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Ojalâ traducir inglés

38 traducción paralela
Ojalâ recobraras la compostura, Red.
I wish you'd brace up, Red.
Ojalâ trataras de entender esto.
I wish you'd try to understand this.
- Ojalâ pudiera verlos.
- Nope. I wish I could.
Ojalâ fuera con ellos.
Wish I were going with them.
I suppose so.
Ojalâ Io hubiese visto.
Wish you'd seen it.
Ojalâ aquí pasara algo.
I wish something would happen around here.
Ojalâ la tuviera, por tu bien y el mío.
I wish for your sake, as well as mine, I had.
- Ojalâ lo hubiera dicho yo.
Oh, I wished I'd have said that. You're at liberty to leave at any time.
- Tu tienes que ver con esto. - Ojalâ tengas razón.
I've got a feeling you had more to do with this than anyone.
Ojalâ pudiera tener noticias de Igor
If only I could have some news of Igor
Ojalâ supieras qué bien te sienta la ira
If only you knew how anger becomes you
Ojalâ el príncipe regresara cuanto antes
If only the prince would return at once
Ojalâ se lo hubiera llevado y no hubiera tenido que verlo ni oírlo.
I wish he'd have took it and gone without ever seeing him or heard him.
Ojalâ lo hubiera podido conocer mejor.
I wish I could have come to know him better.
Ojalâ tuviera su fuerza.
I wish I had his strength.
Ojalâ eso no quedara sin hacer.
I wouldn't want to let that go undone.
- Ojalâ supiéramos dónde está.
- lf we only knew where he is now.
Ojalâ nunca me hubiera ido.
I wish to never leave.
Ojalâ le dijera que dejara de pelear.
I wish you'd tell him not to fight no more.
Ojalâ fuera diferente.
I wish it were different.
Ojalâ yo fuera uno de ellos.
I wish I could count myself among them.
Amen to that.
Ojalâ mis amigos no se hayan orinado encima.
I'd like to think my friends wouldn't pee on themselves.
Ojalâ lo hayan disfrutado.
I hope you enjoyed it. Good night.
Ojalâ que tu esposa grite, " ¡ Dios mío!
If you can get your wife to scream, " Oh, my God!
Ojalâ tuviera 1 0c. por cada vez que mi esposa ha dicho al salir :
I wish I had a dime for every time in 1 8 years of marriage my wife has said, usually when we're walking out of the house :
Ojalâ ésa sea mi última imagen esta noche al ir a la cama.
When you go to sleep tonight, I want that to be the last visual image.
¡ Ojalâ tu hermana esté buena!
I hope she's hot!
- Ojalâ.
- I wish.
- Ojalâ a Cynthia la secuestraran más.
- I wish Cynthia got kidnapped more often.
- Ojalâ.
- Me too.
Ojalâ podemos llevar la música a la gente.
Hopefully, we can take the music to the people.
Ojalâ hubiéramos tenido más tiempo para hacer que los conejos hicieran más cosas.
I think we wish we'd had more time and, you know, put more of them doing more particular things.
Ojalâ esté mejor en Mêxico.
- Hope the weather is better in Mexico.
Ojalâ te haya gustado mi historia.
I hope you liked my story.
Ojalâ mi familia no haya hecho el ridículo.
I hope my family wasn't embarrassing last night.
Ojalâ logre acostarme con alguien.
I sure hope I get laid.

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