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Devine traducir inglés

148 traducción paralela
Estoy convencido de que Harry Devine es culpable, y no pararemos hasta cazarle, y al que está detrás también.
We're convinced Harry Devine is guilty, and we won't give up until we get him and the men behind him.
He dado órdenes a la policía para que vuelvan a detener a Devine.
I'm instructing the police department to pick up Devine again.
Queremos a Harry Devine, y al confidente.
We want Harry Devine, and we want to find the leak.
Si Devine es advertido, sabremos que fue... uno de los que estuvo aquí, ¿ no es una buena idea?
If Devine's warned, we'll at least know that someone who was in this office just now tipped him off.
Por cierto, George, si eres el delator, apresúrate... si no, Scott y Garland se colgarán de tu cuello cuando cacemos a Devine.
Oh, by the way, George, if you're the tipster, you'd better make your move, unless you want Scott and Garland on your neck when we bring Devine in.
Órdenes del fiscal. Van a detener a Harry Devine.
Order from the DA to pick up Harry Devine.
- What? Devine.
Hm! , medité un poco!
Cree que está bien en ella, pero no soporta la actuación de Devine ".
He thinks he's fine in it. but he can't stand Devine's performance. "
Igual que Ralph Bellamy y el coronel Andy Devine.
So is Ralph Bellamy and Colonel Andy Devine.
El Sr. Devine quiere que cantes en el show de Ernie.
Now, Mr. Devine says to put you on Ernest's show.
Todo le pertenece a Devine.
You can't do this. You can't have that.
¿ Y cuando se entere Devine?
What about when Devine finds out?
Adiós. Sr. Devine, a la gente no le gustaría nada...
- Mr. Devine, I think that people will get very upset...
El viejo Devine utilizó este terreno para pasto.
This was used as grazing land by old man Devine.
Al no poder disponer de ella, muchos vendieron sus granjas a Devine.
The farms dried up. Most sold out to Devine.
- Yo diría que es una broma, Sr. Devine.
I'd say a prank, Mr. Devine.
Pienso en Ladd Devine y en la urbanización... y sé que de llevarse a cabo... será la ruina para la mayoría de nosotros.
I think of Ladd Devine and the development, and I know, if it comes, it means the end for most of us.
- La gente se opondrá a Devine.
The people will fight Devine. Hello?
En el peor de los casos, habremos vendido el 80 %... Sr. Devine.
The worse-case scenario, we'll have 80 % of these units sold...
Podríamos mostrar beneficios aún sin acabar la construcción.
Mr. Devine. We could actually be showing a profit while we're still in construction.
Eso pertenece a Devine.
Hey, hey, that's Devine's.
No sabrás quién quemó el cartel de Devine, ¿ no?
You wouldn't know anything about who burned Devine's sign, would you?
Dan Devine, que era de Green Bay.
- Dan Devine from the Green Bay Packers. - Wow...
¡ Al demonio con Devine!
- Wait up. - The hell with Devine, with Yonto!
Devine vacía su banca con poco tiempo en el reloj.
Devine's gonna empty his bench with a little time remaining in the game.
Al demonio con Devine, Billy.
The hell with Devine.
Soy Hubert Devine.
Hubert Devine.
- ¿ Sr. Devine?
- Mr. Devine?
Este es Maxie Devine, el campeón.
This is Maxie Devine, the Champ.
"Maxie Devine."
"Maxie Devine."
Este es, uh, Maxie Devine, Campeón de América.
This is Maxie Devine, Champion of America.
Maxie Devine de América.
Maxie Devine of America.
Maxie Devine, campeón mundial de pesos pesados.
Maxie Devine, Heavyweight Champion of the World.
Si no, Maxie Devine pagará la penalidad... y nunca dejará la ciudad perdida.
If not, Maxie Devine shall pay the penalty and never leave the Lost City.
Un usted estudios.
I'm Christine Devine. Back to you in the newsroom.
Y Roscoe Devine.
And Roscoe Devine.
El manager, Jerry Devine, declaró que no hubo mala intención, que sólo pretendían dar espectáculo.
Manager Jerry Devine announced today that... his company meant no harm in their escapades, that it was intended solely as entertainment.
Jerry Devine, manager.
Devine.Jerry Devine, personal management.
Entonces Curt Wild estaba sin manager y, como Brian lo sabía, hizo intervenir a Devine.
Now at that time, Curt Wild was between management, and Brian knew this, of course, and urged Devine to pursue the situation.
Ned Devine.
Ned Devine.
Ned Devine faltó.
Ned Devine was missing.
Estarás maldiciendo en el Cielo, Ned Devine.
You'll be cursing'in heaven tonight, Ned Devine.
Ned Devine. Nunca ha habido un alma bendecida con tanta dulzura.
Ned Devine... as sweet a soul as ever was blessed.
¿ Ud. conoce a Ned Devine?
Would you happen to know a Ned Devine?
¿ Ned Devine?
Ned Devine?
Ned Devine. ¿ Lo conoce?
Ned Devine. Do you know him?
Si quiere, puedo llevarlo a su casa.
I can take you to Ned Devine's house if you want.
- Adivínalo.
- Devine!

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