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And kill him traduction Espagnol

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If we're gonna work together, I need to know that you're on my side, so find out if Matt Donovan's still alive and kill him.
Si vamos a trabajar juntos, necesito saber si estás en mi bando, así que averigua si Matt Donovan aún está vivo y mátalo.
Then I dropped him in that tomb with that cure, thinking eventually he would take it and kill himself to be with Amara just so he could realize that he was caught with me for all eternity.
Entonces le metí en esa tumba con la cura, pensando que en algún momento se la tomaría y se suicidaría para estar con Amara solo para darse cuenta de que estaba atrapado conmigo toda la eternidad.
I'll get up and kill him.
Si el estúpido sigue hablando, me levantaré y lo mataré.
Least make it count for something, and kill him.
Al menos que valga para algo, y mátale.
I don't know what kind of promises Jeff Fordham has made to you, but I hope you've collected on'em,'cause I'm about to go over to Edgehill and kill him.
No sé qué clase de promesas te habrá hecho Jeff Fordham, pero espero que te lo hayas cobrado, porque estoy a punto de ir a Edgehill y matarlo.
Take the cure and shove it down Silas'throat, kill him?
¿ Coger la cura, metérsela a Silas por la garganta y matarle?
Yeah, I also told him if you didn't kill the story, I'll call all the investors I acquired and advise them to pull out.
Sí, también le dije que si no dejas esa historia, llamaré a los inversores que traje y les aconsejaré que se retiren.
Because I came here to kill him and die in the process!
¡ Porque vine aquí para matarlo y morir en el proceso!
And you just want to kill him, sweetheart.
Y tú solo quieres matarlo, cariño.
I asked him to kill my father-in-law, and he did what I asked.
Le pedí que matase a mi suegro y él hizo lo que le pedí.
And if you keep that clock running, she'll have to kill him, and we're all cured.
Y si sigue haciendo que ese reloj siga funcionando ella tendrá que matarle y todos nos curaremos.
Woody, a patient escaped from a mental institution and looked up this man's name right after this man re-launched a play that drove him to kill.
Woody, un paciente escapó de una institución mental y miró el nombre de este hombre justo después de que este hombre relanzó una obra que lo llevo a matar.
Because he's a sniper, and that means A comfortable kill zone for him includes distance.
Porque es un francotirador y eso significa que su zona de confort para matar incluye la distancia.
And that's how I was able to kill him first.
Y así es como fui capaz de matarlo primero.
And now, Collier wants to kill him for being a traitor.
Y ahora, Collier quiere matarlo por ser un traidor.
Well, we know whoever's behind this framed Jack Bronson for the break-in, and then used the toxin to kill him.
Sabemos que el culpable de esto inculpó a Bronson y lo mató con la toxina.
My coat made me invisible and so I was able to kill him first.
Mi abrigo me hizo invisible y así pude matarlo primero.
I did want him alive, and I was pretty sure that you'd kill him if you could.
Yo quería que viviera y estaba bastante segura... de que le matarías a la mínima oportunidad.
And to answer your next question, no, I didn't kill him.
Y para responder a su siguiente pregunta, no, no lo maté.
And if Jane finds him, he's gonna kill him.
Y si Jane le encuentra, le matará.
Let him kill himself, so I can go home and watch TV.
Dejad que se suicide para que yo pueda irme a casa a ver la tele.
Back when Texas and the Monroe Republic were squabbling, I sort of tried to kill him.
Antes cuando Texas y la República de Monroe estaban luchando, ordené que lo mataran.
That idiot bought a real autographed ball worth $ 4.4 million, and we had a rookie kill him before we found out what he did with it?
¿ Ese idiota compró una pelota autografiada auténtica por valor de 4,4 millones de dólares, y enviamos a un novato para matarlo antes de averiguar lo que había hecho con ella?
And that the demon talked to him and told him to kill girls.
Y que el demonio le hablaba y le decía que matase a chicas.
Yes, but at least the killer was kind enough to kill Mr. Barlow before they dismembered and cooked him.
Sí, pero al menos el asesino fue lo suficientemente amable para matar al Sr. Barlow antes de desmembrarlo y cocinarlo.
But that didn't kill him, so you lured him into the kitchen and you stabbed him to death.
Pero eso no lo mató, así que lo atrajo a la cocina y lo acuchilló hasta matarlo.
I didn't kill him, and I didn't have anything to do with cheating the casino last night, and if you don't believe me, check the damn tape, the cards, the shuffler- - I didn't cheat!
Yo no le maté, y no tuve nada que ver con lo que pasó anoche en el casino, y si no me cree, vea la maldita grabación, las cartas, el mezclador... ¡ no hice trampas!
He's mortal, and now I can kill him.
Es mortal, y ahora puedo matarlo.
They constantly move it so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, and they're not gonna let him get near it, at least not before I kill him.
Constantemente ellos lo mueven de modo que no caiga en las manos equivocadas, y no van a dejarle que la use, al menos no antes que lo mate.
And now we have to kill that shaman woman so that she doesn't come back and reanimate him again.
Y ahora tenemos que matar a esa mujer chamán para que no vuelva y le reanime otra vez.
We have Aaron, and we're trying to decide how to kill him.
Tenemos a Aaron, e intentamos decidir cómo matarle.
So first Charles kills the two men, then years later his son coincidentally starts dating Mary Ann Beck and it triggers him to kill again.
Así que Charles mató primero a los dos hombres, luego años después su hijo accidentalmente comienza a salir con Mary Ann Beck y eso provoca que asesine otra vez.
And now I shall have to kill him. Ow!
Y ahora tendré que matarle.
One of those people is my father and I can't ask him because he'd probably kill both of you, or maybe even all three of us, to teach me some kind of sick lesson.
Una es mi padre, y no puedo preguntárselo porque nos mataría a los tres, para darme una lección.
I'm not usually the voice of calm, but considering your handler did just try to kill you, maybe you should stop pointing fingers and focus on finding him before he finds us.
Normalmente no soy la voz de calma, pero teniendo en cuenta que tu controlador se limitó a tratar de matarte, tal vez deberías dejar de señalar con el dedo y centrarse en encontrarlo antes de que nos encuentre.
This guy's gonna kill again, and we don't know anything about him.
Este tipo va a volver a matar, y no sabemos nada sobre él.
And it would kill him if he found out.
Y le mataría averiguarlo.
Then Paul Vail will be nothing but a liability, and they will kill him.
Entonces Paul Vail será sólo un lastre... y lo matarán.
And if we can hurt him, we can kill him.
Y si podemos lastimarlo, podemos matarlo.
Well, they broke into our house the night before I was supposed to operate on the President, and they said to me if I didn't kill him during surgery they would murder my family.
Entraron en mi casa la noche antes... de cuando iba a operar al presidente... y me dijeron que si no le mataba en la operación... asesinarían a mi familia.
Do it and you'll kill him. Hey, Lis.
Hola, Lis.
♪ who was killed during birth but left him a brother ♪ ♪ Together they would train and kill those that crossed their path ♪
Entrenaron entre si y mataron a los que se cruzaban en su camino
So whoever killed Sean Nolan knew to target this area to kill him quickly and efficiently.
Quien haya matado a Sean Nolan sabía dónde apuntar para matarlo de manera rápida y eficaz.
And then, he threatened to kill Nolan for selling him bad sperm.
Y amenazó con matar a Nolan por venderle un esperma que no servía.
They'll kill my master tomorrow. They'll kill him like a dog! And I won't permit it.
Que mañana ejecutan a mi amo, le van a matar como a un perro y yo no voy a permitirlo.
He is a monster, no matter what the pope chooses to call him, and if you won't kill him, I will.
Es un monstruo, no importa como elija llamarlo el Papa, y si no lo matas tú, lo haré yo.
Peter Kidman... threatened his wife in public, saying in front of multiple witnesses that if she ever, ever left him, he would kill her and then himself.
Peter Kidman amenazó a su esposa en público y dijo frente a muchos testigos, que si lo dejaba la mataría y se suicidaría.
Finally, you follow him to the factory, where you kill him, and you feed him into the meat machine.
Finalmente, le siguió hasta la fábrica, donde le mató, y le empujó a la máquina de carne.
That priest is your friend and you're willing to kill to save him.
Ese cura es tu amigo y estás dispuesto a matar para salvarle.
I'm going to kill him, and you too if you cross my path.
Voy a matarle, y a ti también si te cruzas en mi camino.
Catherine, he brainwashed me, he took away my life, my memories, then he made me kill for him, and when he was done with me, he tried to kill me, so I'm not giving him another chance.
Catherine, él me lavó el cerebro, me quitó mi vida, mis recuerdos, luego me hizo matar para él, y cuando terminó conmigo, intentó matarme, así que no le voy a dar otra oportunidad.

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