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Пронесло traducir inglés

163 traducción paralela
Уф, пронесло!
Cor! Dear!
В этот раз пронесло.
Made it this time.
That was a near one.
We did it!
- На этот раз меня пронесло.
It's my lucky day.
- Пронесло!
We made it.
That was close.
Слава тебе Господи, пронесло!
Thank God, catastrophe avoided!
What luck!
Когда на меня случайно наехал грузовик, огромный такой, чудом пронесло, огромыный, огромный, огромный.
When I had the accident, by a hair, the truck approached me, tremendous, tremendous, tremendous, tremendous. Everything happened so fast.
- Пронесло.
- That was close.
- Г осподи Иисусе, пронесло.
Jesus, that was close.
Один раз меня остановили, но, слава богу, пронесло.
I was stopped once, but I was lucky.
- That was close.
Ладно. В "Вестнике католических скандалов" ничего не написано о случае в секции белья. Кажется, пронесло.
There's nothing in the Catholic Scandal Supplement about the lingerie episode.
Можно сказать - пронесло.
I'll take that as a bygone.
— Ох, вроде пронесло.
Boy, that was close. No.
Пожалуйста, хоть бы пронесло.
Please. Please, a small one.
Фу-ты, пронесло.
Boy, that was close.
Еле пронесло!
That was close!
- Может "диарея", типа пронесло его?
- lt sounded like "diarrhea."
- Ну да, если он, ну там гуляша объелся, пронесло, вот и опоздал.
Yeah, goulash gives drivers diarrhea. So of course he is late.
Только бы меня пронесло...
Help me to release this demon.
Слава Богу, пронесло...
Thank you, Lord, the most merciful almighty.
- И их пронесло?
Did they get away with it?
All's clear.
Думаю, пронесло.
I-I think I'm in the clear.
What a relief.
Кого-нибудь ещё пронесло от этих персиков?
Anybody else felled from them canned peaches?
Похоже, пронесло.
Think I got away with that.
О, едва пронесло.
Oh. That was a close call.
Да уж, пронесло.
Yeah, you really dodged a bullet there.
Пронесло. Мой брат не зря занимается поставкой воды.
Lucky.That my brother, after losing his jobs started delivering fish
Кажись, пронесло...
Okay. That was lucky.
Значит, пронесло.
That was a close call.
It's over.
Look out!
Вроде пронесло.
Bullet dodged.
Кажется, на этот раз пронесло.
I guess we lost that bet.
No, you're good.
Фу, пронесло!
I'm deaf.
Слава Богу, нас пронесло.
- Thank God it's not us.
- Фу. Пронесло.
That was close.
Пронесло – нас чуть не застукали!
Whoa, that was close.
Ффух, еле пронесло.
- Holy crap, that was close. - We're not gonna leave them, are we?
Едва пронесло!
That was a close one.
О, чел, пронесло.
Oh, man, that was close.
Мне настолько везет, как будто меня пронесло удачным поносом.
I'm so full of luck, it's shooting out like luck diarrhea.
Bugger me, that was close.
Фуф, пронесло!
- I'm glad that's over with.

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