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And it was traduction Espagnol

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It was, it was too pricey for the average consumer, and it was not quite the high-end system which attracts larger institutions.
Era demasiado caro para el consumidor promedio y no era un sistema lo bastante lujoso para atraer a instituciones más grandes.
Stop in on the 9 : 00 shows and it was like goin'to church.
Parada a las 9 : 00 shows Y era como ir a la iglesia.
I was like 15, and it was an accident.
Yo tenía como 15 años y fue un accidente.
Well... we had a few drinks and it was a pretty night.
Bueno... nos habíamos tomado unas copas y era una noche bonita.
- And it was nice. - Yeah, it was.
- Y estuvo muy bien.
And it was his storage locker.
Y era su casillero.
This night, evil did visit Cumberland... and it was defeated!
Esta noche, el mal visitó Cumbraland... ¡ y fue derrotado!
Hmm? We cut the island in the shape of the dolphin, and it was very good, means, very good.
Cortamos con láser en forma de delfín y quedó muy bien.
Well, we had started binge-watching Luke Cage together, and it was kind of our thing, and then, I find out that she watched two episodes without me.
Bueno, habíamos empezado a ver a "Luke Cage" juntos, y estábamos bien, y luego, descubrí que ella vio dos episodios sin mí.
It was Chad and his pals.
Han sido Chad y sus colegas.
- I-I would, but currently, I lack credibility, so the only way to fix this and turn it around is to get Voss and prove that my case was scuttled from the inside.
- Lo haría, pero a fecha de hoy, he perdido toda la credibilidad, y solo hay un modo de arreglarlo y dar la vuelta a la tortilla, atrapando a Voss y demostrando que mi caso lo tiraron por tierra desde dentro.
And if you're guessing you'll probably say this was California, and from the distance it could well be.
Si tuvieran que adivinar, seguramente dirían que esto es California y, desde cierta distancia, podría parecerlo.
And here nothing was ever what it seemed.
Y aquí, nada era nunca lo que parecía.
Realized whose money it was, and then sent this fool to give it back.
Se dieron cuenta de quién era el dinero y lo enviaron a devolverlo.
And life remains... Still the way it was.
La vida continúa de la forma que siempre fue.
And you said the hose coming from that service road was pouring it for a long time?
¿ Y dices que la manguera que venía desde ese camino de servicio estuvo vertiendo por mucho tiempo?
She thought it was very suspicious that it was both UV and chlorine-resistant.
Pensó que era muy sospechoso que fuera resistente tanto a la luz UV como al cloro.
After we talked to her and poked around her financials, we think it was just a coincidence.
Después que hablamos con ella y husmeamos sus finanzas, creemos que fue solo una coincidencia.
The letter was right here, stamped and addressed, and now it's gone.
La carta estaba aquí, sellada y dirigida, y ahora se ha ido.
I was gonna send it after the New Year, but then someone went and mailed it.
- Iba a enviarlo después de Año Nuevo, pero luego alguien lo envió.
My friend was going through chemo, and we would watch Clash of the Cupcakes together, and your upbeat attitude, it got us through, man.
Durante la quimioterapia de una amiga, mirábamos Batalla de cupcakes juntos, y tu actitud positiva nos ayudó mucho, viejo.
And, you know, he was just a boy when she passed, and Wheeler took it real hard.
Y, usted sabe, él era apenas un muchacho cuando ella murió, y para Wheeler fue muy duro.
And he got through with it and... I was just smilin'from ear to ear.
Y él sólo lo hacía, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja.
And I have to say, it was the highlight of my career.
Y debo decir que, fue el punto culminante de mi carrera.
Turned out it was just me and 40 other dudes with the same idea.
Pero solo había otros 40 tíos que habían pensado lo mismo.
Well, it was cold, - and we only had one blanket. - Yeah.
- Hacía frío, y solo teníamos una manta.
Yeah, and I tried to apologize for what I said when I was drunk and she didn't accept it.
Sí. Me he disculpado por lo que le dije, pero no lo ha aceptado.
And it got personal, ugly, and your dad was there.
La cosa se ha puesto fea, y delante de tu padre.
One night, he said it was his turn, I said it was mine... and he took both of his thumbs and pressed them against my eyes, trying to gouge them out.
Una noche, él dijo que era su turno, yo dije que era el mío y me apretó los ojos con los pulgares para arrancármelos.
I told him I was gonna hire my good friend Dale Rivers to be my vet, if they didn't like it, to go ahead and fire me.
Insistí en contratar a mi buen amigo Dale como veterinario. No les gustó y me echaron.
I've been at city records, and couldn't find what I was looking for over there and it would be so helpful...
He estado en los registros de la ciudad, y no pude encontrar lo que estaba buscando... y sería muy útil...
Look, this was Alice's grandmother's ring, and I know that you will know the perfect moment to give it to her.
Mira, este anillo era de la abuela de Alice, y sé que sabrás cuándo es el momento perfecto para darselo.
I hope whatever reason you had to prioritize your child over mine was a good one, and now that I hear it, it's pretty close, I have to admit, but still.
Espero que cualquiera que sea la razón que tengas para priorizar a tu hijo sobre el mío sea buena, y ahora que la he oído, se acerca bastante, tengo que admitirlo, pero aun así.
I was trying to get one of me back because Haley is in it and this is the photo.
Estaba intentando recuperar una mía porque sale Haley y esta es la foto.
And she was like, "I talked to him. It won't happen again."
No volverá a pasar ".
And I've begun to believe that being firm and strong was the illusion and that I am unsure now because it is the most honest way to be.
Y he empezado a creer que ser firme y fuerte era una ilusión y que ahora soy inseguro porque es la forma más honesta de ser.
And I would not have survived if those firemen wouldn't have figured out a way to lower my little Aunt Edna into that we and touch my feet and tell me it was gonna be okay and that I wasn't alone.
Y no habría sobrevivido si esos bomberos no hubiesen encontrado una forma de bajar al pozo a mi pequeña tía Edna para que pudiese tocar mis pies y decirme que todo iría bien y que no estaba solo.
This was a potential issue, so I got out ahead of it and I managed the situation for you.
Era un peligro potencial, así que me adelanté y manejé la situación por ti.
It's like I was excited for a present and got socks.
Es como estar emocionado por un regalo y que te regalen calcetines.
"But it was the Father who sent his envoy, the serpent, to tempt his children and lead them astray."
"Pero fue el Padre quien mandó a su enviada, la serpiente, para tentar a sus hijos y conducirlos por el mal camino".
over some chatter, and I was able to track it to a man named Jared Wisnewski.
de alguna charla y pude rastrearla hasta un hombre llamado Jared Wisnewski.
Yes, but this morning it was out of paraffin, so I had to go into the garage and fetch some.
Sí, pero esta mañana no había parafina, así que tuve que entrar en el garaje a buscar un poco.
There was a fire in his cockpit and, by the time he could bail out, it had destroyed his eye.
Hubo un incendio en su cabina y para cuando pudo saltar en paracaídas, ya había destruido su ojo.
I came here because it was my duty to inform you of his identity and I trust that you will not release his name to the press or his link to me.
He venido porque era mi deber informarles de su identidad y confío en que no divulgarán su nombre a la prensa o su vínculo conmigo.
And I don't want to criticise you, Maigret, but it was a mistake to let him out of custody.
Y no quiero criticarte, Maigret, pero fue un error liberarlo.
Because he was driving Goldberg's car and he was going to sell it on.
Porque se llevó el coche de Goldberg para venderlo.
It was a long time ago before I met Mitch, and we only did it, like, t...
Fue hace mucho, antes de conocer a Mitch.
Kind of like those years when it was just Marley and me.
Como esos años en los que solo éramos Marley y yo.
So, if I understood correctly, and it's possible I didn't, on the last day she was alive, Ms. Kupps should've been interviewing the four people in first class she hadn't gotten to yet.
Así que, si lo he entendido correctamente, y es posible que no, el último día con vida de la Señorita Kupps lo debería haber pasado entrevistando a las cuatro personas de primera clase que le faltaban.
And if it turns out he was, you can keep an eye on him, see what he's going to do next.
Y si resulta que sí lo fue, podrás tenerlo vigilado, ver qué es lo siguiente que va a hacer.
That was, until members of House Vizsla snuck in and liberated it.
Hasta que miembros de la Casa Vizsla fueron y lo liberaron.

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