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Kenny traducir inglés

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Ne fais pas ça.
Kenny, no, no, no. Don't do this.
- Ne va pas vers la lumière.
Don't go into the light, Kenny.
- Reste avec moi.
- Stay with me, Kenny.
J'ai peur de perdre Kenny mon mari et Kenny la vedette en même temps.
I'm scared that I can't have my husband, Kenny, and the famous Kenny at the same time.
Tu peux avoir tous les Kenny qui existent.
You can have all the Kenny's that there are Kenny's of.
Kenny a invité Dontel à sa block party! Bienvenue à ce nouveau Sports Sesh.
Kenny had a block party and invited Dontel.
Vas-y, Kenny.
That's right, Kenny.
Pour encore plus de Kenny Powers!
And when we get back, we're going to have some more Kenny f'ing Powers.
On applaudit Kenny!
Give it up for Kenny.
Tu viens avec nous?
Why don't you hang out with us, Kenny?
Kenny Powers.
Kenny Powers.
- Kenny?
- Kenny did this?
Guy est super mauvais perdant.
That was a long time ago, Kenny. Guy's the sorest loser there is.
Merci, Kenny. Ça me touche.
Thanks, Kenny.
Oeuvre de charité.
It's charity work, Kenny.
C'est possible.
That makes sense, Kenny
Je déteste te décevoir, Kenny.
Sorry. I hate when I disappoint you, Kenny.
Kenny P est avec nous, sommes fiers de naviguer sur ce beau navire pour nos associations.
I see Kenny P in the house. Hey. We... we're honored to be manning this beautiful vessel for our respective charities.
Bonjour... et bienvenue à tous... aux cours extrascolaires de baseball de Kenny Powers.
Hello, everyone and welcome to Kenny Powers' Extra Innings After School Baseball Class.
Et voici parmi nous... Kenny Powers.
And now, here is Kenny Powers.
Ils feraient mieux de s'expliquer.
Well, if they have an issue, Kenny, then they need to fucking spill it.
Je plaisante pas.
Kenny, I'm not playing around.
- Dis quelque chose, Kenny.
- Would you say something here, Kenny, please? - Coked out dick!
Kenny P.! Ça va, champion?
Kenny P. What's up, champion?
Guy Young. Et Kenny Flowers.
Guy Young and Kenny Flowers.
Merci beaucoup, Kenny.
Thank you kindly there, Kenny.
T'as assuré, Kenny.
- You did good, Kenny, huh?
Kenny, retourne là-bas avec les autres.
- [Kenny] Ha-ha! - Uh-oh. Kenny, get back over there with the co-hosts, OK?
- Ils donnent super chaud!
- Why's that, Kenny? - Oh, because they're so spicy!
Je ne sais pas, Kenny.
- Oh... - Uh, I don't know, Kenny.
- Yeah. Go, Kenny. Go.
- Quelque chose à manger?
De nada, de nada, Kenny. Guess I should make some food?
Kenny Powers va lancer sa putain de chaîne de restos.
Tell me more. I think it's time Kenny Powers opens up a motherfucking restaurant chain.
Kenny est là. Ne t'énerve pas.
Look, Kenny is here.
- On était tellement inquiets.
- I know. And we were all really worried, Kenny.
T'as dit vouloir en parler.
- Guy Young just text me. Kenny, you just said you wanted to talk about this.
C'est quoi, ce truc? Le voilà, Kenny Powers.
What the fuck is that?
- Impressionnant, hein?
- [Kenny] Goddamn. - Pretty impressive little unit, huh?
Oublie les piments, putain!
It's not about the goddamn peppers, Kenny!
Tu devrais même pas y songer, Kenny.
No, but you shouldn't even be thinking about jet packs, Kenny.
Kenny Powers sort du tunnel.
Here comes Kenny Powers through the birth canal.
- Ça date, Kenny.
- This ain't baseball.
- Kenny.
- Kenny.
Elle est magnifique.
She is stunning, Kenny.
- Pitié, Kenny, non!
Come on, Kenny.
Kenny te la coupe.
[Kenny] Jalapeño peppers?
- Pourquoi, Kenny?
Cat, you know why I love jalapeño peppers so goddamn much?
Super forts!
- [chanting] Kenny! Kenny!
[Kenny ] So hot! - [ grunts]
- Je parle.
- Kenny, I'm talking to you.
Je veux pas te blesser, d'accord?
- Look. Kenny, I don't wanna...

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