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Yasadigini traducir inglés

37 traducción paralela
Nerede yasadigini ögrenmeye çalisiyorduk.
We wanted to find out where he lived.
Alt siniflarin nasiI yasadigini görmek istersiniz diye düsünmüstüm.
Just thought you'd like to see how the lower classes live.
Bana çocuklugundan ber ¡ orada yasadigini... ve bahçivan oldugunu söyled ¡.
He told me that he had been living there since he was a child working as a gardener.
Dorothy'nin bir erkekle yasadigini düsünmesinler!
They can't think Dorothy lives with a man!
Bir satoda rüya gibi bir ask yasadigini saniyorsun...
An idyllic romance in a castle...
Halen Sablon'da yasadigini saniyordum.
I thought you still lived at Sablon.
Bilirsin, sana inanmazlarsa, bir gorevlinin gelip nasil yasadigini gormesini sagla cunku bu..
You know, if they don't believe you, ask a social worker to come through your spot, check out where are you livin', cos this is...
Yan tarafta kimin yasadigini biliyor musun?
Do you know who lives next door?
Evet, ama gizli bilgiyi veren kisi yasadigini mi iddia ediyor?
Yeah, but a secret informant claims that Steadman is still alive?
Bende kisaboylu tombiktim. inan bana neler yasadigini anlayabiliyorum.
I was a chunky kid too. Believe me, I know exactly what you went through.
Nerede yasadigini biliyorum zaten.
Anyway, I know where you live.
Belki de, Kate'in Edward'la yasamasi gibi sen de Kate'e bu hastanla neler yasadigini açiklayabilirsin.
Maybe you can describe to Kate what you're experiencing with this patient, like Kate did with Edward.
Burada insanlarin denizden faydalanarak yasadigini gösteren en eski kanitlar bulundu.
They're full of clues that hint at new ways of thinking and behaving.
Anton onun nerede yasadigini bilmezdi.
I mean, Anton couldn't have known where she lived.
.. yasadigini ögrendik.
.. in UP for the past three months.
E.T.'nin nerede yasadigini ögrenebilecegimiz baska yollar da var.
But there are other ways we can find out where E.T. lives.
Problem su ki torunlariyla beraber o apartmanin üst katinda yasadigini bilmiyordum.
I didn't know he lived upstairs in an apartment with his grandkids.
Resmen gözlerine baktigimda yani bana baktigindan onun bunlari tekrar yasadigini gördüm
Like to just relive what she went through just in her, I mean, in my eyes.
Neler yasadigini anlamam mumkun bile degil, haklisin. Ancak sana yardim edebiliriz. Bunun ustesinden gelebiliriz.
I can't imagine what you've been through, but we can help you deal with it.
Sarah'in neler yasadigini tahmin bile edemiyorum.
Can't imagine what Sarah's been through.
Onu takip edip, nerede yasadigini ögrenelim.
Let's follow her and find out where she lives
O zaman nerede yasadigini ögrenebilirdik.
We'd know where she stays then!
Eger icinde yasadigini bile hissedemiyorsan nedir bu - Dunyayi Kurtarma - sacmaliklari?
What's the point in all this'saving the world'talk if you can't even feel alive in it?
Yasadigini dusunseydim asla gitmezdim.
I would never, ever have left if I thought you were alive.
Nerede yasadigini bilmiyorum.
I do not know where he lives.
Bize nerede yasadigini gosterir misin?
Will you show us where you live?
Adamin nerede yasadigini ögrendim.
I've found out where the guy lives.
Kayitli tarihimizin tamami son 14 saniyede gerçeklesti ve yasadigini bildiginiz herkes de o zaman diliminde yasadi.
All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
Digerlerimizin nasil yasadigini görmek için asagi kata inmen ne güzel.
Nice of you to come down a floor And see how the other half lives. [both chuckle]
Seni taniyorum ve duygularini nasil da yogun yasadigini biliyorum.
I know you, and you feel things deeply.
Son Durak'a varana kadar neler yasadigini sormadim hic.
I never asked how it was for you getting to Terminus.
Hâlâ yasadigini söylüyor.
Says he's still alive.
Zoey seninle cevrimici bir iliski yasadigini saniyordu.
Zoey thought she was having an online relationship with you.
Bana neler yasadigini anlatamiyorsun ama adada cok sey soyluyorlar.
I know you can't tell me what you're going through... but there's a lot of talk back home.
Yasadigini hisseder miydin?
You think you'd feel alive then?
O evde kimin ve hangi katta yaşadïgïnï bilmek istiyorum.
I want to know who actually lives in that house and what floors they live on.
Senin nerede yaşadigini nasil bilebildim peki, Wilson?
How do you think... I knew where you live, Wilson?

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