/ francés → inglés / Aprês
Aprês traducir inglés
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Aprês cette tournée, tu viendras vivre avec nous.
And say, when you're finished with this tour, you're coming to live with us.
Aprês tout, M. Wilfong ne s'est pas invité,
After all, Mr. Wilfong didn't drop in. Father brought him.
D'apprendre, d'aprês mes erreurs.
Make your own mistakes and learn by them ".
Aprês son arrestation.
- After the arrest. Ah.
Aprês seulement deux jours de mariage?
You've only been married a couple of days?
Aprês onze années de labeur et de sueur.
Yeah, after 11 years of slaving and sweating.
Aprês l'école d'agriculture, je me suis toujours serré la ceinture.
Ever since I left agricultural college, I starved, literally starved.
elle n'aura plus besoin de vos services cet aprês-midi.
She will not require any more of your services this afternoon.
Aprês tout, je dois maintenir les apparences.
After all, I must maintain my reserve.
Aprês tout, Ia petite est partie si longtemps.
After all, the child has been away so long.
Je n'ai pas d'expérience, d'aprês votre définition.
I've had no experience, not what you'd call experience probably.
- Aprês le dîner.
- After-dinner coffee.
- Aprês, peut-être.
- Well, perhaps later.
- Aprês votre départ.
- After you left our show.
Aprês tout, que puis-je dire?
After all, what can I say?
On se voit au bureau cet aprês-midi.
I'll see you at the office later this afternoon.
Tu as besoin d'une femme à qui faire l'amour. Aprês, tu verras.
You need the kind of woman you can make love to and when you're tired, shake her.
"Aprês un vin râpeux, le thé a peu de saveur."
"After the cheap, strong wine, the most delicate tea has little flavor."
Aprês quatre ans de fiançailles?
After being engaged for four years?
Passez au bureau, cet aprês-midi.
Come down to the office this afternoon.
Toute la matinée, ou l'aprês-midi.
In the morning or afternoon, doesn't matter.
Aprês ton comportement brutal et ta trahison?
After the brutal and treacherous way in which you've been behaving.
J'épouse Margit, cet aprês-midi à 15 h.
I'm marrying Margit at 3 this afternoon.
J'épouse lrene à 15 h, cet aprês-midi.
I'm marrying Irene at 3 : 00 this afternoon.
- Cet aprês-midi?
- This afternoon?
Oui, cet aprês-midi.
Yes, this afternoon.
Aprês tout ce qu'on a...
After all we...
- O.K. On signe cet aprês-midi.
- Okay, we sign this afternoon.
Et, d'aprês ce que j'ai vu, vous n'avez rien.
And from what I see, there's nothing very wrong with you.
Aprês le mal qu'on s'est donné pour cette licence!
After the trouble we had getting you a marriage license?
Vous lui ressembliez cet aprês-midi.
You measured right up to him this afternoon.
Elle sera à toi aprês-demain.
You can have it after tomorrow.
Qu'il ne revienne que l'aprês-midi.
Not to come around till afternoon tomorrow.
Aprês la colline, suivez la rivière.
- Up the hill to the river, then follow it.
Aprês votre prestation à Cadix, nous avons donné la place à Raleigh.
Since your Cádiz adventure ended so lamely Raleigh should have first place in this.
Aprês plusieurs jours d'absence, je ne vois que de tristes visages.
I show myself for the first time for days and meet nothing but glum faces.
Aprês tout, tu as trouvé un travail.
After all, you have got a job.
Voilà les journaux de l'aprês-midi.
Here's the afternoon paper.
Tout pilote doit voler cet aprês-midi.
They want all pilots in the air this afternoon.
Aprês le repas, montre-leur les chambres.
As soon as we finish this grub, you can show my friends to their room.
Aprês, j'étais plus bon à rien, à part faire le poireau... à ses côtés.
I wasn't much good for anything after that except hanging around her.
Aprês avoir quitté... l'autre jour, à harlem, on a fait un boeuf extraordinaire.
- When I left The Jungle... - We went up to Harlem. - Had a jam session right out of this world.
What comes next?
Aprês, on va à Palm Beach...
Then we're going to Palm Beach...
Aprês avoir pris mes meilleures années!
That's it! Take the best years of a girl's life!
Aprês vous avoir vue, je comprends pourquoi.
After seeing you, I know why he wouldn't want to.
Ils ont appelé tout l'aprês-midi.
Theater's been calling you all afternoon.
Je peux descendre des marches ce soir sans répéter tout l'aprês-midi.
I can walk down a flight of steps tonight without rehearsing all afternoon, I guess.
Boulangerie Miller, cet aprês-midi.
Miller's Bakery this afternoon.
Aprês, je peux me barrer?
- After that, can I beat it?
- Aprês le déjeuner.
- After lunch.