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Anime traduction Espagnol

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A - Assume a cheerfulness you may not feel.
Una alegría que la anime un poco.
Don't encourage him.
No le anime.
Perhaps things will get enlivened if that shooting stampedes the cattle.
Quizá la cosa se anime si los disparos provocan una estampida.
Perhaps some tea will revive you.
Quizás le anime un poco de té.
Maybe that'll cheer him up a little, huh?
Quizá eso le anime un poco.
It might cheer him up.
Quizá le anime.
Yeah, but you'll cool off.
Sí, pero no se anime.
And when you really want to get this party rolling, just give us the high sign.
Y cuando quiera que la fiesta se anime, sólo avísenos.
- Don't encourage me to talk shop.
- No me anime a hablar.
I might even take a crack at painting some myself.
Puede que incluso me anime a pintar.
Perhaps it will encourage you to know that I too have made a fool.
Quizá le anime saber que a mí también me ha puesto en ridículo.
Then, when Mitsuko gets angry, why don't you invite her for dinner or something to cheer her up?
Entonces, cuando Mitsuko esté de mal humor, ¿ por qué no la invita a cenar o algo que la anime?
She's to ride before us as a sort of symbol, a figurehead for the soldiers to rally around.
Cabalgará frente a nosotros como una especie de símbolo - Que anime a los soldados.
No by the love of Janice and all his 2 face Janissaries, she will not rally me around.
- Pues yo no necesito que me anime.
Don't encourage him.
No lo anime, tío Laureano.
It may pick him up a little, raise his spirits.
Quizá le anime un poco, le levante el ánimo.
Something to help us out.
Algo que nos anime.
If you see her, tell her to cheer up and that I love her.
Si la ve, dígale que se anime y que la amo.
Don't encourage me.
No me anime más.
Give us a song to cheer.
Danos una canción que nos anime.
Oh, I'm completely relaxed.
No se anime tanto.
Maybe a twist of lemon would help this, or a shot of Worcestershire.
Quizá el limón anime esto. O un poco de Johnnie walker.
Listen to me. Since people here took care of me so well, I don't want to leave them just before it gets busy.
Oye, ya que la gente de aquí se ocupa de mí tan bien, no quiero dejarles justo antes de que esto se anime.
Root from the grandstand.
Pues anime desde la tribuna.
Cheer up?
¿ Que me anime?
Not that I'm for encouraging that sort of thing, you understand.
No es que anime esa clase de comportamiento.
- It might cheer you up.
- Quizá te anime.
Just let him try.
Que se anime.
And the winning post's no end, even though barmy crowds might be cheering themselves daft.
Y ser el ganador no es el final. Aunque la gente anime hasta quedarse tonta.
I don't want to encourage you.
No es que te anime.
- She told me to encourage you -
- Dice que te anime...
I'll offer up a little song myself.
Si nadie va a actuar, seré yo quien anime la velada.
"I've wanted one so much but I never dared say."
"Lo he querido tanto pero nunca me animé a decirtelo"
Well, I'm sorry, Burley, but I thoughtlessly got the man started... and I can't do a thing with him.
Lo siento, Burley, pero precipitadamente lo animé... y ya no puedo controlarlo.
- I never encouraged him.
- Nunca le animé.
I've always loved very feminine clothes, but never quite dared to wear them.
Siempre me ha gustado la ropa muy femenina, pero nunca me animé a usarla.
"It's all right, Charlie, go ahead."
Y yo le animé a que lo fuera.
I kept away as long as I could. And then, finally, one Sunday afternoon, I got the courage and went up to see him.
Me mantuve lejos todo lo que pude y al final, una tarde de domingo, me animé y fui a verlo.
But after I got over the shock, I found myself rooting for Vernon like mad.
Pero cuando lo superé, animé a Vernon como una loca.
I made him a cup of tea - cheered him up - and the next day he went.
Le preparé una taza de té, le animé, y al día siguiente se fue.
And I didn't feel like giving it up.
Y no me animé a dejarla.
I know, but you were so very kind to me last night that it gave me the courage to ask for the money I need.
Lo sé, pero fue tan amable conmigo anoche que me animé a pedirle el dinero que necesito.
Are you trying to say I encouraged it?
¿ Estás diciendo que le animé?
Naturally, I didn`t encourage him.
Naturalmente, no le animé a hacerlo.
I encouraged him to step forward.
Yo le animé a que fuera.
Captain, it wasn't his fault... I encouraged him.
Capitán, no fue culpa suya yo le animé.
I gave you courage.
Yo te animé.
- I didn't feel like it.
- No me animé. - ¿ Por qué?
Therefore, I'm sure that I encouraged him a Iot to start making movies to produce and direct, because he knew a Iot about film.
De manera que, estoy seguro de que Io animé mucho para que se metiese a hacer películas, producir y dirigir, porque él conocía bien cine.
I was only trying to encourage little Ringo to enjoy himself.
Sólo animé al pequeño Ringo para que disfrutara.
Miss Marple, I do assure you, I gave that woman no encouragement.
Señorita Marple, le aseguro que no la animé a que se comportara así.

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