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Kiza traducir inglés

105 traducción paralela
Sahip parayi sevdigi kiza verir.
Owner gives money to girl he loves.
O ezeli hikaye, erkek kiza rastlar.
It's the old, old story, boy meets girl.
- Bir kiza zaman tanimiyorsun, - Idare ediyorum,
- You don't give a girl much time, - l get around,
O köylü kizi diyen kiza pek de kizmis ama degil mi?
Sure was feisty about that Nellie Olsen though, wasn't she?
Hayatim, universiteli bir kiza tecavuz edemezsin.
Darling! You can't rape a townie.
Bay Harrison un kizi kayboluyor... ayni evde kalan baska bir kiza, sapik telefonlar geliyor.
Mr. Harrison's daughter is missing. And now that the house where she lives keep getting out obscene phone calls.
Kiza adami hatta mumkun oldugunca fazla tutmasini soyle, unutma sakini...
Now be sure you tell those people again, they got to keep this guy on the line.
Baska bir kiza alinmis.
It's another girl's candy.
Ne zaman kiza yaklassam ortadan kayboluyor.
Every time I got close, she'd disappear.
Sen evlenmek ne biliyor musn tek bir kiza ihtiyac vardir?
Do you know, that to marry one needs a girl?
Tabii su kiza kadar.
Since that one girl.
Ilk bulusmanda bir kiza cok umut bagliyorsun.
My, you lay a lot on a girl for a first date.
Su genç, güzelim kiza Bak!
Look at that young, pretty girl there!
Bu kiza kimse dokunmayacak.
No one touches this girl.
Yanlis kiza asiliyorsun sisko!
You grabbed the wrong girl, fat boy!
ve özellikle daha 21 yasindaki bir üniversiteli kiza.. sana resimlerinde poz veren ve yattigin bir kiza.
And especially not to some 21 year old undergraduate who looks up to you as a god as poses between fucks.
Kiza mi aciyorsun yoksa? Bir X-Man'e mi?
Is this sympathy I hear?
Tokat mi atti kiza?
Slapped her?
Polly kiza hic dokunmamis, benim anladigim kadariyla.
Polly never touched her as far as I could figure.
Her kiza seni seviyorum diyor!
He'll tell every girl that he loves her! '
Kiza iyi abanmisti.
He had the biggest crush on her.
Why don't you get this little girl some pretty dolls or something, Coach?
nasil denir.. cumartesi ikimiz kiz kiza alisveris belki sinema ne dersin sadece ciao... boyle, sadece ciao?
What do you say if Saturday, the two of us, just the girls, do the shopping, go to movies, just... just chill. It's not the phrase, just "chill"?
bu kiza carpildim.
I had a crush on a girl.
Tuvalet esyalari satan kiza çok ilgi göstermis hatta ona bir pirlantali bilezik almisti.
He made a fuss over the young lady in toiletries and even bought her a diamond bracelet.
Fakat daha hic kasten bir kiza bakmadim
But I have never consciously looked at a girl - l love you I'm engaged. So?
Biz burada beton atarken, sen küçük bir kiza pasli trombonunu oynatiyorsun ha?
While the rest of us are in here slinging concrete, you got some little girl to play on your rusty trombone, huh?
Böyle bir kiza baglanabilecegini düsünüyor musun?
Do you think you could hold on to a girl from the PH?
Cidden, Primo, böyle bir kiza yüzük alacak parayi nerden bulacaksin?
Seriously, Primo, how are you gonna afford a ring for a girl like that, huh?
Kiz kiza balayi.
Girl-on-girl honeymoon.
Hey, suradaki kiza baksaniza.
Hey, check out that girl over there.
( Müzik ) Kiza evler açmis, paralar harcamis.
Set her up on a nice house, bought her stuff.
Bu Fahri bizim kiza bir fenalik yapmis olmasin?
Do you think Fahri might have done something to Mine?
Iste kiza sarkintilik filan etmis.
Well, he made a pass at her.
Bu yüzden kiza evlenme teklif etmis.
That's why he had proposed.
Kiza bir kötülük etti. Bunu da benim üstüme yikmaya çalisiyor.
He did something to her and now he's trying to frame me for it.
Sence ne oldu bu kiza?
What do you think happened to this girl?
Bir kiza atas etmek ve onun ölmemesi sahnesini neden peki?
Then why the theatrics with shooting a girl who can't die?
Güzel bir kiza, bir erkek her sey İcin söz verir
A beautiful girl makes a man promise anything.
Kiza parasini ver!
Oh, pay the girl. Criminies!
Kiza dedim ki La-La kizim "Darryl e bulasma", bana uyar dedi
I told La-La, "Don't go in there messing'with Darryl." She telling'me she can handle it. She talkin''bout, "I can handle it."
Biliyor musun, kiza yanlis tüpü baglamisim.
You know that I connected that girl to the wrong tube.
Mahallemizde iki kiza saldirdi.
It attacked two girls in our area.
... cok ozel bir kiza adaniyor.
goes out to a really special girl.
yani, bunu sadece 12. siniflardaki egri omurgali kiza yaptilar zannediyordum.
I mean, I thought they only did that With the 12th grader in the full body cast.
"... hayatini kizil kafali ölü bir kiza feda etmeni izleyecegimi saniyorsan...
" and watch you throw your life away on a redheaded dead girl
Kiza gel simdi.
Get to the girl.
Bir süre önce bir kulüpte çalisan, bir kiza benziyor.
She does kinda look like a girl who worked at the club a while ago.
O kiza ulasmani istiyorum.
I want you to call that girl.
Onlari bir kiza verdim.
I gave them to a girl.
Kiza baksaniza.
Look at her.

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