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FBI, Ordu ve Donanma Ístihbarat subaylarìyla yapìlan toplantìlarda Francisco Ruiez vakasìnì inceledi. Elde edilen sonuç yabancì ajanlarìn Ísş lem 97'yi ögrendigi ve bu sìrrì çalmayì planladìklarìydì.
At a series of conferences with army and naval intelligence officers... the F.B.I. reviewed the case of Francisco Ruiez... from whose effects had come the startling information... that foreign agents had learned about Process 97... and were actually attempting to steal the secret.
Elsa Gebhardt, namì diger Bay Christopher diger yabancì casuslar gibi başarìsìz oldu.
Elsa Gebhardt, alias Mr. Christopher... was no more successful than other foreign espionage agents.
Birleşik Devletler 7 Aralìk 194 1'de savaşa girdikten sonra 1 6.440 düşman ajanì, sabotajcìsì ve tehlikeli yabancì tutuklandì.
After the United States went to war December 7, 1941... 16,440 enemy agents, saboteurs... and dangerous enemy aliens were arrested.