Lieutenant commander traducir turco
436 traducción paralela
Oh. Lieutenant Commander Rogers, in charge of research Lieutenant Lee, student flight surgeon.
Yüzbasï Komutan Rogers, arastïrmanïn basï Tegmen Lee, ögrenci uçus hekimi.
- Lieutenant Commander Blake, sir.
- Yüzbasi Komutan Blake.
I want to contact Lieutenant Commander Blake. He's in 6FOX4.
Yüzbasï Komutan Blake'e ulasmaya çalïsïyorum. 6FOX4'da.
San Diego, calling Lieutenant Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
San Diego, Yüzbasï Tegmen Blake'i arïyoruz, 6FOX4'da.
San Diego, calling Lieutenant Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
San Diego, Yüzbasï Komutan Blake'i arïyor, 6FOX4'da.
And so we honor two flight surgeons Lieutenant Commander Rogers and Lieutenant Lee whose professional skill has made possible the effective work of our finest pilots and best planes.
Ve iki ucus hekimini ödüllendiriyoruz. Yüzbasï Komutan Rogers ve Tegmen Lee profesyonel marifetleri en verimli çalïsmayï pilotlarïmïzdan ve uçaklarïmïzdan almayï basardï.
We also honor the memory of Lieutenant Commander Joseph Blake who heroically sacrificed his life in first testing the pressure suit.
Ayrïca Yüzbasï Komutan Joseph Blake'i de anïyoruz. O basïnç elbisesi deneyinde kahramanca hayatïnï kaybetti.
I accept this, sir, on behalf of my friend and coworker Lieutenant Commander Blake.
Dostum ve is arkadasïm Yüzbasï Komutan Blake adïna kabul ediyorum.
This is lieutenant commander John Morrison of the United States Navy.
Birleşik Devletler Donanmasından Binbaşı John Morrison.
- Sought for questioning is her husband, Lieutenant Commander John Morrison, recently returned from the South Pacific.
- Sorgulanmak üzere aranan Binbaşı John Morrison, Güney Pasifikten daha yeni dönmüştü.
Lieutenant Commander Morrison is described as about 28 years old, weight 160 pounds, light brown hair, light brown or blue eyes.
Binbaşı John Morrison, yaklaşık 28 yaşında, 70 kilo ağırlığında açık kahverengi saçlı, açık kahverengi veya mavi gözlü olarak tarif ediliyor.
Lieutenant Commander Philip Francis Queeg.
Binbaşı Philip Francis Queeg.
Medical log on Lieutenant Commander X-ray.
X-ray komutanı Binbaşı hakkındaki tıbbi notlar.
Lieutenant Commander, the Honorable Ewen Montagu... Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
Deniz Binbaşı Ewan Montagu, Kraliyet Donanması Gönüllü Yedek.
Lieutenant Commander David Hebden...
Deniz Binbaşı David Hebden.
Lieutenant Commander Crewson?
Teğmen Crewson?
- Lieutenant Commander Dimchurch. - How do you do?
Yüzbaşı Dimchurch.
The new medical officer, Lieutenant Commander Potter.
Yeni tıbbi subayınız, Yüzbaşı Kumandan Potter.
- And Lieutenant Commander...
- Ve Yüzbaşı Kumandan...
Lieutenant Commander McConnel.
Yüzbaşı Kumandan McConnel.
Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell same notation.
Teğmen Komutan Gary Mitchell. Aynı not eklensin.
- It's a great pity. The service can't afford to lose men like Lieutenant Commander Finney.
Finney gibi adamın yeri doldurulamaz.
I have been ordered to stand by on Starbase 11 until the enquiry into the death of Lieutenant Commander Finney can be conducted.
Finney'in ölümüyle ilgili soruşturma sonuçlanıncaya kadar burada kalmam emredildi.
Lieutenant Commander Finney, Benjamin. This enquiry to determine whether a general court-martial should be convened against Captain Kirk, on charges of perjury and culpable negligence.
Bu soruşturmada askeri mahkeme gerekiyor ona bakılacak, resmi suçlamada yalan ifade verme ve ağır derecede ihmal var.
Lieutenant Commander Finney, Benjamin. To all recorded charges and specifications, what is the plea?
Bu suçlama ve bunun unsurları için suçlu mu yoksa suçsuz musunuz?
Service rank : Lieutenant commander.
Hizmet rütbesi, Binbaşı.
Hypothetically, would not Captain Smith begin to hate Lieutenant Commander Jones once he learned that Lieutenant Commander Jones hated and detested him?
- Kuramsal olarak. Şimdi Kaptan Smith Binbaşı Jones'un eskiden kendisinden nefret ettiğini öğrense ondan nefret etmez mi?
- Then I ask you, is it not possible that Captain Kirk became aware of Lieutenant Commander Finney's hatred toward him, and perhaps, even involuntarily, began to reciprocate?
Kirk'ün Finney'in kendisinden nefret ettiğini öğrenmesi de mümkün mü? Ve belki de elinde olmadan buna karşılık vermiş olabilir mi?
Lieutenant Commander Finney was a member of my crew, and that's exactly the way he was treated.
Binbaşı Finney de mürettebatımın bir üyesiydi. ve ona gerçekten o şekilde davranıldı.
When the pod containing Lieutenant Commander Finney was jettisoned, the emergency did not as yet exist.
İçinde Finney'in bulunduğu depo atılırken, henüz acil bir durum ortada yoktu.
Affirmative. Until he was lost, our records officer was Lieutenant Commander Finney.
Kaybettiğimiz ana kadar sicil subayımız Binbaşı Finney'di.
Gentlemen, I submit to you that Lieutenant Commander Ben Finney is not dead.
Baylar ben sizlere Binbaşı Finney'in ölmediğini öne sürüyorum.
Lieutenant Commander Scott recording.
Binbaşı Scott kaydediyor.
Lieutenant Commander Scott reporting.
Binbaşı Scott bildiriyor.
Mr. Spock, have Lieutenant Commander Giotto assemble the security troops and arm them with phaser number two.
Kumandan Giotto'nun güvenlik taburlarını bir araya getirmesini sağla. Onları fazer 2 ile silahlandır.
- Lieutenant Commander Giotto.
- Kumandan Giotto.
Captain Christopher, this is Lieutenant Commander Spock.
Kaptan Christopher, tanıştırayım Teğmen Kumandan Spock.
Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, serial number SE-19754-T.
Binbaşı Montgomery Scott, seri numarası SE-18754-T.
This is Lieutenant Commander Scott.
Teğmen Scott konuşuyor.
Signed, Philip Sheridan, Lieutenant General Commander, U.S.A. "
İmza, Philip Sheridan, Korgeneral, A.B.D. "
- Commander Martin, Lieutenant Lee.
- Komutan Martin, Tegmen Lee.
Uh, this is Commander Adams... ... Dr. Ostrow and Lieutenant Farman.
Bunlar Komutan Adams, Dr. Ostrow ve Teğmen Farman.
Commander Montagu and Lieutenant Acres, sir.
Binbaşı Montagu ve Teğmen Acres, efendim.
Gwynneth, may I present Lieutenant MacCann Hardy, Commander Crewson.
Gwynneth, bunlar Teğmen MacCann, Hardy, Crewson.
May I present Lieutenant J.G. MacCann. Hardy, Commander Crewson.
Teğmen J. G. MacCann, Hardy ve kumandan Crewson.
- The commander will be lieutenant Gallina [Hen].
- Komutanı ise Teğmen Gallina [Tavuk] olacak. Bunu kim yaptı?
I do not propose to let an overweening, crass lieutenant thumb his nose at his commander and get away with it.
Kibirli, küstah bir teğmenin komutanına kafa tutup, bundan sıyrılmasına göz yumamam.
Lieutenant General von Choltitz, Commander of Paris.
Teğmen Paris'in Kumandanı General von Choltitz.
Lieutenant Commander Scott in temporary command.
Kumanda geçici olarak Scott'da.
Lieutenant Walker, I'm Commander Ferraday.
Teğmen Walker, ben kumandan Ferraday.
Commander Ferraday you may send your medical man to attend to your lieutenant.
Kumandan Ferraday doktorunuzu teğmeninizle ilgilenmesi için gönderebilirsiniz.