And my wife traduction Espagnol
12,265 traduction parallèle
You want to hear a sample of texts between me and my wife?
¿ Quieres oír los mensajes que intercambio con mi esposa?
My father ran out on us and my wife cheated on me.
Mi padre nos abandono y mi esposa me engaño.
And my wife took me back.
Y mi mujer ha vuelto conmigo.
My name is Peter, and my wife is dead too.
Me llamo Peter y mi mujer también está muerta.
You have my wife, and I demand that you release her now.
Tiene a mi mujer, y exijo que la libere ahora.
If we can track them down, I get one step closer to my hacker, and you get your wife out of harm's way.
Si podemos localizarlos, me acerco un poco más a mi hacker, y tú recuperas a tu mujer sana y salva.
♪ My wife stays home and has another kid ♪
* Mi mujer se queda en casa y tiene otro hijo *
No. This is my house, for my wife and my family.
Esta es mi casa, para mi esposa y mi familia.
When they came back, my father captured one..... and made her his wife... .. my mother.
Cuando volvieron, mi padre capturó a una... y la convirtió en su mujer... mi madre.
You know, after work, I'm gonna go home, cuddle up with my loving wife and watch three to five hours of a critically acclaimed drama, and then go to sleep.
Después del trabajo, quiero ir a casa a acurrucarme con mi esposa y mirar de tres a cinco horas de un drama aclamado por la crítica. Y después irme a dormir.
And it's for that offer and for what you did for my wife that I'll always be grateful.
Y es por esa oferta... y por lo que hiciste por mi esposa, que siempre te estaré agradecido.
But taking care of my wife and the baby is all that matters to me.
Pero cuidar de mi mujer y del bebé es todo lo que me importa.
And, uh, I just want you to know that I love you, and that you're still my wife, and I just want you to come home.
en más de una manera y ah... sólo quiero que sepas que te quiero y que todavía eres mi esposa y sólo quiero que vuelvas a casa.
And, uh, Emma, this is my wife, Cody.
Emma, esta es mi esposa, Cody.
I'll bet you that my ex-wife here was gonna come in here and give you that same party line, that's there's no oil under your land, and then she was gonna lowball you.
Apuesto a que mi ex-esposa aquí vino aquí a decirle lo mismo que no hay petróleo bajo su tierra y entonces va a pagarle muy poco.
It's a conversation held in March 2010, on a Friday afternoon in Mariano Rajoy's office in Génova 13, my wife is present, Javier Arenas, the party president, Mariano Rajoy, and myself.
Eso es una conversación en el mes de Marzo de 2010, yo creo que un viernes por la tarde, en el despacho de Mariano Rajoy en Génova, a la que asiste mi mujer, asiste Javier Arenas, el presidente del partido, Mariano Rajoy y yo.
What he transfers in the end is the mess I'm going to get into, he reminds me of what happened with Mario Conde, where he and Adolfo Suárez were, which never got anywhere, and he reminds me that my wife could end up in prison.
Lo que me acaba trasladando es el jaleo en el que me voy a meter, me recuerda lo que ocurrió con Mario Conde, dónde estuvo él y dónde estuvo Adolfo Suárez, que no fue nunca a ningún sitio, y luego me dijo que mi mujer que podía acabar entrando en la cárcel.
Uh, me and my ex-wife, we're actually very good friends.
Mi ex esposa y yo somos buenos amigos actualmente.
My wife was swept away in a wave. [groaning and gasping ] [ laughing]
Mi esposa fue tragada por una ola.
"My dear wife..." "please accept my greetings and respect."
" Mi querida esposa... por favor acepta mis saludos y mi respeto.
My wife's cooking dinner and said...
Mi mujer hace una cena... y ha dicho...
Before he left, I caught him going through my wife's purse, and I-I lost it.
Antes de que se fuera, lo sorprendí revisando la cartera de mi esposa, y yo... enloquecí. Lo golpeé.
Well, I was really lucky the doctor could work me in, but honestly, I think she saw my name and knew I was your wife, and then suddenly, she has an opening, like...
Bueno, era afortunada de que la doctora pudiese trabajar conmigo, pero honestamente, creo que vio mi nombre y sabía que yo era tu mujer, y de repente, se abrió completamente, como...
I've taken a liking to him because he makes my son a lot of money, and he doesn't have any sex with my wife.
Y me gusta porque le consigue mucho dinero a mi hijo, Y no se acuesta con mi mujer.
I think my father and his new wife are afraid of The chance to infected by me
Creo que mi padre y su nueva mujer tienen miedo de... que les contagie.
Crighton Dallas Wilton went to my home and killed my wife, my daughter, and my son.
Crighton Dallas Wilton fue a mi casa y mató a mi esposa, a mi hija y a mi hijo.
My wife and son.
A mi esposa e hijo.
It is most fitting that you be the one to deliver me to my beloved wife and boy.
Es más apropiado que seas el que me entregue a mi amada esposa y a mi hijo.
My wife and daughter with her father, made it out through the Andorran trade routes.
Mi esposa e hija con su padre, salieron a través de las ruta de comercio andorranas.
My wife and kids.
Mi esposa e hijos.
Where are my... where are my wife and kids?
Donde están mi... donde está mi esposa y los chicos?
Where are my wife and kids?
Donde está mi esposa y los chicos?
As I want to plunge a blade into the man who slaughtered my wife and son.
Como yo quiero clavarle un cuchillo al hombre que masacró a mi esposa y mi hijo.
As I want to plunge a blade into the man who slaughtered my wife and son.
Como yo quiero clavar una espada en el hombre que masacró a mi esposa y a mi hijo.
One of the men responsible for killing my wife and unborn-unborn child.
Uno de los hombres responsables del asesinato de mi esposa y de mi hijo no nacido.
He's with my ex-wife's family, and big surprise... they don't like me too much.
Está con la familia de mi ex esposa, y gran sorpresa... no les caigo muy bien.
- My wife took the kid out of town for the week, so I thought I'd head over here and party like it's 1999, which is also the year I briefly died from alcohol poisoning.
- Mi mujer se ha llevado al niño fuera durante una semana, así que pensé venir aquí y salir de fiesta como si fuera 1999, que también es el año en el que estuve muerto brevemente por un coma etílico.
My wife was a stunt woman, and she was tragically killed on set in a motorcycle accident.
Mi mujer trabajaba como doble, y murió trágicamente en el set en un accidente de moto.
And my naked wife... she just floats past.
Y mi esposa desnuda... acaba de pasar flotando.
My wife and I loved you as Michelangelo.
A mi mujer y a mi nos encantas de Miguel Ángel.
My wife Alicia in 2010, and then two girls I... partied with... one in 2012, another a year later.
Mi esposa Alicia en el 2010, y luego dos chicas con las que... fiesta con... una en 2012, otra un año después.
Top off my Perrier and get some of that "bread for my wife?"
¿ Puedes destapar mi agua Perrier y traerle pan a mi esposa? "
You are my wife and you are afraid of me.
Eres mi esposa y me tienes miedo.
- With my wife and son.
- Sí, hace 4 años con mi mujer y mi hijo.
Giulia isn't my wife and she'll never be!
No es mi mujer, ni lo será.
My wife and I want to make sure that Avery's death means something, that no transgender child should ever again be singled out or hurt, but we also want to make sure that the tragedy is not compounded by the tragedy
Mi esposa y yo queremos asegurarnos de que la muerte de Avery signifique algo, que ningún chico transgénero nunca más debería ser señalado o herido, pero también queremos asegurarnos de que la tragedia no se vea agravada por la tragedia
I said anything. Just help my wife and child.
Y yo dije que lo que fuera, pero que ayudase a mi esposa y a mi bebé.
Oh, and, um... she's not my wife. ( stewardess ) I'm so sorry.
Jamás vuelvas a...
You mention my wife again and I'll show you ferocity.
Usted menciona mi esposa de nuevo y yo te mostraré ferocidad.
I parked my car a couple blocks away, canceled dinner with my son and my ex-wife.
Estacioné mi auto a unas dos cuadras, cancelé mi cena con mi hijo y ex-esposa.
It's all arranged. My wife, who watched every second of your vlog, by the way, is one of the most published professors in UCLA's communications department, and, according to her, you should be reporting on more interesting subjects than digital textbooks.
Mi esposa, que vio cada segundo de tu video blog, por cierto, es una de sus profesoras más publicadas en el departamento de comunicación, y, según ella, usted debería estar informando sobre... temas más interesantes que textos digitales.
and my sister 48
and my daughter 48
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my daughter 48
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my wife 1458
and my brother lives with them 20
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my wife 1458
my wife and i 71
my wife left me 55
my wife is pregnant 19
my wife is dead 28
my wife is 20
my wife died 39
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
my wife left me 55
my wife is pregnant 19
my wife is dead 28
my wife is 20
my wife died 39
wife 1732
wife and kids 16