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Yillardir traducir inglés

74 traducción paralela
Bu adam yillardir doktor.
He's been a doctor for years, this fella.
- Yillardir böyle bir ºey görmedim.
- I haven't seen anything like this in years.
Yillardir ilk kez sayemde duº yaptiniz. Koynumda yilan beslemiºim.
I get you the first shower you had in years you turn on me like a snake in the grass.
Soluk benizliler bizi yillardir sasirtiyorlar.
White men have been sneaking up on us for years.
Senin su burun surusune yillardir hayranimdir.
I've admired your nose-riding for years.
Uzun yillardir silah ticaretindeyim Binbaºi.
I've run guns for too long, Major.
Mac, bu adi heriflerin yillardir ensemde oldugunu biliyorsun.
Well, Mac, you know how that old turkey's had it in for me all these years.
Yillardir elini kolunu sallayarak dolaºiyorsun.
You just been running loose too long.
AsiI senin karin yillardir peºimde... ve ben kaçmaktan yoruldum.
That wife of yours has been chasing me for years... and I just got tired of running.
Yillardir varliginizla bizi onurlandirmanizi bekliyorduk.
We're looking forward to having you grace us with your presence for many years to come.
Ve yillardir bize hiç yazmadi.
He hasn't written for years.
Babamin yillardir bir kapali garaj var hepimiz el ele verelim ve tekrar açalim
My dad has a garage which is closed for years. We'll all join hands and reopen it.
Bu olay yillardir boyle devam ediyor.
It's been going on over there for years.
Adami yillardir izliyorlar.
They've been watching him for years.
Yillardir ilk defa tekrar resim yapiyorum. ve bu senin sayende.
That painting is the first one I've made in years and it's because of you.
Yillardir bu kadar eglenmemistim.
It was the most fun I've had in years.
Bret ve ben yillardir yapariz.
It is so stupid.
Besin zincirinin tepesinde, deliklerden fazla uzaklasmayan baliklar vardir, ama yillardir deliklerin nadiren etkinlestigini artik bildigimiz icin, onlar ya da torunlari sonunda yer degistireceklerdir.
At the top of the food chain, fish that never stray far from the vents, but they or their descendants will move eventually, for we now know that individual vents are rarely active for more than a few decades.
Yillardir bunu yapmak istemistim!
I've wanted to do this for years!
Annesi yillardir bunu söylüyor.
His mom's been saying that for years.
Yillardir böyle seyler yapmiyorum.
I haven't done anything like that in years.
Jeff senin hakkinda yillardir kafamin etini yiyordu.
Jeff's been bragging about you for years.
Onlari yillardir taniyordum.
I've known them for years.
Yillardir babalik yapman?
Father of the year, you are.
Hem yillardir cok mutsuzuz.
And you know what? We've been miserable for years.
Brian yillardir halledilecegini söylüyor niye homurdaniyorsun, Kathy?
Brian has been saying for years that would settle. What are you babbling, Kathy?
Yillardir oradaydilar, yasiyor ve bekliyor.
They've been there for years, living and waiting.
Biz de... yillardir yasli insanlarin bedenlerinde yasiyorsunuz.
- Been living here inside the bodies of old humans for years.
Onu yillardir görmüyoruz ve bir sekilde artik o kadar bagli degiliz ama sonra bizim için kendisini öne atiyor. - iyi olacak.
We don't see him for years, and somehow we don't really connect any more, - then... then he takes the bullet for us. - Hey, he'll be fine.
Bunu bu kadar salakca bulmamin nedenlerinden biri de medyanin yillardir Bush gidince komedi bitecek diye tutturmasi.
And this is why I found it so silly that the media has been fretting for the last year that comedy is over because Bush is gone.
Yillardir yurtdisindaymis gibi görünüyor.
He's been abroad for a long time.
Yillardir gözlük kullanmiyorum.
- I haven't worn glasses in years.
Adamim, ben bu isi yillardir...
Man, I've been doing this for...
Babamla yillardir konusmadim!
I haven't talked to my dad in years!
Yalan soyledim, cunku yillardir hissetmedigim birsey hissettim.
And I lied because I felt something I haven't felt in years.
- Bu bizim yillardir calisip yarattigimiz mukemmel birsey.
This is a great thing we've built up over the years.
Oh, bu ani yillardir hayal ediyordum.
Oh, I've been dreaming of this moment for years.
Yillardir, bu kategorideki ödülü bir kiza degil de bir erkege verdigim için sikayetler aliyorum.
Year after year, I catch a lot of flak on this particular award, because year after year, I present this award to a guy instead of a girl.
Açikçasi, burada yillardir dogru düzgün bir isi olmadi.
Frankly, he hasn't had a real job here in years.
- Tanrim ya yillardir böyle gülmemistim.
- Oh my goodness, I have not laughed like this in years.
Bu mesela yillardir bizim aramizdaki cekismenin bel kemigi oldu.
For years this matter has been a bone of contention between us.
Yillardir taniyorum adami... yine de yapacagini yapti, pislik.
All those years I knew that guy... he fucking did it anyway, scumbag.
Yillardir kendine böyle söylüyor.
He's been calling himself that for years.
O ayaktaki enfeksiyon yillardir var.
The whole foot's been infected for years.
There have been no here for years.
Briggs'in FBI profiline göre, yillardir süren tek iliskisi Tanya adindaki bir striptizciyle.
Briggs'FBI profile says the only relationship he's maintained over the years is with a stripper named Tanya.
Kapisina zincir vurulmus. Yillardir el degmemis.
It's been chained up, untouched, for years.
Yillardir bu hapishanede curumeme neden oldun.
For years you let me rot in this prison.
Yillardir bu an için bekledim.
For years, I've waited for this moment.

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