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Hangisiydi traducir inglés

562 traducción paralela
Dempsey hangisiydi?
Which one was Dempsey?
Which one was it?
- Bembeyaz ata binen hangisiydi?
- Who was it who rode on a pure white horse?
Yukarıdaki odalarla ilgili son düzenlemeyi yapmadan öce, seninki hangisiydi?
Before I make final arrangements about the quarters upstairs, which is your room?
Hangisiydi o?
- ♪ Dada-di-dadi-dada...
O çok sevdiğimiz şarkı hangisiydi?
What was that song we used to love so much?
- Hangisiydi?
- Which one is she?
Which one is he?
Kan grubun hangisiydi?
What's your blood type?
- Hangisiydi o?
- Which one was that?
- En kötü yumruk hangisiydi?
- What punch hurt the most?
- Az önce attığın taş hangisiydi?
- Which tile did you just throw away?
Lettie, Dick Avery'nin oteli hangisiydi?
Lettie, what is the name of Dick Avery's hotel?
Which one was she?
Which is that?
- Hangisiydi?
- Which was that?
Benim odam hangisiydi?
Which was my room?
- Hangisiydi?
- Which one was it?
En sevdiğiniz hangisiydi? En sevdiğim ne?
Eh, favorite what?
Clare quilty hangisiydi?
Who was Clare Quilty?
Şimdi, hangisiydi?
Now, which switch was it?
Now, which is it?
Which is it?
En güzel şiiri hangisiydi?
What was his finest poetry?
Yatağı hangisiydi?
Which was his bed?
Söylesene Holman, son gemin hangisiydi?
Say, Holman, what was your last ship?
Garip kıyafetleri giyen hangisiydi?
Which one was wearing the strange clothes?
- What was it?
Bir dakika, hangisiydi?
Wait, which switch gets it out?
Gel, kullandığın silah hangisiydi?
Come, what was the weapon?
İşgalden sonra Almanya'da yeraltında faaliyet gösteren örgüt hangisiydi biliyor musun?
Do you know what the underground organization was called in Germany... - This year's fancies - after the occupation?
Which one was that?
Aklında kalan hangisiydi?
Which one did you have in mind?
Favori film müziğiniz hangisiydi?
What was your favourite music?
Unuttum, hangisiydi?
Oh, we went through that this morning.
Şimdi... Seçtiğiniz kart hangisiydi?
Now, what- - what was your card?
- Hangisiydi unuttum ya...
- I forgot which one is...
Sana beyzboldaki en harika anın hangisiydi diye soracak.
He's gonna ask you what's your greatest memory in baseball.
Şu iyi dedikleri, yeni Avustralyalı film hangisiydi?
What's that new Australian film that's good?
Portal hangisiydi?
Which one was Portal?
Peki hangisiydi?
Now which one was he?
- Bu hangisiydi?
- Oh, which one was that?
Sence birlikte geçirdiğimiz en iyi gece hangisiydi?
What was the best night we ever had?
O hangisiydi?
Which one is it?
Bütün hayatın boyunca gördüğün en güzel film hangisiydi?
What's the best movie you ever saw in your whole life?
Sence en iyisi hangisiydi?
Which one did you like the best?
- Yunanca çevirmenin masası hangisiydi?
Which was the Greek translator's desk?
Şöyle bir bakalım, 16. hangisiydi?
Let's see, now which one is the 16th?
- Hayvan hangisiydi?
- What is the animal?
Eh, o zaman o kocaman olan hangisiydi?
Well, then which is the really tall one?
Sizin aşkınız hangisiydi?
Who was this love of yours?

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