And who's that traduction Espagnol
7,317 traduction parallèle
And who's getting fired? Oh, I-I don't think that's a good idea.
No creo que sea una buena idea.
For those of you who are looking forward to my next recording, I can reveal that I'm working on some new songs of my own, and they will be about Autumn because that's my favourite season.
Para esos que esperan mi próxima grabación puedo decirles que estoy trabajando por mi cuenta en algunas canciones nuevas, que saldrán en otoño debido a que esa es mi estación favorita.
And I get that you're the kind of person who's, like, Full of forgiveness...
Y entiendo que eres un tipo de persona que está, como, llena de perdón...
I'm pretty sure that's the subcontractor Who built the tunnels. And what's your name again?
Estoy bastante seguro de que este es el subcontratador que construyó los túneles. ¿ Y cuál es tu nombre?
But then, jane was accidentally inseminated With rafael's sperm, and the doctor who did it, Well that was raf's sister, luisa.
Pero luego, Jane fue inseminada accidentalmente con el esperma de Rafael, y la doctora que lo hizo era la hermana de Rafael, Luisa
Okay, listen, well, that's who we are, and your father is important to us.
Bueno, escucha, bueno, eso es lo que somos, y tu padre es importante para nosotros.
Told myself... here's a man who looks like someone I met a long time ago, and then I realized... he is that man.
Me he dicho a mí mismo... he aquí a un hombre que se parece a alguien que conocí hace mucho tiempo, y luego me he dado cuenta de que... él es aquel hombre.
I went through CCPN's crime archives, and in the last 11 months, there have been six crimes committed by people who later swore that they were innocent.
Revisé los casos criminales de la policía, y estos últimos 11 meses hubo seis crímenes cometidos por personas que luego juraron que eran inocentes.
And who's gonna pay for that, huh?
¿ Y quién va a pagarlo?
Everyone's got a family tree... a record of who they are and where they come from, ancient branches that reach back in time to the deepest roots of identity.
Todo el mundo tiene un árbol genealógico... un registro de quiénes son y de dónde vienen, ramas que se extienden en el tiempo hasta las raíces más profundas de la identidad.
But I know that he's prone to dry throat because I was there for his emergency adenoid surgery during spring break, and try finding a doctor who does anything but breast implants in Tampa.
Pero sé que es propenso a que se le seque la garganta porque estuve con él en su operación de adenoides de emergencia durante las vacaciones de primavera, e intenta encontrar un médico que haga algo más que implantes de pecho en Tampa.
I guess I can be pregnant and have someone in my life... Who doesn't know that I'm pregnant, but that's more a second-day chitchat.
Supongo que puedo estar embarazada y tener a alguien en mi vida... que no sabe que estoy embarazada, pero eso es más bien una charla de segunda cita.
And you're thinking that if Winthrop isn't our flower enthusiast, perhaps he's spending time with someone who is.
- ¿ Y crees... que si Winthrop no es nuestro enamorado... quizá esté con alguien que sí que lo es.
Do you know how many times I've heard that? You get your own apartment... Then it's old pals, booze, drugs and who gets kicked out?
Tú tienes tu propio apartamento... y drogas quienes te expulsaron?
I think that people need it to be Tyler, and I also think that your Sheriff is not the only person who's gonna be the scapegoat here.
Creo que la gente necesita que sea Tyler, y también creo que vuestro sheriff no es el único que va a hacer de chivo expiatorio.
I wanted to be sure about Branson, so I took the school yearbook and I showed her his picture, and that's not who came to see her.
Quería estar segura de lo de Branson, así que cogí el anuario escolar y le enseñé su foto, y él no es quien fue a verla.
But Eddie's the one who's got to be there every day making sure the change sticks, and that's the only way it's gonna work,'cause the truth is it's your coworkers who know you best.
Pero Eddie es la única Que se tiene que estar allí cada día asegurándose de que los palos de cambio, Y que es la única manera es un trabajo que va, cecause
It's that they sent an email, and they misrepresented who they were, they- - and got you to click on an attachment and run the code for them or that they called up on the phone and pretended that they were, you know, a technical person to get you to give information.
Se trata de mandar un correo y hacerse pasar por otros y hacen que abras un documento adjunto y hagas que funcione el código por ellos o te llaman por teléfono y fingen ser un técnico para sacarte información.
And now I... I realize that... well, who you are, and... who I love, it stays the same, and... everything is changing, it's just details.
Y ahora me doy cuenta de quién eres... y la persona a la que quiero es la misma... y sólo cambian los detalles.
It's the longest red light, there's no tall buildings to block the view, and there's a homeless man who's always on the corner, reminding drivers that they're hungry.
Es la luz roja que se tarda más, no hay edificios altos que bloqueen la vista, y hay un vagabundo que siempre está en la esquina, recordandole a los conductores que tienen hambre.
You shoot at me, I'll pull the bullet out of my ruined jacket and shove it up your ass with my pinky finger, and who do you think that's gonna hurt more?
Si me disparas, sacaré la bala de mi chaqueta arruinada y te la meteré por el culo con el meñique, ¿ y a quién piensas que le dolerá más?
I think you're someone who's trying to survive... who keeps hidden what he needs to hide, and I don't need to know what that is.
Creo que eres alguien que intenta sobrevivir que oculta lo que tiene que ocultar, y no necesito saber qué es.
Who's that guy who held you down and pissed in your hair in fourth grade?
¿ Quién era el tipo que te molestaba y se burlaba de tu cabello en cuarto año?
I was walking on the beach with the Lord, and there were two sets of footprints in the sand, and then there were three sets of footprints, and I said, "Who's that?"
Iba caminando por la playa con el Señor... y había dos pares de pisadas en la arena. Y luego había tres pares de pisadas. Y dije : "¿ Quién es ese?".
Hey, he's in jail now. So who has four thumbs and loosened that jelly jar?
Está preso ahora... así que ¿ quién tiene cuatro pulgares y consiguió eso?
My point is, that man is dangerous, and he must be stopped, and there's only one person who can do it.
El punto es que ese hombre es peligroso... hay que detenerlo. Y solo una persona puede hacerlo.
And each of us who has allowed the shape of another person's nose, or the colour of their skin, or the manner in wish they worship their god to poison our feelings towards them have known the loss of reason that led Eichmann to his madness.
Y cada uno de los que ha dejado que la forma de la nariz de una persona, o el color de su piel, o la manera en que rinden devoción a su dios, lo haga esparcir su veneno hacia otros, ha conocido la pérdida de razón que llevó a Eichmann a la locura.
And that's why you need to tell me who Joshua saw in his vision.
Y es por eso que necesitan decirme a quien vio Joshua en su visión.
There's a Breton merchant who's complaining that his ship was seized eight years ago and he still hasn't received compensation.
Hay un mercader bretón que se queja de que su barco zarpó hace ocho años y aún no ha recibido su recompensa.
I think it's possible that she was murdered to cover up the fact that an entire community was poisoned by fat cat businessmen who think that their workers and their workers children are disposable items to be entered into the column marked "Dead Loss" and I'm not having it!
Creo que es posible que fuera asesinada para encubrir el hecho de que una comunidad entera fue envenenada por importantes empresarios que piensan que sus trabajadores y los hijos de sus trabajadores son artículos desechables que se anotarán en la columna marcada "Pérdidas", ¡ y no acepto eso!
But he's still gonna want to know who took out his superhuman assassins, and that's gonna lead them to us.
Pero todavía va a querer saber quién cogió a sus asesinos superhumanos y va a llevarlos a nosotros.
And what's worse than that, I blasted Sergeant Gormley, the guy who hit it on the screws.
Y lo que es peor, fastidié al Sargento Gormley, que la pilló al vuelo.
~ And who's that?
- ¿ Y quién es esa?
Make a suggestion, okay, that's exactly what we're doing, we judge, and then we get to pick who lives and who dies to save Angie.
Eso es lo que estamos haciendo. Juzgamos y luego elegimos quién vive y quién muere para salvar a Angie. ¿ Y qué hay de papá?
And I resent that I have to answer to some alpha start-up guy who's never even worked in this business before.
Y me resisto a responder ante un macho alfa quien nunca ha trabajado en esta industria anteriormente.
Maybe I need to come to terms with who he really was, and I'm... I'm letting him hold me back from living my life, and that's no way to live.
Tal vez tengo que aceptar quien era en realidad y estoy dejando que me aparte de vivir mi vida, y esa no es manera de vivir.
And all the things that could be exciting about it, and all the people who love you, because you're focusing so much on someone else's past.
Y en todas las cosas sorprendentes en ella y toda la gente que te quiere, porque te estás centrando demasiado en el pasado de alguien más.
and asking him did he take the dog means that, well, he's going to know who sent me.
"¿ usted se llevó al perro?"... y preguntárselo... sabrá... quién... me envió.
- A man who's synonymous with hard work, with integrity, with just being a kiss-ass, but nobody that I can honestly think of better to fill this position and a man I'm very proud to call a great man and a good friend. - Speech, Simon. Come on.
- Habla, Simon.
Oh, and Larry said that we have another cousin, who's a dry-cleaning baron in the Buffalo area.
Y Larry dijo que tenemos otro primo que es un barón de la limpieza en el área de Búfalo.
Or a victim who was obsessed with the past, and speaking of obsessions, due to the voyeuristic nature of these photographs, I'd wager that our victim was the object of someone's fantasy.
O una víctima que estaba obsesionada con el pasado... y hablando de obsesiones... dada la naturaleza voyeurística de estas fotografías... apostaría que nuestra víctima era el objeto de la fantasía de alguien.
He knows where I live and that I have a son, who's now staying with my cousins till we can figure out how the hell to take care of this. No.
Sabe dónde vivo y que tengo un hijo, que ahora está con mis primos hasta que pensemos en cómo solucionar esto.
He says you can't even help your own son... that he's the one who gave Henry his hearing back, and that he can make Henry love him again when he tells him what you did, what the two of you did.
Él dice que no puedes siquiera ayudar a tu propio hijo... que él fue quien le devolvió a Henry su audición, y que puede hacer que Henry lo quiera de nuevo cuando le diga lo que tú hiciste, lo que ustedes dos hicieron.
All right, he has that opportunity, and I don't think it's right that it's being taken away by somebody who don't even belong.
Tiene la oportunidad y no me parece justo... que se la quite alguien que ni pertenece.
It's called Collegiate ACB, and there are all of these fraternities that post on it about, like, " Oh, Who's the most attractive?
Se llama Collegiate ACB, y en él escriben muchas Fraternidades, sobre cosas como : " ¿ Quién es el más atractivo?
And I think that that's something that the women at Dartmouth who hooked up with the fraternity brothers didn't really know.
Y creo que es algo que las mujeres de Dartmouth que salían con los hermanos de las Fraternidades no sabían.
That is who you should be focusing on and anybody else who's trying to infiltrate us.
Eso es lo que usted debe centrarse en y cualquier otra persona que está tratando de infiltrarse.
I know, and that's why you are ready for me to tell you about who you are.
Lo sé y por eso es que ya estás listo para decirte quién eres.
That's how long supernatural beings have been allowed back in Mystic Falls and I already know someone who's dead because of it.
Eso es el tiempo que los seres sobrenaturales llevan pudiendo volver a Mystic Falls y ya conozco a alguien que está muerto por ello.
And who's that?
¿ Y quién es?
And then I'm gonna go home and fuck my hot wife, who's not even that hot, and kind of looks like a dude! Yeah! Yeah!
¡ Y luego me voy a ir a casa a f... con mi pedazo de mujer, que ni siquiera está tan buena e incluso parece un tío!
and who's this 56
who's that 2692
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that from 19
who's that for 26
that 10639
who's that 2692
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that from 19
who's that for 26
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
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that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20