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Dion traducir inglés

477 traducción paralela
- O Dion? Só é libertado daqui a meses.
Doesn't get out for months.
TJ, lembras-te do Dion?
T.J., you remember Dion.
Dion, Dion, Dion.
Dion, Dion, Dion.
Mas tu, Dion, eu deixo-te viver, para que nunca te esqueças do que causaste.
But you, Dion... I'll let you live so you'll always remember what you caused.
Até breve, Dion.
See you soon, Dion.
Brenda, Garibaldi, Dion!
Brenda, Garibaldi, Dion!
"Nesta pequena ilha começa a lenda, a verdadeira lenda de David O'Keefe".
On this tiny island began the legend, the true legend, of David Dion O'Keefe.
Número 21, guiado por Johann Ritter Número 22, guiado por Paul-Jacques Dion ;
number 21, driven by Johann Ritter number 22, driven by Paul-Jacques Dion ;
Alguém aqui sabe onde estão o Dion e os Belmonts?
Is there anybody in the house knows where Dion and the Belmonts are?
O Dion está quase a acabar.
Dion's almost over.
Talvez se tornem nos novos Dion e os Belmonts!
Maybe they'll be the next Dion and the Belmonts!
O Dion!
Dion encabeçava as probabilidades.
Dion was topping the charts.
Henry Dion.
Henry Dion.
Henry Dion?
- Henry Dion? - Uh-oh.
Nunca ouvi essa música.
Is it on the new Céline Dion album?
Meu Deus! Quando estava a perde a esperança...
You know Celine Dion was on Oprah the other day?
Quando o Canadá desaparecer deixará de existir a Celine Dion.
When Canada is dead and gone There'll be no more Celine Dion
Cantem a Céline Dion.
Sing along to Céline Dion.
Eu pensava que tinha de me armar em Céline Dion
I thought I was gonna have to pull a Céline Dion
Até a Celine Dion vai te ligar para ter uma inspiração!
Celine Dion is going to call you for inspiration.
Fabulosos. o Frankie Valli, o Dion, os Rascals, os Philly.
Fucking A. Frankie Valli, Dion, The Rascals, the whole Philly thing.
- Celine Dion!
- Celine Dion!
A Celine Dion esteve outro dia na Oprah.
You know Celine Dion was on Oprah the other day?
Dion, onde está o Jim?
- Hey, Dionne, where's Jim?
- Como Céline Dion?
- Like Celine Dion has?
Ok, eu sinto muito por ter dito que a Celine Dion cantava como um gato encurralado por cães.
All right, I'm sorry I said Celine Dion sounded like a cat trapped in a dog's home.
Ali está ela, a nossa futura Celine Dion.
There she is, our future Celine Dion.
( "The Wanderer" by Dion on radio )
Tenho a Céline Dion :
You know what? I have Celine Dion :
Não podias ter dito que foi a Celine Dion?
You couldn't have said it was Céline Dion, huh?
Sentei-me à mesa com a Janet Jackson e a Celine Dion.
I sat at a table with Janet Jackson and Celine Dion.
Celine Dion!
Celine Dion!
O verão em que Dion e os Belmonts... destruíram todos os rádios dos carros... e o verão em que pela primeira vez me apaixonei.
The summer Dion and the Belmonts... were blasting out of every car radio... and the summer that I first fell in love.
Deixem-me ver se percebi, se um preto se dá bem, começa a usar "Dockers", compra discos da Celine Dion e come uma branca,
So wait, let me get this straight. Whenever a black guy does well,... starts wearing Dockers, buys a few Celine Dion records,... and sleeps with a white chick, you automatically say he's sold out?
Fizeram o casamento da Celine Dion, da filha do Spielberg...
They did Celine Dion's wedding and Steven Spielberg's daughter's...
Ele é tão bom como disseste, Dion.
He's everything you said, Dion.
Dion, os seus dedos estão sangrando.
Let's take it from the bridge. Dion... his fingers are bleeding.
Sorte de não teres de te sentar num concerto da Celine Dion.
Glad to not have to sit through a Celine Dion concert.
Olha, tu levaste-me para o raio de um concerto de Celine Dion.
Look, you took me to a goddamn Celine Dion concert.
Era um valentão, mas mal lhe ameacei os tomates, piou como a Céline Dion!
He was a tough guy at first, but when I got close to his nuts he sang like Céline Dion.
Se eu vier para a América com a Olga achas que me consegues arranjar bilhetes para a Celine Dion?
If I come to America with Olga you think you can get me tickets to Celine Dion?
Bem, quer dizer... Celine Dion.
Celine Dion.
Agora são os Fortune Five e a Celine Dion.
Now it's the Fortune Fiver and Celine Dion.
- Dion Corelli.
- Dion Corelli.
Olá, Dion.
Hi, Dion.
Adeus, Dion.
Bye, Dion.
- Procuro o teu sobrinho.
I'm looking for your nephew. Dion?
Está no novo álbum da Céline Dion?
( pencil tapping )
Em nome de "Celine Dion".
Well, you know, that would be Celine Dion.

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