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Ih traducir inglés

51 traducción paralela
Ca me donne des frissons.
Ih, It makes my flesh crawl.
- Timmy.
C'est gay!
Ih ih ih-t's g-gay?
"Tulas, tnemmoc ac av?"
- Ih, woh era uoy gniod?
Il y a 30 minutes, j'ai cru voir Sigourney Weaver, mais je me suis rendu compte que c'était un cheval mort.
Uh about thirty minutes ago I thought I saw Sigourney Weaver, but ih ih turn - it turns out it was a dead horse.
Mr Jefferson, ca pourrait etre bon pour Blanket de savoir couper du bois.
Mr. Jefferson, ih it might be good for Blanket to learn how to chop wood
C'est ma faute si Stanley l'a mise à vos gars l'autre jour.
Ih, it was my fault that Stanley served your boys the other day.
Bon, écoutez, je... je suis juste venu vous dire que que ce n'est pas ouvert.
Weh well look I, I just came down here to tell you... Ih it's not on.
C'est la seule chanson sur laquelle il sait danser?
Ih ih Is that the only song he'll dance to?
Sheila, on avait tort de juger Kyle.
Sheila, ih-it was wrong of us to be so judgmental of Kyle.
Je suis... Je suis juste un mec avec un penis mutilé.
Ih, I'm just a... a I'm just a guy with a mutilated penis!
C'est moi, Kyle Broflovski.
- Ih it's me, Kyle Broflovski.
C'est moi, Butters.
Ih it's me, Butters.
C'était pas moi!
Ih ih it wasn't me!
C'était le fantôme!
Ih it was the ghost!
Enfin ce n'est pas vraiment un fantôme... c'est juste une illusion provoquée par mon traumatisme.
Only it probably isn't a ghost, ih-it's just a delusion brought on by my trauma.
C'est magnifique.
Ih, it's beautiful.
- Ca va aller M. Gore, je vous crois.
Ih it's okay, Mr. Gore, I, I believe you.
Hé si nous pouvions avoir un ordinateur, nous pourrions nous connecter à World of Warcraft et donner l'Epée aux garçons!
Ih if we could get to a computer, we could sign on to the World of Warcraft and give the boys the sword online.
- Mais, il n'est que 18 h 30.
- But, uh-ih-it's only 6 : 30.
C'est bon, les gars.
Ih, it's okay guys.
Au cas où la prof nous demande.
Ih-in case our teacher asks us.
C'est Steve Garrett de la bibliothèque.
Ih-it's Steve Garrett from the library.
En partant du principe que "ih barre" fois "d rond psi"
When Section C / D,
Ya ih toje zamochu togda!
Ya ih toje zamochu togda!
Prononcé "Rice-ih-gher."
Pronounced "Rice-ih-gher."
L'alcool n'est rien en comparaison.
Alcohol fades ih comparison to its high.
Si salomon c'était si simple.
Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple.
Si salomon c'était si simple?
Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple?
Si salomon c'était...
Would that ih twuuuuuuh so...
Si salomon...
Would that ih twuuuuuuh...
- Si salomon...
Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple.
- Si salomon c'était si simple.
Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple.
- Si salomon c'était si simple.
- Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple.
- Si salomon c'était si simple.
- Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple. - Rueful.
- Si salomon...
- Would that ih twuuuuuuh so simple.
- Si salomon...
Would that ih twuuuuuuh so...
Oh, où est ta veste?
Îh, where's your jacket?
Oh, il est temps de semer mon argent aussi!
- Îh, I'll go sow my money too!
Oh, je... cherche...
- Îh, I'm looking for Malvina.
He must have such cool stuff to tell us.
- Si sal...
- Would that ih twuuuuuuh...

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