And done traduction Espagnol
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You know, the lawyers were saying... no matter what, if you had gone in and done the deed, they just needed to know, for sure, the truth.
Los abogados dicen... que más allá de todo, aunque hayas sido tú, necesitan saber la verdad.
Like you said, the past is over and done.
Como tú lo dijiste, el pasado se queda atrás.
I mean, what we want to do here is, like, open up space. Change it from something that only 500 people have done in 50 years, to something that hundreds and eventually thousands of people, and eventually tens of thousands and millions of people have done.
Aquí queremos abrir el espacio, cambiarlo de algo que 500 personas han hecho 50 años... a algo que cientos y, a la larga, miles, cientos de miles, y millones habrán hecho.
I asked Obergruppenführer Smith to speak about the noble work being done by our doctors on behalf of all of us and for the future of the Reich.
He pedido al Obergruppenführer Smith que hable del noble trabajo hecho por nuestros médicos en beneficio de todos nosotros y por el futuro del Reich.
And for them... he must be prepared to give everything... his life for his blood... or else... or else everything he has done... has been for nothing.
Y por ellos... debía estar preparado para darlo todo... su vida por su sangre... o... cualquier cosa que hubiera hecho... habría sido en vano.
Write up a declaration, and get it to me as soon as you're done.
Redacta una declaración, y házmela llegar tan pronto termines.
I said I'd get it done, and it's done, Gallo.
Dije que lo haría y está hecho, Gallo.
"He's a sociopath who has no remorse " for the things he's done, and he is an animal who deserves to be locked up for the rest of his miserable life. "
Es un sociópata sin remordimientos por las cosas que ha hecho, es un animal que merece ser encerrado por el resto de su miserable vida ".
And has - - has Jackie ever done this before?
Y... ¿ Jackie hizo esto antes?
I did have the genetic test done, and it came back positive for GSS.
Me hice análisis genéticos y los resultados fueron positivos para GSS.
Um, but the very folks who often express so much concern, uh, about the cost and the expanse of the system are often very unwilling to talk in any serious way about remedying the harm that has been done.
Pero los mismos tipos que suelen expresar tanta preocupación por el costo y el tamaño del sistema suelen no estar dispuestos a hablar de manera seria sobre remediar el daño que se ha hecho.
We know the history of folks who've done this kind of standing up to these systems, and we know how the system has murdered them, assassinated them, exiled them, excluded them, or found ways to discredit them.
Sabemos la historia de los tipos que se enfrentaron a estos sistemas. Sabemos que el sistema los asesinó, los mató, los exilió, los excluyó, o encontró formas de desacreditarlos.
If I just cop out and say that I did it, nothing's gonna be done about it.
Si aceptaba que había cometido un delito, no se haría nada sobre eso.
I want you to shove so many restraining orders up their ass they can't even breathe, and I want it done by the time we sit down for appetizers tonight at Per Se.
Quiero que les metas órdenes de restricción en sus culos hasta que no puedan respirar y lo quiero hecho para cuando nos reunamos en el Per Se esta noche a comer aperitivos.
I don't need to know what it is, but it means something to me too, so let's just admit that we're in this together and get this thing done.
No necesito saber qué es, pero también significa algo para mí, así que admitamos que estamos juntos en esto y terminemos con esto.
It's not mine, and I'm done with this, and I'm done with you!
No el mío, y terminé con esto ¡ y contigo!
So let's just admit that we're in this together and get this thing done.
Así que admitamos que estamos juntos en esto y terminemos con esto.
I told you I'm done talking about it, and I'm done.
Te dije que terminé de hablar de eso y se acabó.
Because lying wasn't getting it done and I'm living on borrowed time, so I thought I might as well tell him, anyway.
Porque con las mentiras no estaba ganando nada y estoy viviendo con tiempo prestado, así que pensé que era mejor decirle.
And our repugnant ladies'man, he's done this before?
Y nuestro repugnante mujeriego, ¿ ha hecho esto antes?
And he's done this to other prospective Hudson moms?
¿ Y le ha hecho esto a otras probables madres de Hudson?
I am so sorry, but I want you to know that we intend to prosecute this man for what he's done, and we hope that we can count on you to cooperate.
Lo siento mucho, pero quiero que sepa que tenemos la intención de procesar a este hombre por lo que ha hecho, y esperamos poder contar con su cooperación.
But... what I've done as a cop, and as a man... Is to try to make him proud.
Pero lo que he hecho como policía y como hombre... es intentar hacerlo orgulloso.
I have done everything you've asked me to do, and it ain't done shit for me, man.
He hecho todo lo que me pediste y no me ha servido de nada.
I've been getting all my treatment done at the med center and, uh, just had a lot on my plate lately.
Me han hecho mis tratamientos en el centro médico pero he estado muy ocupado.
We're gonna find the book and reverse what's been done to us.
Vamos a encontrar el libro... y deshacer lo que nos han hecho.
And until your chores get done, you won't get your fix... the new password.
Y hasta que terminen sus deberes, no tendrán su dosis... la nueva clave.
Why didn't I get the Seal and just give it to the Chinese and be done with it?
¿ Por qué no me quedé con el sello y se lo di a los chinos y terminé con eso?
If you're arrested, tried and convicted, I might be able to persuade them that justice has been done.
Si es arrestado, juzgado y condenado, podría convencerlos de que se ha hecho justicia.
And when she was done, well she had to go rest in a far away land.
Y cuando terminó, bueno, tenía que ir a descansar a un lejano país.
And then after you told me about all what you'd done... I just finally saw my chance to do something for me.
Y luego, cuando me contaste todo lo que habías hecho... por fin vi mi oportunidad de hacer algo por mí.
Cos there's a lad, there's a lad I know, he's done a really bad thing and he has to be stopped.
Porque hay un muchacho, hay un muchacho que conozco, que ha hecho algo muy malo y tiene que ser detenido.
And you couldn't have done that during your free time?
¿ Y no podías haber hecho eso en tu tiempo libre?
It was right after I was done blow-drying my hair that I just happened to look over into the toilet and saw that feces had been left there.
Fue recién después de secarme el pelo que miré el inodoro y vi que había heces.
And you won't be able to tell anybody who you really are or what you've done.
Y no vas a poder decirle a nadie quien realmente eres o lo que has hecho.
You do any one of those three things, and you're done.
Si haces cualquiera de esas tres cosas, estás acabado.
Time and again, you risk everything to see justice done.
Una y otra vez, arriesgas todo para ver que se haga justicia.
I'm at a dead end and I need your help and you have done nothing.
en un callejón sin salida y necesito tu ayuda y no has hecho nada.
And when we three are done, there'll be no one to stop us.
Y cuando nosotros tres terminemos, nadie podrá detenernos.
Well, I ran it by some colleagues at MIT, and they thought they could get it done in four months.
Lo consulté con algunos colegas en MIT, y creen que podrían hacerlo en cuatro meses.
And also, I'm done with work.
Y de hacerme un trabajito fino.
They lost a day due to snow, and when you're done with Mr. Brady, you'll have two meetings.
Perdieron un día debido a la nieve y cuando termine con el Sr. Brady, - tendrá dos reuniones. - ¿ Puede arreglarse?
And, you know, people ask what could they have done to prevent it, but, no, I don't.
Y, sabes, la gente se pregunta qué hubiera podido hacer para evitarlo, pero yo no.
It's an important one, and when it's done... you will see that this ship... is exactly where you belong.
Es muy importante, y cuando esté terminada... verás que este barco... es exactamente donde perteneces.
And you promised me I could take you in after your mission was done.
Y me prometiste que te podía detener una vez que tu misión terminara.
And it's never been done before?
¿ Y que nunca se ha hecho antes?
And what, may I ask, has this humanity ever done for you?
¿ Y puedo preguntar qué ha hecho esta humanidad por ti?
I smoked my first joint when I was 14, but... I had already done acid and mushrooms by then, so, you know, weed, whoop-de-do.
Yo me fumé mi primer porro a los 14 años, pero... por entonces ya había probado el ácido y las setas, así que, ya sabéis, no fue nada.
Something has to be done, and I have a plan.
Tenemos que hacer algo, y tengo un plan.
Okay, and then read'em out when you're done.
Vale, y luego leedlas cuando hayáis terminado.
What I know you've done is withhold information from me, despite the fact that I welcome you into the Reich, into my home, and into the life of my family.
Sé que me ha ocultado información, a pesar de haberle dado la bienvenida al Reich, a mi hogar y a la vida de mi familia.
done 2605
done deal 48
done it 42
done and done 93
done that 156
done for 16
done with what 16
done what 44
and daddy 20
and dad 64
done deal 48
done it 42
done and done 93
done that 156
done for 16
done with what 16
done what 44
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did she 20
and did you 118
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did she 20
and did you 118