться к работе.
I wanted to sleep there. But mama wouldn't have it.
Я хотела там спать, но мама не разрешала.
So if you wouldn't mind...
Так что если ты не против...
- You wouldn't understand.
- Вы не поймете.
And I wouldn't understand, right?
И мне этого не понять, так?
Mm-hmm, I have a weird nose and split ends and I don't play an instrument. I don't pay attention to current events, and I'm a sad, weird, annoying girl and I wouldn't wanna marry me either.
У меня страшный нос, секутся концы, не играю на инструментах, не слежу за событиями... и я жалкая, стрёмная, бесячая баба, я и сама-то на себе бы не женилась.
Because I wouldn't want to interrupt your video game!
Не хочу отрывать тебя от твоих игр.
You wouldn't think so if you read my poetry.
Вы бы так не думали, если бы прочли мои стихи.
The sun would do, wouldn't it?
Солнце подойдёт, правда?
I wouldn't have asked him to do anything that would put him in danger.
Я бы и не попросила делать что-то, подвергающее его опасности.
So he wouldn't have come into contact with anyone who might have been, you know, a bit dodgy?
И он бы не связался с кем-то, не внушающим доверия?
wouldn't you like to know 93
wouldn't miss it for the world 25
wouldn't have it any other way 18
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't that be great 27
wouldn't it 684
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't miss it for the world 25
wouldn't have it any other way 18
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't that be great 27
wouldn't it 684
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
wouldn't that be fun 17
wouldn't that be something 19
wouldn't i 109
wouldn't that be nice 54
wouldn't they 74
wouldn't he 126
wouldn't dream of it 36
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
wouldn't that be fun 17
wouldn't that be something 19
wouldn't i 109
wouldn't that be nice 54
wouldn't they 74
wouldn't he 126
wouldn't dream of it 36
wouldn't be the first time 63
wouldn't know 34
wouldn't she 58
wouldn't we 73
wouldn't miss it 50
would 251
would you like some coffee 97
would you like some 121
would you like a cup of tea 61
would you like some tea 119
wouldn't know 34
wouldn't she 58
wouldn't we 73
wouldn't miss it 50
would 251
would you like some coffee 97
would you like some 121
would you like a cup of tea 61
would you like some tea 119