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Yaptigin traducir inglés

190 traducción paralela
Bay Spade bana sahin için yaptigin tekliften bahsetti.
Mr. Spade told me about your offer for the falcon.
Çiftlikte yaptigin kurabiyelere ne oldu Charley?
What happened to the cookies you made at the ranch, Charley?
Seni kardeºime yaptigin gibi ensenden vuracagim.
Just shoot him in the back of the head like you got my brother.
Yaptigin seyi geçerli bir sebep oldugunu düsünerek yaptin.
And you thought you had good reason for what you did.
Yaptigin gözlerle gördüklerimi bir görebilseydin.
Chew... if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.
Ama bu benim gibilerle anlaºma yaptigin için... senin aldigin bir riskti. Haklisin Binbaºi.
That's right, Major.
Yasama Sirasi'inda yaptigin gibi hani.
When you were doing Time of Your Life.
Dorothy, bizim sahnede yaptigin hosuma gitti.
Dorothy I just want to say I loved what you did in our scene. Welcome aboard! Well, you know, you were good too...
Dinle orada yaptigin seyi asla unutmayacagim.
Listen... What you did back there I won't forget it.
Bu insanlar senin yaptigin sanattan anlamazlar bile.
Those people don't even understand your work.
Ama yaptigin bunca isi görünce!
But when I see the amount of work!
Gittigin yol beni gülünç duruma düsürmek, beni mahvetmek anlamina geliyorsa, yaptigin isi birakmak zorundasin o zaman.
If it means ridiculing me, destroying me then you must give it up.
Baska bir kadinla yaptigin iliski!
Of another woman's sex!
Canini sikkin oldugunda yaptigin dudagini isirma seyini yapiyorsun.
You're doing that biting-your-lower-lip thing that you do when something's bothering you.
Neden ona, onu kullanip bana yaptigin gibi terkedecegini söylemiyorsun.
Why don't you just tell her you're gonna use her, then dump her like you did me?
Hiçbir zaman senin yaptigin gibi degildi.
It was never like you just did. Come on.
Vajina için yaptigin benzetmelerden biri mi yine?
Another one of your colloquialisms for a vagina, Tyler?
Yaptigin düsüncesizceydi ve ben kizginim.
What you did was inconsiderate, and I'm upset.
Çünkü hayatindaki diger kadinlara yaptigin gibi onunla da oynayacaksin.
Cos all you gonna do is dog her out, like you do every woman in your life.
Tek yaptigin sans oyunu oynamak.
For the odd game of solitaire, is all.
Biliyorsun, bu... benim için çok komik. yaptigin seyler.. ögret ve karar ver.
- You know, it's it's sort of funny to me the way you can teach and judge and yet you yourself no longer paint.
Su anda yaptigin her seyin Derek'le ilgisi var.
Everything you do right now has something to do with Derek.
Yemekhanede yaptigin o sacmalik neydi dostum?
What's all that bullshit you pulled in the mess hall?
Yaptigin sey kesinlikle dogru.
What you have done is absolutely right.
Yaptigin kesinlikle yanlisti.
What you did was wrong.
Whatever it is, it ain't blocking'!
I know football, but what you did with those boys...
Anlamadigim sey neden 10 Mark bagis yaptigin?
Why did you donate 10 Marks?
yaptigin sey normal degil.
What you're doing isn't normal.
Jeff, bos zamanlarinda neler yaptigin konusuna yeterince girdik.
Yeah, okay, jeff. Slightly too much insight Into your leisure time, thank you.
Denemede yaptigin gibi, hatirladin mi?
The way you did in the audition, remember?
Yaptigin kesinlikle bu.
Yeah, that's exactly what you're doing.
Bilmiyorum, ne yaptigin hakkinda bir fikrim yok.
Don't think I don't know what you doin'.
Yaptigin pisligi temizlemek için bes saatlik kamu hizmeti.
Five hours of community service cleaning up that mess.
Bu bir hediye. oglum Sedgewick için yaptigin hersey için.
It's a gift. For all you've done for my son, Sedgewick.
Senin tek yaptigin onu esinlendirmek... çalismaya ve ögrenmeye, ve bunun için takdir edilmelisin.
All you did was inspire him... to study and to learn, and for that you should be commended.
- Ayni senin yaptigin gibi.
- Just like you'll cope.
Yaptigin seyin yanlis oldugunun farkindamisin?
Do you realize what you're doing is wrong? .
Tek yaptigin sikayet edip durmak.
All you ever do is complain.
- Iceri girerken diger insana bakarken yaptigin.
As you entered... when you looked at the other human.
Halen yaptigin her seyin sirin oldugunu dusundugu su gunlerde onu annenle tanistir.
Introduce her to your mom now while she still thinks everything you do is cute.
Oh, Tatlim, Ne yaptigin umurumda degil.
Oh, honey, I don't care what you were doing.
Yaptigin sey hosuma gitti.
I like what you've done with the place.
Sen de tipki benim gibi bir dolandiricisin. Ve ne is yaptigin degil ne oldugun onemli.
You're a con man, just like me, and it's not what you do, it's what you are.
Dusuyor cunku senin yaptigin bu Dennis Reynolds.
It just falls off because that's what you do, Dennis Reynolds.
Yaptigin tum gurultuye intikam olarak Jazz gec kahvaltisina gidiyorsun!
You're going to a jazz brunch as punishment for all the racket you're making!
Yaptigin seyin çok cesurca oldugunu düsünüyorum.
I think it's very brave, what you're doing.
Söyledigin ve yaptïgïn seyleri bir düsününce insan kendini geri zekalï gibi hissediyor.
When you stop to contemplate some of the things you've said and done, it makes you feel like an idiot.
Going to go and tell "Coach Coon"
Now, you will not be held accountable for anything that has happened up till this point, in fact, you will be admired for the noble attempt you have made to honor your predecessor's commitment a commitment that has been exploited by
There's a word that's been tossed about more than a dollar whore in a port of call.

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