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Parecía traducir inglés

20 traducción paralela
Tudo parecía indicar que foram os indios. Sím.
Looked like Injun work, all right.
O mundo parecía curiosamente vazio e silencioso.
The world seemed curiously empty and silent.
ao principio, me parecía engraçado, mas ja não.
I used to think it was funny at first. It's not funny anymore.
No papel parecía que não era nada!
On the page it looked nothing!
Mas, em segredo, fui às cinco representações adorando essas notas que só eu parecía ouvír.
But, in secret, I went to every one of those five. Worshipping sound I alone seemed to hear.
Parecía que cada passo pronuncíava o meu nome.
It was like every step was calling my name.
Parecía que estávamos a divertir-nos, tu e eu.
We seem joined at the hip, you and I.
Parecía que tentava libertar-se.
She seemed intent on forcing her way to freedom.
Disse que você lhe parecía elegante, refinado, distinguido e aristocrático.
She said you were elegant and stylish and dignified and distinguished.
A ideia... A ideia parecía-nos genial, porque... duas linhas de comboio, convergem justamente aqui.
This... this looked great, because two train lines converge right here.
Parecía que havia esperança... mas se ela deixasse de tomar os comprimidos, o cancro podia se agravar.
It was looking hopeful... I she stops taking the pills the cancer can return.
- Parecía um atrasado.
- Looked like a jerk.
Parecía uma forma rápida de ter uma carreira curta.
And it looked like a very, you know, quick way to have a short career.
Tudo parecía caótico, havía muitos problemas e Gus Grissom fazía seu melhor esforço, com sua tripulação : Ed White e Roger Chaffe para prepara-los e ter a nave pronta para voar.
Things were in sort of a turmoil, there were a lot of problems, and Gus Grissom was doing the best he could, with his crew of Ed White and Roger Chaffee, to straighten them out, try to get the spacecraft ready to fly.
Qué tranquila e pacífica se vía, qué frágil parecía,
How peaceful and calm and quiet and serene it looked, how fragile it appeared.
Parecía que Neil não podía encontrar um lugar para baixar E me preocupóu porque não teríam muito combustivel extra.
And then it seemed like Neil was having a difficult time finding a suitable spot to put it down and I got a little worried then because they didn't have a lot of extra fuel.
- Que parecía menta? - Sim.
- The ones that looked like Altoids?
- Parecía uma menta.
- Because it looked like an Altoid.
O "Smokin de Ouro" me parecía impossivel.
Nine days ago, I didn't think a Golden Tux was possible.
Parecía que meu destino estava vindo a ver-me
Can I meet him?

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