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Marc, no sé si tienes miedo de la venganza o algo,
I have no idea. - Look, Marc, I don't know if you're afraid of payback or something, but we need to know everything if we're gonna...
Harvey... ¿ Donna tiene idea de ustedes dos?
But wait a second, Harvey, does Donna have any idea about the two of you?
Pero ahora deberás trabajar tú en eso. ¿ Qué?
- I don't know, Oliver, but right now you're gonna have to work on that yourself.
Ya tengo un bufete. ¿ Por qué no dejamos que ellos se encarguen?
- I already have a law firm. Why shouldn't I let them handle this?
Tengo un abogado y se llama Peter Shumpert.
- I have a lawyer, and his name's Peter Shumpert.
Paula, tiene mi palabra. Esto se queda entre usted y yo. Gracias.
- Paula, you have my word, this stays between you and me.
- De 20 casos que tenemos hasta ahora, las peleas han sido con solo cuatro convictos. Tengo al perfecto. Jamarcus Collins.
- Out of the 20 cases we have so far, the fights have been with a total of only four inmates, and I got the perfect one, JaMarcus Collins.
Tengo una junta con Oliver en el Departamento de Vivienda de Brooklyn.
- I ha... I have a meeting with Oliver at the Brooklyn Housing Authority.
Me pasé de la raya la otra noche, y sé que le importo... Y no solo porque tiene una obligación.
I was way out of line the other night, and I know you care about me, and not just because you have an obligation to.
No nos presentamos bien la última vez que nos vimos.
- We didn't have a proper introduction the last time we met.
No tengo tiempo de formalidades.
I don't have time for formalities.
No me habría mandado a esa mujer Rachel
And by the way, you wouldn't have sent that Rachel woman back to me if you didn't know
Mi nombre no es importante como las preguntas que tengo.
- My name's not as important as the questions I have.
- Escuche, no tiene que hablar.
- Listen, you don't have to talk to us.
Tenemos una junta de conciliación mañana. Esto es lo último que hablaremos sobre eso.
We have a settlement meeting tomorrow, and this is the last we will speak about it ever again.
Paula es mi cliente ahora. No quiero que metas tu nariz en un caso - que crees que manejarías mejor.
Paula is my client now, and I don't wanna have to worry about you sticking your nose in a case that you think you can handle better than me.
- Bueno, Louis. Tienes mi palabra.
- Okay, Louis, you have my word.
Rick, pude haber ido a su oficina si hubiera sabido que quería verme.
- Rick, I could have come to your office if I'd known you wanted to see me.
Si tuviera buenas noticias habría llamado. ¿ Qué pasó?
- And if you had good news, you'd have done it already.
Dijo que no tendría nada después de una junta.
You said you wouldn't have anything after one meeting.
Asegúrese de tener algo después de dos.
Well, you sure as hell better have it after two.
Ninguno está cerca de salir. - Ni eso les podemos ofrecer.
And none of them are close to parole, which means we don't even have that to offer.
Rachel, ¿ has visto a Mike?
- Rachel, have you seen Mike?
- No tiene prueba de eso. - Sí tengo.
- You have no proof of that.
Tengo registros telefónicos.
- Yes, I do. - I have phone records.
Lo tendrá cuando el comité de ética sepa que comenzó a salir con uno de sus pacientes antes del período de espera obligatorio.
- Oh, it'll have plenty of bearing when the ethics board learn that she started dating one of her patients before the mandatory waiting period elapsed.
Cuando tengo buenas noticias, me gusta darlas en persona.
- What can I say? When I have good news, I like to deliver it face-to-face.
¿ Dónde estuviste toda la mañana?
- Where the hell have you been all morning?
Odio arruinarlo, pero la Comisión de Valores no tiene jurisdicción en prisiones privadas.
- I hate to break it to you, Mike, but the S.E.C. doesn't have jurisdiction over private prisons.
No tenemos mucho tiempo antes de que trabajar en esto se vuelva peligroso, o sea que esta es la única forma.
We only have so long before me working on this becomes too risky, which means this is the only way.
Solo debes encontrar qué es lo que Gallo quiere y dárselo.
Which means all you have to do is find out whatever else Gallo wants and give it to him.
- Lo siento, pero debes hacerlo. Porque la única defensa contra lo que trata de hacer es la verdad.
- I'm sorry, Paula, but you're gonna have to, because the only defense against what he is trying to do is the truth.
Porque es muy buena y no quiero tener que buscarla cada vez que necesito ayuda.
- Because she kicks ass, and I don't want to have to track her down every time I need her help with something.
Entonces no deberías tener problemas haciendo lo que sabes que debes hacer.
- Then you shouldn't have any trouble doing what you know you have to do.
En realidad, tengo unas preguntas primero.
- Actually, I have a few questions for you first.
Estoy aquí porque tienes un problema conmigo.
I'm here because you have a problem with me.
- Sí tengo un problema contigo.
- I do have a problem with you.
Debí saberlo.
- I should have known.
Déjame decirte, que tengo una maestría en Wharton, me gradué con honores y puedes creer que solo soy valorada... No.
I have an MBA from Wharton, I graduated with honors, and you think all I am is a high-priced...
- Lo que debió decirle es que cuando amenazas a alguien con chantajearlo, más vale prepararte para defenderte.
You said he was ready to cut a check. - Oh, well, what she should have told you, Jacob, is when you threaten someone with blackmail, you better goddamn be ready to defend yourself.
A diferencia de sus acusaciones, tengo pruebas reales de la agencia que contrató para seguirla y del tipo del puesto de periódicos que dice que se paraba ahí medio día vigilando su edificio.
Unlike your bullshit accusations, I have actual proof from the agency that you hired to follow her, to the guy at the news stand who says you stand there half the day watching her building.
Debería hacer que lo arresten. O tal vez vaya al comité y haga que le quiten su licencia.
I should have you arrested, or maybe I'll just go to the board, have your license removed.
Íbamos a tener una vida juntos. Había planeado todo.
- We were going to have a life together.
No tengo desventaja.
I have no downside.
Tengo algo que hacer ahora.
I have something I have to deal with right now.
- Bueno, tal vez no había vuelto.
- I just... I must have not been back yet.
- Mira... hemos pasado por tanto para que sepas que te seguiré amando en la mañana, pero necesitas preguntarte, ¿ cuánto vale tu palabra?
- Rachel... - Look... We've been through enough for you to know that I'm still gonna love you in the morning, but you have to ask yourself :
La presidenta y el secretario de Defensa han conversado con la OTAN a puerta cerrada y están elaborando una respuesta apropiada.
The president and Secretary of Defense have been in closed door discussions with NATO and are crafting an appropriate response.
O si tienen los mismos objetivos que nosotros.
Or whether they have the same goals as we do.
- Tienes mi palabra.
- You have my word.
A dónde iríamos en nuestro aniversario.
Where we were going to live, how many kids we'd have, where we'd go on our anniversary.

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